Saitama Kidnapps You

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Shoutout to @Ilovereadingbooks234 They've just been doing the most out here. Thx!



Darkness was all you could see, as you jolted up from slumber. 'W-What?! Where am I?!', you think you are scared. Think of moving around, you use your arms to get up, but you fall back to the ground, with a chain rustling after. 'W-what, a chain?', you think you stund. 'I've been kidnapped. I don't know by whom. Think (y/n), what were you doing before? Have you made anyone mad lately or recently?', you wonder about your thoughts looking for answers, soon NOT hearing a door being opened along with some footsteps. 'Oh! There was this time when I tripped and spilled (beverage) on this guys suit. What if he's the one who-", you thoughts halter when you only hear the last bit of the steps. 'Oh God I'm gunna die.'

Room was quite.

You kept silent.

The blindfold was quickly pulled off you. Your vision blurry, and eyes became weak to the light. You flinch, close your eyes, and turn your head away. Your eyes had quickly adjusted, you turn to see your captor.

A shiny forehead was in your line of sight. 'Saitama?!' You looked up at him with amazing, and soon confusion. Your eyebrows furrowed. "Saitama?! The caped baldy?! Wh-why?!", you said. He didn't react. "", was all you muttered. The room stayed quiet. Nor you or him said anything. He just keep his eyes on you, poker face and all. You could say you were scared, due to you being tied up with a dangerously strong hero. Or villian.

Saitama then got up from his squatting position, and disappeared it the dark shadows of whatever this place was. You could hear him. Fiddling, plundering, searching for something. Metal 'tinks' and 'clangs', as if he was messing with tools. Then thought of horror came to your mind, 'W-what's he going to do to me?'

You looked up and down, trying you best to get up, but then a sharp pain struck your neck, and a pounding headache formed. 'Ah!', you hissed in pain. Slightly recovering from your headache, you look up and try to get a peak out the high window behind you. All you could land a glimpse on was a green trashcan, sitting in an alleyway. 'Dang it!'

You turn back to your situation. He was still rummaging around in the dark. Your body shivered, 'What's he doing to do to me!? Why is he doing this?! Why me?! I'm so scared. Someone please come find m-'

Your thoughts halt.


The rummaging stopped.

No 'tinks'.

No 'clinks' or 'clanks' of metal.


They were closing in.

You could has swarn they were echoing. Bouncing off the walls of this dark room. Your brain began to spin, your stomach churn, and your limbs shake.

He steps into the light, holding something. Your (e/c)'s widen, teeth clenched down on your lips.

Saitama smiles at you.

You shiver at his smile. How could! He's about to kill you, and he's smiling.

He squats once again, "Those big, beautiful, (e/c)'s....", he comments.

Your eyes still wide, your brows furrowed. He smile disappears, and forms a pout. "Awww, don't look at me like that~ You act like your terrified.", he says as he reaches his hand out. You flinch, close your eyes, and turn away. Then feeling movement of your hair. You slowly open your eyes as he fiddled with a (coil, strand, curl, kink) of your hair. "So soft. So delicate. So...beautiful.", he added exaggeration to his last sentence. You furrowed your brows in confusion, as a tear slipped out. Saitama retracted his hand, "Darling, why are you crying?", he asked with genuine worry. You continue to tremble in fear, and Saitama continued to ask, "What's wrong darling? Why are you crying? Who has upset my girl?"

With all his endless questions, you cave in and ask, "Why?! Why are you doing this?! What have I done to you?!" Your tone started off weak them into a bit of rebellion. Saitama frowned, "(Y/n). Do not. Raise. Your. Tone. At me." You cries stop, then all the emotions wielded up inside you, ready to burst. As it did.



Your cheek felt hot, and a sting started to form. Your eyes widen as realized what just happened. He just hit you. He just hit you across the face. Finalizing your thoughts about what just happened, you taste blood in your mouth. The taste of iron filled your taste buds, making your stomach churn after swallowing you saliva thickly.

You turn your gaze at your captor. His hand still extended near you face. A single tear fell from your eyes.

He has a stern, yet poker faced frown.

"I'm sorry (Y/n). But what did I just say?", he asks expecting a response from you. You just continued to look at him,eyes wide, and your mouth agape.

Saitama sighs and grips the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Alright, since your going to be unresponsive, and rebelling against me; your gunna stay here for a week. He turns from you and begins to leave.

You eyes widen even more, and you regain your thoughts, and words. "W-Wait! I'm sorry! Please no! I'm sorry I promise I won't do it again! Please, just don't leave me in here!"

Saitamas steps come to a halt. He slowly turns to you serious face furrowed brows and he asks, "You aren't lying to be are you? Don't lie to me (Y/n)." His voice sounded strained. As if you just hired him in a way.

You just look at me, taken aback by his expression.

Not answering him, and reassuring him that you we're at lying, he just continues to leave. He opens the door, walk through and shut it, leaving you to ponder. With the little light you have from the window in this dark room.

All by yourself

With your thoughts.


Hope you enjoyed! See ya!

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