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richie and eddie

• friends to best friends to lovers

• mutual ! pining !

• richie knew about his crush on eddie before eddie knew about his crush on richie

• bev was the first to find out about richie's crush

• richie is the little spoon

• "i love you, eds. even more than i love your mom"

• the first time they had sex, richie came too early and eddie never let him live it down

• they probably get high together

• non ! sexual ! neck ! kisses !

• richie is vv whipped and the losers (high-key) make fun of him for it

• richie probably sneaks in through eddies window

• they don't go on dates; more so adventures

adventures that involve running away from the bowers gang

• richie is eddies dance with danger

• eddie loves richie's hands and hair

• they can instantly tell if something is wrong

• they spend the most time together out of all of the losers

• richie tells eddie bad pick-up lines when he's sad because they make him laugh (he also kisses his palms)

• eddie gives richie forehead kisses and cuddles when he's sad

• hand ! holding !

• eddie kissed richie first

• they were studying on eddies bed and richie kept looking at him and his hair was all messy and their knees were touching and he decided "fuck it" and now here we are

ben and beverly

• the sweetest couple

• ben treats bev like a queen

• bev tends to gush about how great ben is to her

• bev thinks ben hanscom is the most handsome person on earth (she never forgets to remind him of that :))

• ben thinks beverly marsh is the smartest, bravest person on earth

• they love each other so much it's so beautiful :')

• they go on study dates and bev likes to try distracting him

• hand holding

• bev (and the rest of the losers probably) will fight whoever says ben isn't good enough for her

• ben writes bev poetry that makes her blush

• she's so smitten omg

• cheek kisses

• hand ! holding !

• bev is taller than ben

• ben sometimes still can't believe that bev is actually his girlfriend

• bev is so happy she has someone who is so good and kind to her

• bev likes watching ben study bc the facial expressions he makes when he's thinking or finally understands smth are really cute

• ben asked bev out in the most nervous way and bev thinks it was really cute

• their first date was the classic movies + dinner and ben even picked bev up and brought her flowers

• he really just was a gentleman for the whole night and he kept making her blush and wow bev really liked him

• ben dropped her off back at her aunt's place (bc her dad spontaneously combusted and her aunt lives in derry i don't make the rules) and bev kissed him on the cheek goodbye

• neither of them could stop smiling after that

• bev called mike and told him all about it as soon it was over

• even beverly didn't know how much of a romantic she was until she started going out with ben

• mike is the ultimate benverly supporter if anyone says anything he will throw hands

bill and stan

• sass™

• on occasion bill makes a really smooth comment and stan can't stop blushing after that

• bill barely stutters when he's with stan

• richie teases them a lot

• stan is really straight forward when it comes to pda so most of the times bill is caught off guard

• the go bird watching together bc bill thinks stan looks really nice when he talks about smth he's passionate about

• bill generally thinks stan is really pretty

• stan low-key likes sitting in bills lap

• they're that couple that acts like they've been together forever

• most people think they're just really good friends

• bill has a bad habit of giving stan hickeys

• they make out a lot

• bill takes stan to drive in theaters bc he thinks it's kinda cute when stan complains about how shit the movie is (again probably ends with them making out)

• stan makes no effort to hide their relationship

• "stan, the waitress n-n-knows my d-dad! you c-c-can't just s-say you want t-to eat me!"

• lots of eyerolls

• wordless conversations

• they are so in sync that even justin timberlake is shook

• bill tops

• they go on double dates with benverly

• bill and ben talk about books and stan and bev gossip

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