Saitama's Horny & Lonely

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You've been ignoring his text for weeks. He's been wondering where you were. Constantly checking his phone for messages, emails, calls, anything! Even if he's a friend to you, he still can't help but miss your company. Genos has seen this, daily. Saitama pacing the room, asking him for reminders. If he gets any calls, or rings. It's been pretty annoying for Genos. But Saitama is his friend and master, he's happy to help.

One day Genos has been assigned handfuls of missions and task by the Association. Which meant Saitama was home alone for the whole day, maybe even two days!

8:00 a.m.

Saitama flutters his eyes open. And quickly reaches for his phone. Nothing. No texts, calls, nothing. He sighs in sadness. Saitama sits up out of bed and yawns. He notices his pants were tighter than normal. He loosens his pajama ties and fiddles with the rim. Still the tightening sensation continued. He frowns and pulls back the covers, and a big tent pop's out. He panics, "Genos?!" He calls out making sure he was home alone. Nothing. No answers. He frowns once more and looks at his 'problem'. Something crosses his mind. '(Y/n)'

He get out of bed and heads for his dresser. Rummaging around the first drawer he smiles and stops his movement. Pulling out a pair of female underwear. He quickly heads back to the bed and gets in. Settling down in his warm spot he looks down at the pair of panties he stole. He smiles to himself and his cheeks flush. Bringing the panties to his face, he heavily sniffs them. '(Y/n)'.

He turns a little and fixes his pillows and props then on the bed board. Then pulls the covers back further. He sit back against the fixed pillows and lowers his pajama bottoms and boxers. Then he unbuttoned his top and opens it, to rest against his arms. His places his hand around his cock. Then slightest of moment made him harden a little. He slowly rubs his cock against his hand, groaning a little.

He raises the panties and sniffs again. Gripping himself harder, he strokes his cock more. Thinking of his beloved, he moans her name. He continues to stroke his cock. Having wild fantasy of his crush.

She lowers her mouth down on my cock and engulfs it in her wet cavern. She bobs her head down slowly, moving her tongue around the tip. Soon heading down and licking the sides of me. I felt climax creeping up. She backs away and looks down at me with a lust filled grin, also stopping the feeling of climax. Apart of me wanted to cum. She takes off my shirt and gently touches my chest with her soft (s/c) hands. I blush as she moves in closer. Gently touching my cock and stroking it. I groan and plead for more. She kisses my lips and bites down on my bottom lip. I refuse to open my lips and she gently runs her finger past my shaft and grabs my balls. I moan and she quickly takes my mouth. Pushing her tongue deeper in my mouth. Our tongues playing and battle. With her the first to beat me, I groan hard. She bites my tongue and takes it within her lips. Then pushing past my tongue and licks my uvula. She soon stops the kiss and slowly pulls on my shirt. I take it off and await her quiet orders.

She pushed me down and traces my chest. Licking my neck and nibbling on my collar. I shiver under her touch more. Soon sucking on my nipples and licking down my chest to my abs. She leans from the action and unbuttoned her shirt. Underneath was nothing. No bra, or underwear. I blush as she smiles at my timid reaction. Her body was so beautiful, even under the moonlight brought by the window. Her cute nipples caught my eye, I wanted to suck them. My thoughts were interrupted as she sits down on my stomach, I feel her wetness dip on and between the creases of my abs. She lowers her womanhood and slide me inside, slowly. Feeling a pint of climax return it stops. She rests on my stomach, with hands and pants. I wait and give her time to adjust after all I don't want to hurt her or her to hurt herself. She soon moves but I stop her. She looks at me confused with a little fear in her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I smile and shake my head no. She waits even longer as I ask of her so she can fully adjust. With her wetness soaking my cock I feel a pressure in my lower self. She moves up and then down on my cock. I moan a little as I feel her insides. She was so soft, warm, and beautiful. My cock twitched inside her. She begins to ride me. Bouncing up and down with her cute breasts following. After a few minutes she lowers down a few times, and I feel a burn in me. I knew she was getting weak, due to less stamina than me. I flip her over and start pounding in her. I softly place my hands around her back. Her (boob size) boobs bounce, as she moans with me.

Even if some male and females think it's wrong for males to moan during sex, she accepts me. I moan along with her. I begin to suck on her buds as I thought before. After 20 minutes of moving in her womanhood, I feel myself tire. My movements slow down as she moans with me. I feel climax rise in me. I quickly hug her (body type). I feel her belly against my abs. I pound in her one last time, deeper and embrace her lips with mine. I release my semen in her. She twitches under the moment. I hug her tighter as she does too. Feeling the her womanhood tighten once more I end up filling her with my seed again.

I stroke my cock one last time. Filling the room with my moans. I clutch her underwear once more. I release my semen as I twitch with arousment. Thinking of her made it a better experience. My semen flies across the sheets and leaks on my hand. I pant as I smell myself all in the room.

One day I want me and (Y/n)'s smells of love will fill this room. To feel her hand on my body, to fill her with my seed. And to share a strong bond of love. Forever.

I look over at my nightstand and see my phone a lit. I pick it up and see a missed message. I open messenger, it was from (Y/n). The message read....

Hey, Saitama. I got all your missed calls and messages. Sorry I was visiting my mother in (home country) I'm coming over.

P.s. I got you some souvenirs. :)

I smile to myself. Shes so cute with her emoji's. 'Wait. She's coming over?!'

'Bing Dong'

"Oh no!"

𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | (Saitama's Scenarios X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now