Saitama Loses You

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Another AU but still SOL kinda idk.

"Saitama let's go! We've got to go shopping!", you yell standing at the front door, purse in hand. Waiting for type of answer or reply, but nothing. "Ma, Daddys sleep.", (4thkid/n) says. Frowning, you cross your arms, and call out again. "Saitama! Come on! Or you won't be able to get any more udon till next month! I won't be getting it after I get off work too!" "No! Mama! Me and dad love udon!", (3rdkid/n) says. "I'll get you some, but you better not share any with your dad.", you say as (3rdkid/n) nods his head. Then in an instant Saitama came tumbling down the stairs, while tugging on a shirt. With tired eyes, "I'm up. I'm up." You roll your eyes and adjust your purse again. "DaDa!", your baby says. Saitama walks over and picks her up. "Everyone ready?", you ask. "Yes!", they all answer. "Okay. Let me do a head count. Sai!" "Here." "(FirstKid), (SecondKid), (ThirdKid)?!", you call out at once and they all say, "Here!" "(FourthKid), (FifthKid?!)", you continued. "Here!", they both answer. "And, (baby's name)~", you kissed her head and she responded with a giggle. "Alright Sai, I need your help with keeping up with the kids, okay?", you ask. Saitama sleepily nods, still holding (baby's name). "Alright. Let's role out!" Opening the door, leaving, and with Saitama with the kids after you all load in the van, and head to the mall.

*Time Skip*

"Alright listen up! Me and (FifthKid?!) will be getting the meat." "Yes! I'm with mom!", (FifthKid?!) says triumphantly towards the other siblings. "Aww! No fair!", (FirstKid) says. "Yeah, mama that's unfair! I wanna be with you!", (ThirdKid) says rudely. "Maybe next time. Okay?", you say. (FirstKid), and (SecondKid) nod. "(FirstKid), (SecondKid) you'll be getting the vegetables and fruits. "Okay!", they both yell in sync. "(ThirdKid), (FourthKid), you'll be getting the grains and snacks.", you add. "Yes, ma"am.", the say. "And Sai, take care of (baby's name), get some other items we need around the house, and wait for us all to come back." "Yes sweetheart.", Saitama says rubbing his tired eyes, (baby's name) in his chest strap. "What do we do when we've acquired the items and complete the objective?", you ask your little 'soldiers' and lovely 'assistant'. "We come meet back up at the food court, and don't leave no matter what.", the all say except Saitama. "Alright. On your mark. Get set. GO!" And with that the all scatter, except Saitama. He just walked away slowly. You adjust your purse again, place your hands on your hips. Looking down at (fifthkid) with a smile, and him the same, "Ready?" "Yep!" "Okay. Let's go!", you say enthusiastically as he followed behind you.

Saitama's POV

I walk the isle like a zombie, passing the items didnt need and grabbing the ones I did need. (Babys name) gurgling, and cooing every now and then. Its was getting harder to keep my eyes open, and to move. 'I shouldn't have stayed up all night watching the house. (Y/n) was right, but I just cannot help it.' I stop and grab a bag of toilet paper, paper towels, and some (f/brand) (pads/tampons) for (Y/n). Then all of a sudden (baby's name) begins to cry. "Aww, nonono, sweetheart, what's the matter?", I questions softly, while putting all may attention on her. She continues to cry, her face turning an off tone from the crying. I sigh and slouch. Then a terrible stench hits my nostrils. 'Oh.'

I push the cart and make my way to the mens bathroom. At the door I push the cart to the side and grab the baby bag from the top and walk inside. Opening the door the bathroom was empty. 'Thank goodness it empty.' With (baby's name) in the holster, I take her out and gently place her on the wall changing table. "Oh shit! I forgot!" I pick her up once again and place her back in the holster. "Sorry baby girl." I open the baby bag and take out a clorax wipe, and wipe of the dirty changing table. "There. Much better if I do say myself." (baby's name) giggles, and I smile. I take her out the holster again and change her diaper. "You're a stinky one arent ya?", she giggles at my comment. I place her back in the holster, clean up the area, wash my hands, and leave with the cart and other belongings. 'Alright gotta find all the other things on the list. Then I'm done.'

(Y/n)'s POV

Me and (Fifthkid) gather all we needed and meet up with my other babies. "Did you soldiers complete the missions assigned to you?", you ask playfully. "Yes Sergeant mama! We've all completed our missions.", (FourthKid) reports playfully. You smile and hug your lovely bunch. You and your little adorable army check out and have a bag boy sent your groceries to the car. "Mom?", (ThirdKid) asks tugging at your shirt. "Yes sweetheart?", you ask squatting to his height. "Where's daddy?", he asks innocently. Your (e/c) eyes widen like dinner plates. You look around frantically, and then to the floor, biting your nail. 'Where IS Sai? I haven't noticed his missing presence.' "(Firstkid)!", you call out to him. "Yes ma'am?", he questions respectfully. "Lead everyone to the car, and strap them in. Here take the keys. Lock the doors too, be safe!", you yell running off. "Y-yes ma...", he says taken aback.

"Alright you heard mom! Let's go!", he says rounding up the other young'ins.

No One's POV

You search the isle and restrooms. And this happens....

You open the door to the males restroom and look around. "Ah! Ma'am you're not supposed to be in here! This is the mens restroom!" You devilish eyes land on the poor innocent soul. "Did I ask your sorry ass! I don't give a damn about your small ass penis! I busy! Now finish your damn piss and shut the fuck up!" He is taken aback by your comment and cowers in the corner, "Y-yes ma'am. I-I am sorry t-to disturb y-you. P-Please continue." You rolled your eyes and slammed the door.

Saitama's POV

After finding all the items I sit down on a bench and play with (baby's name) for a while and soon fall asleep.

Your POV

'Oh god! Please keep my babies and husband safe. I pray they are okay. I'd kill if they're hurt.'

(Even if Saitama's a 'Class S' hero now.) (-_-)

You begin to harass and argue with other shoppers in a rage.

Saitama's POV

I wake up on the same bench I fell asleep on. (Babysname) in the holster, asleep. 'So cute. Just like her mother...........Y/N!' I quickly get up from the bench and head to the check out with the items. I pay for the items and was about to leave when....

'Mr.(L/n) may you please come to customer service. We have your.....wife.", a man on the intercom says awkwardly. 'What?', think.

I head to customer service, to see (Y/n) in the kids play house. 'What the-' "Hello. Are you Mr.(L/n)?", the young lad asks nervously. I nod my head. "Well we have your.....wife.", he said. "Thanks." I walk up the the door and turn the knob to find it locked. I turn to look at the guy. "Oh! My bad!", he walks up the the door and unlocked the door. Rage boiled within me, but I try to keep it under wraps. (Y/n)'s done enough of the raging. I instantly embrace (Y/n), and ask her questions. We tell each other our sides of the story and make up. She held (babyname) tightly and heads to leave but, "Sai. You coming?" She asks cutely. "Yes I will in a minute! You head on with out me. Meet you at the car!", i smile genuinely and she leaves.

I turn back to the guy. "Hello sir. Thank you so much for getting her. She was such a disaster. I honestly feel sorry for you man.", he says rudely. I furrow my brows and grab the guy by his shirt. Giving him my weakest punch, he flies into a tower of boxes and is knocked out. "I'd advise you to NOT talk about my wife like that. See ya." Before I leave I buy some (f/flowers).

I leave the store and head to the car. "Sai. Is everything alright. You were in there a while.", (Y/n) asks. I smile, "I went to buy you theses." I pull the flowers from behind me and give them to her. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes sparkle, "Awwwww Sai~" She showers me in kisses. "Ewwww!", I hear a few of the kids say. "Well I think it's cute.", (fourthkid) says. "No! Its disgusting! Dad! Moms mine! Not yours!", (thirdkid) says. "No~ She's ours. But she's mine mostly.", I say playfully. He chips his teeth and faces away from us. "Awwww! (thirdkid) you know I love you~", she kisses him on the cheek. He blushes, "W-whatever, I didn't say I LOVED you." We laugh and then all buckle in, and head home.

Hope you enjoyed. See ya!

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