"Cause you can't get enough of this."

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Hello, beautiful people! Hope your day is wonderful!

Thank you @xxyangxx2006 for you help.


It's been two weeks since you've ordered online a different variety of sex toys, and you found something interesting. A strap-on.

So you decided to try it out with you boyfriend, Saitama. You hadn't told him this, but your hoping it'll be a surprise that he would at least try. Thought if not, you could always persuade him into it, by jerking up the price up a bit it. Saitama's worst fear, wasting money~

You prepared the box full of toys, and placed finally at the very bottom.

'The best for last.', you thought with a chuckle, then slide the box under the bed.

You looked at the time, 6:45 pm, Saitama left for a supermarket deal with Genos four hours ago. He should be back at least one hour later.

You decided to get started on dinner, and wait till Saitama's return.

When he did return, he was offered a late dinner.

"Thank you for the food!", he mumbled then dig in. You smiled cheekily, and sat down in the seat across from him, and proper you head in your palms.

You continued to smile, and soon hum as he ate, which went noticed by Saitama:

"Um did something good happen today?", he asked. "Oh no~ Nothing in particular~", you answered and continued to hum a melody.

Saitama furrowed his brows and just shook his head, "Well you seem more happy than usual."

"What am I not supposed to be happy?", you asked a little confused. Saitama flinched, "N-No! No. That's not what I meant. It's just....idk...you just seem happier that usual. I'm happy about it."

You sat back in your chair, and sighed. "Well I am excited.", you hinted.

Saitama raises his brows, "Oh?"

You smiled mischievously, "After dinner."


"And what's this great surprise you have for us?", Saitama asked siting on the beds edge.

You smiled from your side and ducked down to pull out the box.

"This.", you sought the box onto the bed, and waited for his reaction.

Saitama shifted his weight on the bed, to turn around a dog inside the box.

He held up all kinds of v*brators, d*ldos, and a few bottles of lube.

Saitama clickled his tongue, "Dis you get bored of how we usually-" "No. I just wanna try something new.", you interrupted.

"Okay.", Saitama said simply. "Really? You'll try this with me?", you asked excitedly. "Yea sure why not.", he said nonchalantly.

"Okay, okay.", you quickly placed the items back into the box. "Wait...", you said.

Saitama 'hum'ed as response.

"I wanna try just one thing tonight actually."

"And what's that?", he asked. You smiled.


"Hey, (Y/n), why do I have to be tied up? Ain't it supposed to be the other way aroun-" "NO!", you interrupted.

You evilly chuckled, as you fitted your bottom into the strap-on. "Hey can we not with the blindfold? It kinda makes me nervous.", he said. "Nope. Cause if you see, I know you'll say no. And if you break those cuffs I'll confiscate your hot-pot privileges. We'll be a hot-pot FREE household."

Saitama chopped his teeth and mumbled a 'Fine."

"Thank you.", you adjusted the strap-on to fit you, and you lathered the dildo with lube.

Saitama's POV (boi can't see ish)

I'm blindfolded, I'm handcuffed, and (Y/n) is try something. Can't nothing good come out of this.
"Hey can we not with the blindfold?", I ask. "Nope cause if you see, I know you'll say no. And if you break those cuffs I'll confiscate you got-pot privileges. We'll be a hot-pot FREE household.", (Y/n) said.

I chipped my teeth, 'What can she possibly want to try to threaten me and my hot-pot?!'

My thoughts we interrupted by the bed being shifted. "Ready!", she asked.

"Sure. I'm ready.", I quickly answered.

It was quiet, no sound nothing. Nothing but the feeling of my legs being lifted and something wet touching my ass.

"Woah! Woah! Ah! (Y-Y/n)?! W-what's that?! W-w-what are you doing?! Ah! Cold!"

I shuffle around, trying to get the cold object away from my butt. Then something hit me...

"Wait, (Y/n) what is that? Is that a..."

"Yep. Now stay STILL!"

I felt my backside getting stabbed. The pressure began to hurt, I felt something hit my lower stomach. "Ah! Agh!" My breathing began to labor.

I tried to calm down by staying still, the pressure hunters so much. She pushed it right in, "When it was our first time I went slowly! Come on!"


I felt her pull outward particularly. "Agh!"

'Feels like I'm being gutted!'

"Okay imma start going faster okay?"

"Wait- Agh! AH!"

I felt the dildo rub against my insides, but when she pushed down in a certain position, I could feel my penis welding up, and I instantly cummed.

"Wow, that was quick..."

I just ignored (Y/n)'s comentation and focused more on the sensation I felt. When she trusted that time it was different from the other trusts.

"(Y/n) i sware if this turns me into a homo imma hold you accountable!"

"Oh you wont."

"Oh yeah? What makes you think tAHHH!"

I then felt her weight on top of me, and felt my penis being surrounded by something warm and moist. 😖 "Ah!"

"Cause you can't get enough of this."


Hope you enjoyed. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

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