Saitama's Nightmare

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(Not erotic)

Is was a rainy afternoon, the wind cold, and the rain freezing. Dripping from the kitchen window ceil, and wetting the balcony bars. Saitama sat near the balcony doors and watched the rain fall. He was waiting. He was waiting for his better half, (y/n). She had left early that day, for work. She was bringing in money when there were no monster for Saitama to work with. They weren't rich but they weren't poor either. They live a comfy, and cozy life, together. They were happy. Genos lived up stairs in the condo, but he was out too. Saitama was bored beyond this mind, but couldn't wait for (y/n) to get home.

"Ah, It's raining hard out there. Maybe I should go get her."

Saitama got up from the floor and went to there bedroom, walking to his closet her fetched his hero suit. He really didn't need it, but he knew his girl loved him in it. He did too. When he was all suited he headed for the door. As he reached for the door, lightning strikes, lighting the whole room visble to him. The wind picked up and the rain grew heavier. He frowns and opens the door quickly. He didn't want (y/n) to be caught in a dangerous thunderstorm. Though what he didn't know was, the thunderstorm was no where near natural.


"Hey, (y/n) I got the base ready to go. Should I do the next project?", an friend asked.

"Go head, knock yourself out. Thank you.", (y/n) said with a smile. She watched her friend walk away to her desk and turned back to work on the animation. Lightning strikes and (y/n) jumps, and knocks a mug over. She silently gasps and gets up out of her chair. She crouched down and quickly picked is up the broken shards. She was sad, here husband Saitama bought her that mug. What would he say if he found out she broke it?

As she thought of the outcomes he finger slipped over a share. She winced and pulls back her hand. It was bleeding. She chipped her teeth fed up and just continued to pick up the shards, ignoring her wound. She cleans up the mess but ruins her shirt with her blood. She paid no attention.

She went to sit back down at her desk and continued her work.


All the other members of her job, turn towards the blood cuddling scream. I came from outside. "What's going on out there?", a person questions. With (y/n) the boss of the place she decides to see what was the issue. "You all stay here!", she rushed outside. When she got out side she met face to face with a giant monster.

It had clouds around its neck, and wrists. A few thunder clouds around it groin and backside. It's eye lit like lightning. Rain fell from the sky harder than ever. (What the...), (y/n) say looking at the monstrosity. She looks around the street to see no one in sight. She runs back inside, but as she was, she felt a heavy grip around her waist. She turned her head slight and it was the monster. Her eyes widen in fear, "Oh no. Zerdus! Zerdus call the hero Association! And keep everyone safe!" That was the last thing she said.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Saitama shoots up out of bed, looks next to him, and sees no one. With his sleepy eyes he frantically looks around the room. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!", he quickly gets out of bed and rushes to the door. "(Y/n)?!" He looks around calling his wife's name, but hears nothing. He heads down the hall as he hears a metallic noise. The sound grew louder and louder. When he was closest, he noticed it was in the kitchen. He passed through the doorway to find his beautiful wife cooking something. He mentally sighs in relief. He stood there a moment in silence, staring at her. She turn around to put away eggs, she jumps in surprise and let's go of the eggs. "Saitama!" Within the blink of an eye, Saitama had caught the eggs and placed them on the table.

He now sat at the table, cheek in hand, staring at his wife, with a poker face. She looks at him in concern, "Are you okay?" Saitama doesn't answer, she instantly knew something was wrong. She quickly cut off the stove, then made her way to the seat next to him and placed a hand on his back. "What's wrong hon?", she ask with a more smoother voice. This drove Saitama wild on the inside, but he contained himself. Her warm mood, and compassion got to him. He placed his head in his hands, rubbing his temples and eyes. (Y/n) frowns in concern, patiently waiting for an answer. "I...I had another nightmare.", he hesitated. (y/n) shoulders relaxed as she softly pushed down his arms to look at her. He looks at her and she asks, "Wanna tell me what happened?" Saitama nods and sighs. He was about to begin when (y/n) got up and pulled on him sleeve. He looks at her confused and she said, "Come with me." Saitama raised an eyebrow but followed out of curiosity.

She leads him into the living room and she sits down. Saitama looks at her from the door way and she smiles, holding out her arms. Saitama loved when she did this. He quickly made his way to her lap and laid down his head. She looks down at him and he looks up at her. She smiles, "Go on."

Saitama explains what happens in his story and (y/n) just listened. As he told his nightmare, she massaged and pepper kissed his head. He loved it when she dod this, there were many things she did that he loved. To him she had no flaws. Her (insecurity 1), (insecurity 2), (insecurity 3), (insecurity 4), her eyes, and laugh. All her insecurities were his favorites. She was a angel, no GODDESS to him.

When he finished he asks for advice. She smiles with her chubby cheeks, "There never going to hurt you or me. They will go away, with this powerful antidote.", she teases. Saitama shot up, "Really? Where do we get it?" (y/n) smiles and eggs him on. She gets up and looks back at him. "With...." "With?" She turns around and kisses him on the lips. Saitamas eyes widen as he look at her in between the kiss. Saitama soon smirks under the kiss and pull (y/n) down onto the couch. Saitama quickly pulls off his top and looks down at (y/n). (y/n) eyes widen as she shakes her head. Saitama smirks and begins to kiss her neck.

"Ready to eat?", she asks.


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