"You read Fanfiction of Who?!"

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"Alright Sai, I'll cook dinner when I'm back. Bye!" I nod, and y/n leaves and shuts the door. I sat legs crossed at the living room table as I stare at the tv, and rests my head in my palm. The tv goes about whatever the station was, and my eyes glued to it. I then smile to myself cheekily, 'She was hiding something from me earlier on her PC.'

I head to her office room, and sit down in her computer chair. I power on the computer, and click the internet function. I look for her browser history and search for the website she was on.

From the little glimpse I saw while she was trying to hide it earlier, that's all I could remember; the websites name. 'Wattpad.'

Her supposed account had auto login with 'ooggle', so I got in easily. To me it looked like any normal reading website. 'But why was she trying to hide it from me?'

Then a little bar popped up below. Which read, 'Continue...your last book you've read?'

I click the bar to only stumble across a Saitama x reader book. I gasp and frown, gripping the desks edge. 'She's reading a book about me?!'

I then look the the side of the page, and it listed more books that were apparently 'similar' to this one. Thought at the vary bottom it listed a bar that reads, 'My Favorites'. She had two (fav emoji's) decorating the beginning and end of the lists name. I click on it. The screen then displayed a bigger font of the list and in-scripted a description below. The description read: 'A beautiful list of my favorite reads or books I've completed and enjoyed!' I smile underneath my hand, which covered my mouth.

She had so many books, and they're mostly all about me! Some were about some wannabe hero's from anime's like (insertanime) and (insertanime) that we watched together. I roll my eyes, 'Unlike me I'm a real hero. Real~' I smirk satisfyingly underneath my hand. I continue to scroll down the list till one caught my eye.

With immeasurable curiosity, I double click on the book cover, and read the synopsis.

'You shipped with Saitama. Plenty of NSFW(erotic) and SFW scenarios to plague your mind. Enjoy!'

'Nsfw?', I question the acronym. 'Erotic!?', I think surprised. 'I'm over here watching porn, and Y/n is over there reading it? Wow, must be difficult. Or at least for me...I gotta see my shit.', I smirk. I pay my attention back to the book, and ponder in reading one or some. I slide the chair back to look at the clock plastered on the hallway wall.

'5:23 p.m.', I think and hum to myself. "I have time to read some before she comes back.", I say and slide back to the computer.

I was so engrossed in the list that I found and scrolled through that eventually I lost sense of time.

"Sai~ I'm home!"

I did bother getting up from the computer chair. I just decide to sit and wait for her to come in. 'This is too important to not NOT talk about with her.'

"Sai~! Sai~?", I heard her call from the living room.

I heard rustling of bags and thumping of her feet as she grew closer to the room.

"Sai! I'm ho-Ommmaggghh!!! W-what are you doing!!!!??? Get off of my computer!", she yelled angrily. I just sat in the chair, legs and arms crossed.

"No.", I say.

Her eyes widen as she was taken aback by my response.

"What!? 'No'~? Sai. Get. Off. My. Computer!!!", she yells.

I blinked, "No." "And why not?", she asked gritting her teeth, and gripped the door knob as if she was trying not to get physical. "Well I wanted to talk about something with you. Something very concerning, that I found on your desktop.", I said. "And what would that be? Huuumm???", she asked as she had a small smile that formed into a grit, anger filled grin.

I paid no mind to the expression on her face. I turn the the computer, and smugly caressed the mouse, as I search for the book cover of my interest of questioning. Once found, I turn the computer screen to her. "What's this?"

The once anger fill face, drained to a mortified expression. Her hand fell from the poor door knob.

"O-oh, heh. Uh, um w-what's up?", she did an one-eighty. I smiled to myself, 'Got her.'

"Oh, I don't know. I stumbled upon the interesting book. It called 'Saitama Loves You| (Saitama Scenarios X Reader)'.

She fidgeted and rubbed her hands together. "U-Um, w-what about it?", she asked nervously.

I get up off the chair and quickly sweep her off her feet. Her looking up surprised at my actions, "W-What are you doing? Put me dow-"

I drop the attitude and look at her seriously. "I'm hurt, you turn to books like that? Really?"

"What about it? You don't like it?", she asked offended. "No no, believe they're good. But, if you know you have the real deal.", I say.

"What?", she asks genuinely confused.

I sigh. "I mean I can make those chapter real.", I smirk.

Y/n being to fluster and fidget as she soon realize what I mean.

"And we~ Have all the time in the world." I capture her lips into a sweet kiss and embraced her, which she returns the mood and affection. When the kiss died, she looks up at me, "Before that..."

I raise my brows in question.

"Don't go on my computer again."

I chuckle, "Okay okay."

𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | (Saitama's Scenarios X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now