14. You Have To Do The Voice Daddy

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A/n hey guys! Sorry this is 2 days late. But here you go!

Leon Artemis POV

He looked up to me with the blue eyes he got from his mother. He also smiled like her, a slightly lopsided wide smile bearing all his teeth. With his eyes sparkling in the light. Even after everything that has happened he hadn't lost his innocence. He still had that spark.

"Daddy? Ah You okay?" Declan asks me mispronouncing the 'r'.

"Yeah little man, I'm just worried for your momma." Declan's face falls and makes a pout as he looked up at me.

"Auntie Cass says you bame yourself, but it not true" He states with confidence.

Of course Cassidy knows I blame myself, she's got some freaky sixth sense about it. If I had just looked for her when she disappeared. But I believed Grant. I believed him when he said that they broke into the warehouse and that they were running.

"Daddy?" My eyes snap back to Declan as he held out a book that Drew and Cassidy had picked up from Lucy's appartment a few hours ago. -along with his clothes and other belongings of his and Lucy's.

I took the book and began reading. The book was about a rabbit and his friends? How can a fox and a rabbit be friends? Foxes eat rabbits? And that owl is the same size as that deer? Thats impossible not to mention terrifying.

"Daddy! You gotta do the voices!" Declan giggled as he pointed at the frog who was named Hippity.

Reading bed time stories is hard.

Voices? What voices?

Clearing my throat I began the sentence again in a slow toned voice. "Riiibbbiittt' Hippity stated with glee as Sly the Fox and bumper the rabbit chased after him as they played tag."
Declan giggled loudly at the silly voices I made as we continued through the book.


Declan's eyes drooped closed and the smile never left his face. I kissed his forehead and whispered goodnight.

As I made my way out of the room in the smallest voice I heard him mumble. "Daddy love momma and get her back for us..."


It was nine o'clock as I made my way to get dinner. I made my way into the kitchen and saw Cassidy eating a piece of cake as she sat on the counter.

"Thats unsanitary you know" I grunted out with a laugh. Cassidy snorted as she put another spoonful of chocolate cake into her.

"You should of walked in an hour ago when Archer had Casey here, if you think me sitting here is unsanitary..." My face screwed up as Cassidy laughed.

"I may not have a photographic memory but that picture is burner into my brain in the worst possible way." I made a noise of disgust as I walked towards the cupboard.

"There's left over pasta in the fridge from dinner. I fought off Nico and Archer for it but it's all yours." I nod my head in thanks.

Taking the pasta out of the fridge and placing it in the microwave.

"Leon, we're going to get her back. Stop beating yourself up about it."

"Can you stop reading my mind?" I grunt.

"Can you stop blaming yourself?" She mocks me in a low manly voice.

"Maybe." I sigh.

"-look, me and Case are really close, we've narrowed it down to three houses and are going through the footage to find her. But even when we do you can't just half ass it. You'll get yourself and probably all of us killed. You have Declan to worry about now too. We've got Rafael with us now and he's got the backing of his family. But Drew and I want in on it. Have Casey and Arch hang back and watch Declan. Besides, Casey and I talked and he was worried about infiltration. He's worried that he wouldn't be able to hack on the fly. Drew wants to help too and you've all but sidelined him and I know that's because of me."

"What? No!" I rush out.

"Yes it is Leon, you sidelined Drew because we're together. You - whether you did it on purpose or not you sidelined him because you didn't want him or me to go through losing someone like you lost Lucy. Drew was the one who pointed it out to me. He cares about you Leon we all do. And you need us to play to our strengths and that includes Drew and I being with you when we find her and get her back. Hell she fell in love with you I gotta meet her." Cassidy laughs lightly after her sarcastic comment at the end of her statement that had me suppressing a grin.

"Okay. I'll let Archer and Casey know the change of plan. You do your teeth and get to bed." State as I turn off the microwave.

Cassidy snorts loudly. "Yes dad" she emphasises before snickering and jumping down off the counter and leaving the room.

A/n hey guys I'm so sorry this was a couple of days late. But to make up for it I've already written the chapter for Saturday so I just have to post it for y'all on Saturday. I do also have a question for you!

I'm thinking of a couple of spin offs. So I was wondering which characters you'd be interested in reading about next. Any characters stand out? Any favourite characters you want to fall in love? Let me know!

Till next time!


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