Saitama Plans Your B-day PT.1(pt2cancelled)

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Any requests? I'll do it in the order as people comment. Hope your having a great
day. 😊

"Surprise! Happy Birthday, (Y/n)!"

Confused, bewildering, and taken a back. All you did was shop with your mom, and got a wonderful breakfast from Saitama. Who, what, and why did they throw such a party!? And for you of all people. You weren't special, just a girlfriend, daughter, and friend of many. Not some hero, or saint. Why?

I'll tell you why. So to start, let's go back to the beginning, shall we?

You raised from the soft sheets, that comforted your slumber, and wiped your tired eyes. With a small stretch of the arms, and a long yawn ending in a sigh. You looked around the room, nothing new, nothing special. Then I hit you. It's your 23 birthday! You quickly jumped out of bed and looked out the window. The sun shining bright just for you, not a could in the sky to ruin your day. You smiled to yourself and faced from the window. You march happily to the door, then a wonderful smell wafted your nose. 'Sai?', you ask yourself. You sneakily creep to the hallway door frame and peeked to see who was cooking.

Your eyes met with the handsome backside of your wonderful boyfriend. You smiled and watched him move about the kitchen, as he cooked. Then Saitama turned around to throw away the empty carton of eggs and he caught a glimpse of (h/c) which around the door frame.

He smiled to himself with a light chuckle, "Come on out, I know you're there." You quickly come in the kitchen and plop down in a chair at the table. Looking off to the left, you avoid eye contact with him, by withholding a smile or smirk. Saitama smiles and turns back to the sizzling eggs. You quietly sat in the stool, swiveling around in it, fidgeting your feet, and even fiddling with the pepper shaker in the table.

'I wonder if he knows what today is. Maybe he forgot, or maybe he's too busy to remember.... Naw, he's been home all week, he has to remember!' Your thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of the stove turning off. Looking over at Saitama he carried a plate towards you, with a big smile on his face. On the plate was beautiful fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, warm grits, and a pastry with a f/c candle a lit. Your (e/c) eyes widen, as you quietly gasp. Saitama sees the surprised excitement on your face and he smile at you. "Happy Birthday, (y/n).", Saitama says as he places the big plate infront of you and planted a kiss on your cheek. "Thank you! I love it, so much. It looks so delicious, and I'm starving." You looked back up at Saitama, "Thank you.", you say with a big smile. "Anything for the love of my life.", he planted a kiss on your lips this time. Without hesitation you excepted the kiss.

Saitama sat down in the set in-front of you. You picked your fork, but realized. "Um Sai?", you ask. "Hum?", he hums sweetly as he takes in all of your appearance and form. "Where's your plate? Aren't you gunna eat with me?", you ask. "Oh, I already ate.", he say. His gaze on you never faltered, it seemed as if he was distracted by you and you alone. "Well, I know you already ate, but...can we eat this together? It's a lot, and I wanna enjoy this with you.", you said modestly. Sai smiled, as his cheeks lightly dusted pink. "Well okay, BUT on one condition." You leaned in as a sign of you wanting to know the conditions. "You~ Let me feed you.", Saitama said as he lightly tapped you nose. You smiled and nod happily.

After breakfast you head for the living room. Though Saitama stopped you. "(y/n), get dressed." "Huh? Why?", you ask sitting down, and leaning over the couch arm to look at Sai. Saitama was scrubbing the dishes, "Your mom called and said she'd be over. She wanted to celebrate your birthday this year. Her flight should be over soon."

You quickly jumped off the couch, "What?!" Saitama sighed, took off his yellow gloves, and adjusted his apron. He turned to you, "Your mom is coming over. She wanted to take you out for your birthday this year..." "I know you said that, but why?  How come you and my mom are close friends that she couldn't tell me first? I mean, she could have called." Saitama crosses his arms, "So you don't wanna hang with your mom?", he raised a brow. "N-NO! No, that's now what I meant. Never mind, I'll get dressed." Defeated you walk down the hall and exit the room. "By the way, her she should be here about 10-ish!", Saitama lies, but it's not like you'd know. "Okay!"

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