Saitama's Issues Pt 2

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Part One was the 4th chapter I published. Yeah, Ik. It was a while back. Kinda got carried away with the NSFW, and the other stuff. Honesty looking back, I shoulda just finished it then. Enjoy!

Saitama carries you throughout the house, as both your tongues danced in a kiss. When you both arrived at your shared room, Saitama easily opened the door, and didn't struggle with closing the door. He gently placed you in the bed, and continued to kiss you. You both took turns in taking off a piece of clothing. In the kiss you began to feel dizzy, as you hummed into the kiss.

When both of you were now naked, Saitama halted the kiss. He gave you a look of uncertainty. "What's the matter?", you asked. "Are you sure about this?", he asked. You smiled, "Of course silly. I'm your wife, what else should I do BUT help." Saitama then gives you a weary smile. You both then connected your lips once more.

During the wet, and heavy kiss, you could feel Saitama spreading your legs a bit. Not paying any mind to his actions, you soon flinch, and shudder as you feel on of Saitama's fingers gently caress the lips of your womanhood. In reflex, you legs, quickly began to close, but Saitama used his arm to keep them from closing entirely.

Saitama caressed, and teased you clit, as you tried your best to endure, and keep kissing. Saitama decided on his own to take a step forward. Still humming in the kiss, you feel a pressure push straight into you. Your eyes widen, and you break from the kiss, "S-Saitama!? Wha-" Your lips are then taken once again, he didn't even consider you continuing that sentence.

You began to squirm about, as Saitama continued to finger you, while also rubbing your clit with his thumb. Saitama left the kiss and decided to take a minute to look at your reactions. You heavily breathe as he fingered you. He noticed how you lightly gripped the sheets, and your body twitched a few here in there. Also how your inner walls slightly pulsates about his fingers. Saitama smiles to himself, he was glad he was making his wife happy at the moment.

Saitama's attention then directed towards you lonely breasts. If he could or couldn't tell if your buds were erect, he then captured one of your nipple with his wet, and warm cavern. "Ah!", you moaned out' and shook a little more.

"S-Sai! T-his is too...much. Ah!"

Saitama decide to ignore you, as Saitama hooked his finger, and thrusted into you you a little deeper. Your body felt weird as Saitama continued to hit a certain spot deep within you. "Ah~ Sai!"

"Sai! Please! Don't just pleasure me! I feel- Ah!"

Saitama smiles to himself. He knew he was going overboard, but he just loved how you reacted.

'Cute', he thought.

While he was in though, you care all over his finger. You shivered as your quiet orgasm presented. Saitama was taken aback at how you reached, an grabbed his other hand while you orgasmed. He smiled and decide to stop teasing you. When he removed his fingers from your form, he look at his hand. His fingers were covered in your liquid, and dripping from his plan to the bed sheet. He then looked at you exhausted and shaky leg, you womanhood oozed with that very same liquid on his fingers.

Saitama unhesitatingly captured his fingers to clean them off, and he then took what ever was left in his palm, and tried to coax his penis with the rest of your liquid.

He climbed onto the bed, positioned himself beneath you. You look past your body, from an angle and stared straight at Saitama. Sweat, slid down your cheek.

Saitama smiles, "Are you ready?"

You exhaled, and nodded.

Saitama's penis touched you lips for a moment, till you felt them being pushed apart, and his manhood enter you walls. You inhaled, and paused your breathing a moment. Saitama stopped at your actions, and frowned with concern. Fire it wasn't y'all first time doing this, so....

"Are you alright?", he asks. You nod. Saitama then fully pushes his penis in you and the tip hits directly onto your sweet spot. Your inner walls clench, and grip down on Sai's penis. This made Saitama eager, he then felt the need to tease you. Saitama gently began to trust in and out of you. Saitama hugged you closer, and you wrapped your arms around his back. You both connect lips and kiss for the longest. Everyone and then looking into each other's eye, exchanging 'I love you's' and whispering sweet-nothings into each other's ear.

This continued for a while. You both indulge yourselves in multiple rounds.

Eventually you both climax and that's how (f/kids/n) came into the world, due to you both forgetting a condom.

See ya!

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