Saitama Wants to Bathe

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(Y/n) and Saitama are newly weds. Exactly 2 months married.

You had been working around the house all day. Then sitting down to relaxed in the heat. Even if Saitama could withstand it, you surely couldn't.

Sweat soaked you shirt, and leg'd stick to the floor. Even touching Saitama made you annoyed.

"(Y/n).....(Y/n)....(Y/n)?", Saitama called out. He looked up from his manga and around the room. 'Where is she? I wanted to show her this hentai scene.'  He gets up from the floor and walks down the hall. As he passed the first few doors he spots a light on in a cracked door. The bathroom. Saitama quietly walked down and to the door. Peaking through the crack, (Y/n) can be scene taking off her soaked clothes. Saitama's face flushes as he looks at her body. '(Y/n)....' He continues to watch her right to the vary moment she sits in the tub. Then he gets a idea. 'I want to touch- HELP her. I'll wash her back.' Saitama straightened his posture and took a deep breathe. He knocks on the door and waits for an answer.

"Yeah?" Saitama smiles to himself. "May I come in?" He waits for (Y/n) to answer again. "Sure." He loved how she trusted him wholeheartedly. He calmly opens the door more and walks in closing the door behind him.

I look up from the door and see (Y/n) sitting in the tub. She looks at me with her big beautiful (e/c) eyes and smiles. I return the same expression, but with more love. "You look beautiful.", I say subconsciously.  I quickly cup my mouth in unnecessary embarrassment. Her smile disappears, and she blinks a few times. Her adorable smile soon returns with a cute chuckle too. The awkwardness I felt and imagined disappears, and her chuckle fills my heart. I smile too. 'So cute.'

"Do you need help?", I ask her. She smiles, She nods. I walk up to the tub and pick up the soap, she stops me and places a hand on mine. "Come in with me." I blush and hesitantly agree.

I walk over to the sink and begin to take off my shoes.  Then pants, shirt and finally underwear. I walk over to the tub and tap her shoulder. She turns around and smiles. She shoots over and pats the water. I get in the tub with a the water moving with me. As I relax my shoulders she holds up the soap and washcloth. I tilt my head in confused, and question. She smiles, and begins to later the washcloth in soap. Then she places her small hands on my chest. I flush at her actions and bit my lip. Looking down at her, she still had that adorable smile plastered across her features. "Is something wrong, Sai?", she asks. I snap back from my thoughts, "U-uhhh, Y-yeah..."

She smiles and continues to lather my chest in soap. I look down at her, the more I do, the more I notices her...features. Her (breast size) breasts pressed together due to her arms, her (e/c) eyes focused on my chest. Soft legs touching mine, her breathe hitting my neck. My face redded more, as I face away from her. I hear movement of water and she squeeze's out the washcloth. "There." I turn to face her, as she begins to clean herself off. I stop her and she faces me, "What's the matter?" "Let me wash you now.", I say. She smiles and nods, turning around I get full view of her cute back. I pick up the wash cloth and lather  it in soap. I began to scrub her back, and then I pull away. As I was about to rinse her back I noticed her head dip forward. It looked like she was sleepy. "(Y/n)?" I ask. No answer. 'She fell asleep. She did do a lot today. I'm so proud.' I pull her in my lap and have her head lean on my shoulder. I began to clean her chest, with the soap lather washcloth. Her (s/c) skin glowed under the light. She looked so cute.

When I finished I get out of the tub and place her against the side. Getting dressed I look back at her. I didn't want to wake her up. So I get a towel and began to dry her off the best I could. Finally I wrapped her in the soft towel and put her in my arms. Leaving the bathroom the cold air him me in my face. I walked to our bedroom and place her on the couch. I decide to dress her in one of my big t-shirts. Removing the towel I quickly put the shirt on her. When the shirt rested on her frame, could see her cute nipples through the thin shirt. The coldness of the room must be bare. 'It's too cold for her.' I pick her up once more and place her in the sheets.

Then I turn off the light and get in with her. I pulled her close and in my arms. I kiss her forehead and hugged her tighter. 'I love you.' I fall into dream land thinking of her.

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