Saitama's Persistant Boner

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Her smile.

Her legs.

Her shoulders.

Her soft (s/c) skin.


Saitama's eyes pop open, as sweat drips down his forehead. His clothes soaked in sweat, and feet sore from the toe-curling dream.

A wet dream.

Saitama pulls the covers off only to find his manhood, standing tall and proud. Saitama sighs and lays back onto the pillows. Looking at the ceiling, he goes back to think about what he could remember from his dream. He closes his eyes, as he drifts back to sleep.

'(Y/n) looks at me seductively as she etched closer, causing me to retreat to the bed. "(Y/n)! What are you here? And why are you....NAKED!" (Y/n)'s eyes gleam a (e/c) glow as her eyes quint. She licks her lips and chuckles, "That me sweet, you need not worry...." (Y/n) inches closer, crawling up from the foot of the bed. I retreat futher back and with one of her knees on the bed she smiles, "Oh~ Sweety, why do you move away from me?", she asks teasingly. Then a though comes into the back of my mind, 'Why AM I backing away?' "(Y/n), I don't know what's wrong, but please don't do ANYTH-" (Y/n) quickly encloses me against the beds head board. 'Did she just...kabé-don me?!' Her eyes glint with lust as she smirks. She smothers he face against my neck, I feel a windlike sensation. 'Did she just smell me?!' I could feel (Y/n) smirk against me as she lowers her face down to my mid-neck. She looks up at me and smirks once again. Opening her mouth slightly her cute tongue exits her oral cavern. Saliva drips from her tongue, and lands on my abdominal. She gently places her wet, slimy tongue against my chest. I shiver at the feeling as she carries on to a sensitive area. My eyes shoot open as I feel her warm, and wet tongue come in contact with my nipple. '(Y/n)~', I whimper. I quickly slap my hand against my mouth, 'Did I just...' I see (Y/n) smirk triumphantly.

She then slowly places her cold hands at the rem of my boxers. I flinch at the feeling of her cold hands. She begins to pull on the rem of my bottoms, and the she drips her hand in targeting my cock. I gasp as her cold hand wrap around my cock. "(Y-y/n)~", I gasph. "Ssshhhhhh, let me. Take care. Of. You~", she whispers in my ear seductively. I nod impatiently, wanting her more and more.

She gently pulls the front rim of my underwear under my balls. (I cannot rn 🤣) "Ohh~ So hard Sai~ Do you want me to take care of it?", she asks teasingly while rubbing me gently. I nod as I shiver under her touch. "Okay." And with that....

She encases my cock in her warm, wet oral cavern. I shudder and squirm a little. She downs and ups my cock, as her wet saliva made it easier. "Ahh~" She continues to do this, while also rubbing my balls every now and then. When I felt a sensations build up...

I soon jolt up put of bed again. Missing and leaving a great dream far behind. I look around the room and then pull the covers off to find the same scene. I still had the boner.

Then I hear a door shut and a few shuffles downstairs. "Sai I'm home! Whew, work was tough! I'm never doing the nightshift no t ik me soon! Sai?", I hear her call. I look back and forth between my boner and then door. Like an idiot, I just pull the cover back over my lower half. 'Idiot!'

The door then opens to reveal (Y/n). "G-good morning baby.", I greet my love. She cutely smiles and holds out her arms, "Good morning Sai." Expecting a hug it never happens. She then frowns, "What are you doing? I wanna hug. Are you okay?", she asks worried. "No, no. I-I'm good.", I say gritting my teeth, the boner was beginning to hurt. (Y/n)'s presence wasnt helping either since she is most definitely the cause. (Y/n)'s (e/c) orbs trail down to me nervously griping the cover. She places her purse down on the dresser and quickly rips the cover off me. "No!" Her (e/c) eyes land right on my boner.

With a sigh, "Oh." Her shoulder relax and she shrugs off her sweater, and boots.

I'll leave you to take care of tha-

I quickly grab her hand and pull her back, into my lap though. "S-Sai!!!"

I whisper in her ear, "I know exactly who can help~"

Wanting to get back at her for teasing me. Even though I was a dream, I still feel conflicted about how she dominated me.

"W-who?! What?!", she frantically questions. I wink at her and she looks away. "Okay fine, but you owe me one!", she says annoyed. She reaches down to my boxer, but I gently grab her hand. "Huh?", she questions.

"No, I've got this. You done enough already, so let me take care of you~"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Don't worry about it." She would get what a enjam anyway. (His dream.)

I begin pulling off her clothes, "W-wait Sai no! Not now, I'm sweaty! I smell! L-let me shower first!", she whimpers in a panic. "I don't care.", I say smiling down on her cute form. "B-but-", I place my index finger against her soft, cute lips. Something I wanted to kiss so much. I place her naked form against my chest, her facing the opposite direction. I reach towards her clit and begin to punish that spot. "S-sai~", she calls my name.

I slid a finger down further, and come in contact with her slimy, warm core. I smile triumphantly. I pick her up and lay her down in a different position. "How do you want to do it?", I ask her. "Whatever way you want.", she says getting over her edge. "Alright." I position at her entrance, as she lays down on her back. Slowly, I slid in her wet core and stop. Giving her a few moments to adjust to the new movement, she nods. The room is soon filled with the sound of skin to skin. We moan and groan together as we are one in those moments.

Looking down at the love of my life. and her back at me, we kiss as we come together.

1114 words (excluding the intro and outro)

Happy No Nut November!!!!!! See ya!

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