Saitama's 1st New Years With You

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Shoutout to SushiWise for being the 1st to vote on the last chapter. Thx!

Hope you all enjoy.


December 29th 3:30 p.m. (idk timezones are different)

Saitama walked down the same sidewalk home; bags in hand. He had just came from the store. He'd planned this spacial event for almost two months just like he did Christmas.

He had purchased red wine, chicken. and some desserts from your favorite shop. He smiled vicariously to himself. He knew if would be perfect for you. He was excited to see the beautiful smile on your face when you'd see his plan.

Once at him apartment door he had ran into Genos. Genos was closing and locking Saitama's front door.

"Oh. Hey Genos. You don't have to lock it.", Saitama lazily waved and put his hand back in his pocket. "Good afternoon Master.", Genos said facing Saitama. "Master, what have you brought?" "Oh, these? It's just some stuff for New Years.", Saitama said. Genos never really celebrated. "New Years? Master who are you celebrating New Years with this year?", Genos asked intrigued. "(Y/n).", Saitama stated with a light smile. Genos was happy for his master, ever since he knew Saitama; he'd always she him alone. Genos was happy Saitama had someone to spend the cold holidays with. "Alright, master. Have fun.", Genis said waving and walking down the steps. Saitama replied with an 'Uhm', as he opened his door and disappeared inside.

December 30th 9:45 p.m.

Saitama was lazing about the couch. He was in a call with you.

Phone call:

"She really did that, huh?"

"Yes! And then shes going to proceed to lie when my boss asks her about it."

"Really? I think you should tell the boss when everyone's left next time. Clear the whole situation up, okay?"

"Yeah, you right. I'll do that when I go back tomorrow."

You both talk for a while. Laughing, and telling stories of the week. Saitama was hesitant, but he decided to ask you.

"That reminds me. Are you off on the 31st?"

"Yes. Why do you have something planned~"

"Yea actually."

"Alright it's a date then."

"I'll pick you up."

"Okay. Love you Sai."

"Love you too, (n/n)."


Saitama tossed his phone in the other couch, as he looked up at the ceiling. 'I hope she'll love it.' Saitama flipped over the couches backside, and looked at the time. Its 10:00. Saitams yawned and scratched his stomach. Sluggishly walking t ik the bathroom. He takes a long warm shower, and dresses into his pajamas. Climbing into bed, he spotted a framed picture of you. He reached out and grabbed the mahogany'd frame. Tilting the picture towards his bedside lamp, to see clearer. He smiled at that cute smile of yours. Looking at it for a few more seconds, he kisses over your face and gently places in back on the nightstand, reaches for the lights handle, and slipped into the brown silky sheets you had bought for him on Valentine's Day. Finally slipping into slumber.

December 31st 6:45 p.m.

Saitama had showered again, and dressed in fancy casual. A blue flannel, with khaki pants, brown shoes, and a fancy watch given to him by you. He hand about an hour to go pick you up. Genos let him borrow his car, to take you back faster.

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