Saitama's Issues Pt 1

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Lately I've been smelling something. I get to have a description of what I'm smelling. Yet it smells wonderful, and sometimes it smells awful. I look in the mirror and raise an arm. I sniff my arm pit, nothing, I sniff my shirt, nothing. I roll my eyes, put my shirt back on and leave the room. Exiting the hallway I notice (Y/n) cooking. In some really sexy pants. Her normal baggy jeans, I never likes them before though, but right now it was irresistible. I sniff the air to figure out what she was cooking. I smell (traditional dish); one of her cultures specials. But along with the food I smell that sweet smell. I furrowed my brows, "(Y/n), are you wearing perfume or something?" She turns to me, "Uh, no. I did bathe in a new soap, but it disappears in 12 minutes after wash.", she scoffs at the cheap shampoo, and I nod and walk to the living room and sit down in the couch. As I sit down my pants felt tighter than ever. I undid the button but nothing worked. Then I felt my private tingle and burn. I since quietly and get up quickly walking to the bathroom.

I close the door and lock it. Looking in the mirror I see a bulge in my zipper. I sigh to myself. Then out of nowhere my legs feel weak. I also felt like a wet sensation in my pants. I stumble over the counter and pants loudly. Struggling to get to the toilet I sit down with a loud thud. 'Only one way to solve this..'

I struggle to unbutton and unzip my pants. My dick springs out the flaps of my pants. I pull my underwear over the bulge and my hardened dick springs out. Panting I grab my dick and wince. It felt so sensitive, and I hurts to move. I lie back on the toilet top and stare down at it. 'I-I need a lubricant...' I look around the room and spots (Y/n) favourite lotion. I quickly grab it put some in my palm. I lather my dick in the slick lotion and gasp. It felt so good, but yet I wasn't satisfied. I stroke my dick slowly and rub the tip. Licking my lips I begin to stroke it faster. "Ah!" I cover my mouth, not wanting (Y/n) to know what I'm doing. I'd ask her to help me, but lately I've felt like i could hurt her, so I was use not to ask her for anything. I thrust faster thinking of her once more. Gasping and moaning my voices hicked.

"Saitama, dinners ready!"

I hear (Y/n) from down the hall. I stop dead. 'I need to finish this up before she comes here and asks what I'm doing.' I began to thrust harder, feeling a pressure weld up in me. Thinking of (Y/n) made this easier. Soon I ejaculate. My semen leaking down my hand and some hitting the floor. 'If only this was me and (Y/n)'s...togehter...' I lick my hand and rub my dick a little more. The throbbing pain disappeared long ago. But I couldn't hold back. '(Y/n)~'


"Y-yeah, I'm coming. Hold on!"

I quickly get up and clean the mess. Also wash my hands. Leaving the bathroom I head to the kitchen. Aiting down, "Is everything alright?" "Uhhh, yeah. The food looks delicious. Let's dig in." He concerned look turns to a smile and we begin to eat.

4 weeks later~

I had done it yet again. 'This is the 42nd time this month. Not even daily. More like every six hours, on certain occasions. I think I'll go to the doctor.' "When I did it it gave off a weird smell, and (Y/n)'s starting to notice it!", I tell Genos over the phone. "Well maybe your sick or have an addiction.", Genos says. "Anyways I'll just go to the doctors and keep this a secret from (Y/n)" "Keep what from my?", (Y/n) says leaning in the door way. I drop the phone and turn around. "N-nothing-" "NO! Tell me.", she say as her cute brows form a frown. "Nothing I just...*sigh* I've been haveing an issue. I wanted to keep it from you, but it was getting harder and harder." I feel like I was about to breakdown. She notices and her frown disappears as she sits down next to me. Placing an arm around me I lean into her embrace. "I've been masterbating. At first I was trying to solve an rare issue, but now it more frequently. I feel addicted, I don't know what's going on, and it hurts." She continues to rub my back and and comfort me. "Well as you said, let's go to the doctors." "I'll got by myself. You probably feel disgusted." Then out of nowhere, she cups my cheeks, "I could never feel that way, Sai. I'm your wife, it's my job and want to help.", she says as she kisses my cheek. I smile and embrace her.

"(L/n).", the doctor calls out. Me and (Y/n) look at each other. She smiles and holds my hand. We had to the door and follow the doctor. When we get into a room we sit down. "Hello Mr. (L/n). Mrs. (L/n)." We both smile. "So Mr. (L/n) what's going on today?", the doctor asks. I look at (Y/n) and she smiles to me. I take a deep breath.

"Well Mr. (L/n), from the information you've told me, it seems like your going through and hormonal imbalance." I frown and look at (Y/n). "What does that mean doctor?", she asks. "Well it means Mr. (L/n) has some hormonal issues and changes." "Still...", I say. "Tell me have you two been having any sexual acts together?" (Y/n) gasps and covers her mouth. I frown, "" "That's just it. Mrs. (L/n) as you live your days with Mr. (L/n) unknown to you. You have been releasing pheromones of your own. And Mr. (L/n) has been getting them. With all that emmiting his mind, he also had needs. He has to fulfill them. As he wasn't doing it before he started masterbating, his body has reacted to the neglect. If this continues, you could contract an gentle injury, disruption, or disfuntion." I frown and keep quite, so does (Y/n). The doctor notices, "Tell me Mr and Mrs. (L/n). Are you to having relationship issues?" We both suit lot say, "No!" The doctor jumps at our answer. "Well if not. There must be something your not telling each other.", the doctor smirks. Me and (Y/n) keep silent. The doctor gets up and heads to the door. "Well I'll give you two time and space to talk."

When we get home, it was quiet. Thought it felt like we both needed to get something off our chest.

"(Y/n). Let's talk.", I say. She frowns in a scared way. I loosen my expression and sit her down. "What's wrong. Please tell me.", I say. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!", she began to cry. "(Y/n), nononono. It's okay!", I say. "I'm a terrible wife for not giving you what you need. I'm sorry!", she tells still crying. "No, it okay.", I say panicking. "NO! It not! Now you injured and can't do anything about it!" "No the doctor said it okay.", I say. "But still, I'm terrible!" "No your not. It's okay to be insecure. I still love every part of you." She looks up slowly, tears in her beautiful brown eyes. It was a sit, but it pains me to see her crying. "R-really?", she asks cutely. "Yes. I love you from you cute hair down to your adorable toes." She chuckles as I wipe her tears. "Everything's going to be fine." "Saitama...?", "Yes?" "I-I wanna still help." "How? The doctor already gave me pills.", I say. "No. Not in that way." I furrowed my brows in confusion. Then her pounced on my, with a cute determined look. My mouth agape, she kisses me. Leaving the kiss, "What?!" "Saitama i-i want to help you.", she says. "Are you sure?", I ask. "Yes." I kiss her again and pick her up. Heading to our room, we kiss again.

to be another part....

𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | (Saitama's Scenarios X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now