How You Met

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This is an AU kinda. Cause originally u live and work far from him.

One simple act of kindness or appreciation could go a long way.

You moved from (homeland) to Japan a year ago. You now recently move from city W to city Z. You wanted to live somewhere less populated, but still was an thriving community. You make new arrangements to now be assigned to work in city Z still working as a (dream job).

"Ah, there we go.", you said finally placing the second to last box down in the hallway of your new apartment. You wiped your forehead, cleaning the sweat and ready to get that last box. You slowly walked outside, and headed over to the trucks rear opening. You hand on big box on the edge. You placed one foot on the hook at the bottom of the truck and climbed inside to grab the box. When the box was in hand you turn around and looked at the long way down you hand to jump. In fear you sat down with the box still in hand and scooted down and off the trucks floor. "Ahaha, woah woah...", you mumbled scared to get scraped by the hook. When you landed on the ground almost dropping the box you put the box down to rest. You soon pick the big box back up and walk inside to place it with the rest.

Saitama's Residence POV

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

"Huh?", Saitama mumbled getting off his futon. "He rushed over to his window to see where the loud beeping was coming from. Though the location of his window didn't give him the feed. (I'll ask Genos.), he thought. He walked into his kitchen and greeted Genos which was preparing breakfast. "Hey Genos.", Saitama said wiping his eyes. "Good Morning Master.", Genos said putting away the milk and turning to Saitama. Saitama sat at the table and waited for Genos to finish. "Uh, Genos?", Saitama starts. "Yes, master?", Genos answered. "That beeping earlier....what was that?", Saitama asked. "Oh we have new neighbors.", Genos answers placing a plate down on the table. "Oh. Do you know what they look like?", Saitama asks. "No I do not Master." "Oh.", Saitama answered unsatisfied. "Should I go check?", Genos asks about to walk out the door and bombard the new neighbors. "NO DON'T!", Saitama quickly says. "Geno closes the door hand puts his apron back on. Saitama pays his attention back to his breakfast and begins eating. "Oh Master we need more items for the rest of the weeks dinner.", Genos reports. "Uh, well go to the supermarket later on. There's a sale.", Saitama smiles and pulls out a flyer. "Were did you get such a sale?", Genos asks. "I found it a week ago when we were fighting that bear.", Saitama smirks himself a past victory. "With this week long sale well be eating like kings for the next month!", Saitama yells happily. "Yes, Master.", Genos comments.

Your Residence

You had unboxed everything and decorated the rooms with your furniture. Starting with you bedroom, the bathroom, the living room, and next the kitchen. Your apartment had to extra bedroom so you used on for you own pleasure. You kept your collection of (your obsession) items, from posters, to book, and other things. When you went down stairs and walking in to a room with a marble top counter you looked around the room and everything was in its place. 'Now that I'm done, I'll just-', your thoughts were interrupted by you stomach. You groaned and walked over to you fridge to fined only a ketchup bottle. "Ugh, you looked over the your counter and spot your phone and keys. 'I'll return the storage truck tomorrow, but I cannot call for pizza I don't know any numbers...', you picked up your phone and looked around for you wallet. Soon locked up and left your apartment to head out to a nearby grocery store you saw earlier on you way to you new home. 'I'll go light shopping for now.', you walk your way to the store.

When you get there you walk into the big sliding doors and grab a basket. 'I'll buy milk, bread, eggs, (favorite drink), (favorite snack),(favorite food), some packed beef, pork, chicken and a few other things', you though heading down the first isle. You were just around done shopping and needed one more thing. 'Ugh, I've looked everywhere. Why wouldn't they have the pads in the hygiene isle?!', you thought gripping your phone in anger. You pasted the isle looking vigorously in the shelves making sure you didn't miss it. That's when, "Hello, how may I help you, miss?", a polite voice called. You jump and turn around quickly. "Um, H-Hello. Um, d-do you know...where the pads are?", you said the last bit quietly. She chuckled and laughed, "Yes, follow me." You grabbed the handle of your cart and push after her. As you were walking together you decide to break the silence. "So uh, are you native to this city?", you asked. "Yes! I've been here my whole life. What about you?", she asked. "No, actually I just moved here today from city W today.", you said. "Well I hope your liking it so far!", she days with a smile. "I am actually.", you answered. "That's wonderful to hear." Soon after a few more steps, "Here you are.", she said pointing out the whole isle. "Thank you so much.", you said with a tear. "No problem.", she chuckled. "Come and get me if you need anything.", she said. "Oh actually may I have your number.", you said. She looked at you in question. "Oh, let me explain. I was wondering if you could she me around the city. I don't know very much about the store and place.", you said truthfully. "Oh, Alright!", she pulled a old recipe out her pocket and leaned on the shelve to write. "Here you go. My name is Miia Tsuno by the way. You can call me Miia.", she said handing you the paper. "Thank you. My name is (Y/n). You can call me (Y/n), too.", you smiled and put it in your purse. "See you!", she said waving. "See you too!", you waved and smiled.

After you have gotten everything all you needed was meat. When you walked up to the open freezer that was displayed you looked around it for beef. Not noticing your surroundings you finally find it. You reach your hand to grab it but someone's else was doing the same. You looked up to see a young bald man. "My bad.", he said recoiling his hand. "No, no you're completely fine.", you wryly smiled. "You can hav-", you were interrupted. "Oh (Y/n)! I can get you some more.", she said. "Oh, thank you, Miia! Also may you get some for the man too?", you said looking back at him. "Yes! Be right back.", she said running off. You and the man stood quietly. To break the silence, "Um ma'am you dont have to do that...", he said straying forward. "I wanted to.", you said giving him a smile. He nodded his head and you both stood in silence.

"Alright here you go.", she said bring back a lot of packs. "Oh thank you so much.", you said as she handed them to you. You placed then in you cart and left for the register.

Saitama's POV

I was reaching for the meat when I noticed someone else was doing the same. "My bad.", I said. "No, no your completely fine.", she said with a smile. "You can hav-", she was interrupted by a worker. I looked to see a another girl. "Oh (Y/n)! I can get you some more.", she said. "Oh thank you, Miia! Also may you get some for the man too?", she said looking back at me. "Yes! Be right back.", the worker said leaving. I stood quiet and to break the silence, "Um ma'am you don't have to do that...", he said straight forward. "I wanted to.", she said giving me a small smile. He nodded his head and you both stood in silence. 'Very nice of her.'

Soon the worker came back with a whole lot of beef. "Alright here you go.", she said. "Oh thank you so much.", the nice woman said as she was handed some. The worker headed to me and handed me four packs, I didn't want to take too much. "Oh Miss you don't-", I called out for her, but she was gone. "She said you could have it.", the worker said leaving. I looked up and smiled. When I went up to the register to pay for the food I handed her the beef. "Oh my friend (Y/n) said she'd pay for it. So no need.", she worker from earlier said behind the register. 'What? Why go through so much?', I thought. "Do you know where she went?", I ask. "No afraid not. We only became friends today.", the worker said. "Oh okay.", I paided for then rest and left the store. 'This city is small. I have to say thank you next time I see her. What was her name? (Y/m)? (Y/g)? (Y/n)? (Y/n) that's it! (Y/n).'

Saitama heads home thinking about you and you kindness.

See ya!

𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | (Saitama's Scenarios X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now