Saitama's Wet Dream

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"Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight (loveydovey nickname)."

Saitama sets his phone down after having a fourty-five minute conversation with you. He truly enjoyed the time with you over the phone. Getting off of the couch he looks around the room. The tv was on with a show long forgotten by him, pillows on the floor, a partially warm drink on the table as condensation drips onto the table top.

Saitama picks up the pillows and place them correctly in the couch. Then looks around for the remote and turns the tv off. Finally grabbing the cup and heading to the kitchen. Poring out the beverage and rinsing the cup, he grabs a napkin and head a back to the living room. He cleans up the spot where the cup was and leaves the living room for good. Walking back into the kitchen he basketball shoots the wet napkin the the trash. Heading down the hallway he passes the bathroom and heads to his room. After getting ready for bed, and soon claiming the bed and falling asleep.

Drifting in a unknown void, he thinks....

Now in a subconscious state....dreaming.....

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here? How did you get into my hou-?" She placed a finger against my mouth. "Shhh." I swallow my saliva thickly. She sit back and looks at me. "Uh..." She smiles devilishly and licks her lips, followed by a small chuckle. She raises a hand and snaps her fingers. Within eye bink, my pants and hers clothes were off.
"That the-" I quickly tried to sit up and grasp that moment, (y/n) quickly and forcefully pushes me back down. "Agh!"

(Y/N) then traces by body, with her tongue, trailing saliva down my toned body. Then ending in the public region. She quietly stares at my manhood and looks up at me.

On my two thing plagued my mind. Temptation and Love.

Didn't know weather to stop her before she dies something she regrets(even if it a dream). Or let my crush have her way with me. Without a chance to decide to stop or continue she....

....lowers her mouth down on my cock and engulfs it in her wet cavern. She bobs her head down slowly, moving her tongue around the tip. Soon heading down and licking the sides of me. I felt climax creeping up. She backs away and looks down at me with a lust filled grin, also stopping the feeling of climax. Apart of me wanted to cum. She takes off my shirt and gently touches my chest with her soft (s/c) hands. I blush as she moves in closer. Gently touching my cock and stroking it. I groan and plead for more. She kisses my lips and bites down on my bottom lip. I refuse to open my lips and she gently runs her finger past my shaft and grabs my balls. I moan and she quickly takes my mouth. Pushing her tongue deeper in my mouth. Our tongues playing and battle. With her the first to beat me, I groan hard. She bites my tongue and takes it within her lips. Then pushing past my tongue and licks my uvula. She soon stops the kiss and slowly pulls on my shirt. I take it off and await her quiet orders.

She pushed me down and traces my chest. Licking my neck and nibbling on my collar. I shiver under her touch more. Soon sucking on my nipples and licking down my chest to my abs. She leans from the action and unbuttoned her shirt. Underneath was nothing. No bra, or underwear. I blush as she smiles at my timid reaction. Her body was so beautiful, even under the moonlight brought by the window. Her cute nipples caught my eye, I wanted to suck them. My thoughts were interrupted as she sits down on my stomach, I feel her wetness dip on and between the creases of my abs. She lowers her womanhood and slide me inside, slowly. Feeling a pint of climax return it stops. She rests on my stomach, with hands and pants. I wait and give her time to adjust after all I don't want to hurt her or her to hurt herself. She soon moves but I stop her. She looks at me confused with a little fear in her beautiful brown eyes. I smile and shake my head no. She waits even longer as I ask of her so she can fully adjust. With her wetness soaking my cock I feel a pressure in my lower self. She moves up and then down on my cock. I moan a little as I feel her insides. She was so soft, warm, and beautiful. My cock twitched inside her. She begins to ride me. Bouncing up and down with her cute breasts following. After a few minutes she lowers down a few times, and I feel a burn in me. I knew she was getting weak, due to less stamina than me. I flip her over and start pounding in her. I softly place my hands around her (chubby, slim, idk) back. Her (boob size) boobs bounce, as she moans with me.

Even if some male and females think it's wrong for males to moan during sex, she accepts me. I moan along with her. I begin to suck on her buds as I thought before. After 20 minutes of moving in her womanhood, I feel myself tire. My movements slow down as she moans with me. I feel climax rise in me. I quickly hug her (slim/chubby), cute body. I feel her belly against my abs. I pound in her one last time, deeper and embrace her lips with mine. As I felt the warmth rise in me, I released my seme-

Saitama jolts up and his eye open. Painting, with a cold sweat. His clothes soaked and cover as well. Looking down Saitama could fully see his 'heighten physical excitement' from the dream Saitama grabs his pillow and sit back. Cuddling his pillow as he get over his erection. After a while Saitama looks over at the clock, '4:27 a.m.'. He decides to start the day early. Getting of the bed he feels something making down his leg. 'W-what the....' looking back in the bed his sees a wetter part of the bed. Touching it with a finger and them bringing it to his nose.....semen....his bed was soaked with sweat.....and semen.... *sighs*

He just rips the cover off the bed, puts it in the washing machine and heads for a shower.

Hope you enjoyed. See ya soooooon!!!!! :3

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