21. Safe Houses Are Meant To Be Fucking Safe!

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A/n well after working for 16 days straight I've written this and have completely and utterly crashed. I've come down with the sickness. (See what I did there? Hahaha I'm high on painkillers tbh) I'm also so damn tired and am hoping to sleep for three days straight. Anyways. Here's the next chapter for y'all loving amazing people!


Drew Garrett POV

Cassidy will be fine. She knows what she's doing. She's fine. She's only in an extremely dangerous situation and I get to see everything through her eyes - which if anything bad happens I get to see it first hand. This really isn't making me feel better.

"She'll be fine." I turn away from the wall I was staring at to face Archer. I nod absentmindedly. I had this feeling in my gut and I don't think it was Archer's cooking that had me feeling this way.

There was just something I didn't like. It wasn't just the way Demitri and his brother and cousin looked at her, it was...it was something else. There was a missing piece that I just couldn't seem to see and it was doing my head in.

Something is Hinky.

"-just something that I have to do" my ears focus back and I hear a conversation that Xander and Rafael were having. Archer and I turn to face them, Rafael was wearing his - what Archer and Alistair call his 'Mafia-Man Suit' and Xander was doning his casual sweatpants and one of Rafael's shirts. He looked tired and also as though he had been thoroughly fucked recently - given his hair was sticking up everywhere.

"I get that, but what's going on? Something's got to be wrong for you to stop all of a sudden and freak out. What was that text message?" Xander asked thoughtfully even though his tone had a timid edge to it.

Rafael seemingly cursed in his natural tongue as he ran a hand over his face before continuing to tie his dark Navy coloured tie.

"-i just had this feeling that something was-"

"- is Hinky." I cut him off to finish his sentence. Rafael spares me a glance as he nods at my answer.

"-i had one of my men run a diagnostic and it seems that the locations of my facilities have been compromised. Its only a matter of time befor-"

All of a sudden alarms start blaring. Casey comes sprinting into the lounge from the office nextdoor clutching his arm as blood runs down it "they're the motion sensor alarms!" Ethan states rushing in behind Casey attempting to hold Casey's wobbly self up, his hair was red with matted blood.

"Nico is- needs help- Someone hit me over the he- don't know wher Alista-" Archer grabs him as he collapsed into his arms.

"I found him in the office, he's computer is gone which means our tech is gone. They know that Cassidy is one of ours if not they'll find out soon."

"Get him out of here Archer! Xander go with him-" Rafael starts barking orders and simultaneously opening his bag and pulling out a gun and giving it to me.

"Where's Leon?" I ask suddenly. "-and Declan?" I dart down the hallway of the house towards the bedroom shoving open the door. Leon was leaning up again Declan's empty bed clutching his stomach.

"Alistair- they got to him. He took Declan and he-" Leon coughed and winced as he pushed harder on his stomach. Ethan ran into the room with a grim look on his face.

"There's a bomb! We've got to get out!" Ethan grabs one of Leon's Arm while I grab the other.

Making out way as fast as possible out of the house, we were greeted with Archer, Xander and Casey.

"Where's Rafael?" Ethan asks.

"He went inside to get Nico, there he-" Xander was cut off by a loud explosion. The force of the blast sent us to the ground and Rafael flying from its force towards us.

Coughing loudly from the smoke Ethan treated Leon and Archer held onto Casey while Xander helped Rafael to sit up.

"I couldn't get him out." Rafael coughed harshly. "-Nico's gone."

"-and Alistair has Declan."

"-We have no way of contacting Cassidy. They know she's undercover."

"This whole thing is a fucking clusterfuck" Casey groaned as he mumbled out his words. "-but I have a back up receiver, we can send an encrypted message to Cassidy's contact cameras at least she'll know that she's in danger."

"I've got my men on their way. We'll have to regroup and get in touch with Cassidy. But for right now, she's on her own." Rafael states as he squeezed Xander to his side.

God. Give them Hell Cass.

A/n heeeyyy nice readers...don't want to hurt the incredibly sorry author do you?...

I'm so fucking sorry! Okay! I hate myself! I can't even look at myself without glaring at my reflection. I promise! That. If you keep reading - even while still hating me - that everything will be explained. He had to happen. For the story. Sigh. Just maybe just keep your hatred for me quiet? Like just a little bit? Curse me out and whatnot but keep reading so you know the reasons.


Peace out!

I'm. So. Sorry.

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