Saitama Gets Jealous

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If Saitama's your husbando (fu) i-i mean....uhhh.....just pretend you had another boi instead just for this chapter. K? Hehe....
(('д`))*cries internally*

Anyway let's get into it shall we?


"Ahhhh! Sai! Look! I bought the limited edition (husbandos name) body pillow! I'm so happy!", you yell as you walk in the door.

Saitama look at you from over the couch and he smiled, "Good for you. I'm proud.", he says with a smile and he looks back at his manga. You happily skip upstairs and enter your office, you grow the doorknob and swing the door open. The room had nothing but an array of (husbandos name) items. You had t-shirts, hoodies, photos, comics, and other little trinkets. And now, you newly added body pillow will be apart of the collection. You placed the pillow in the chair that stood underneath your computer desk. You claps you hands together and awe at the room your eyes shine as if they're stars, as you sigh happily. Saitama leans against the doorway, arms crossed and a small smile on his face. Unnoticed by you, behind that little smile was a bit of sadness. "Hey, (n/n)?", he calls calmly. "Yeah?", you answer still paying attention to your (husbandos name) themed room. Saitama frowned, "Let's prepare dinner together." "Yeah, sure. Give me a few."

Saitama frowned again and stomped down stairs. He had taken out the pots, pans, and utensils needed to cook this meal. He filled a pot with water and turn the front stove eye on high. When he was finished filling the pot with water he placed it in the eye, a sizzle erupts from the stove as Saitama directs his attention to the stairs. He crossed his arms and leaned on the counter, waiting for you to come down. "(Y/n)!!!! Come on!!!!", he yelled a little annoyed. Then you came down stairs, "Why are you so grumpy? I can hear it in you voice." Saitama 'humpt' and turned his attention back to the pot on the stove.

You went to the pantry and got out a box of noodles, opening the box you walked over to the oven to dump them in the boiling water. Saitama leaned against the counter with his arms crossed, as he frowned at you moving across the room to prepare the rest of the meal. You then stopped and looked at him, "What?", you asked. Saitama just 'humpt' once again. "Why do you have such a stank attitude!?", you asked. Saitama rolled his eyes and looked elsewhere. Then it hit you, "Oh I see what's wrong. Do you want something else for dinner?", you asked with a smile. "No.", Saitama sighed and left the kitchen. You frowned, 'What's up his butt? He acts like an angry female...'

You soon finished cooking as you place everything out on the dinning table. Saitama being mad was all on your mind. Even while cooking. So you decided to cook something special for him!

"Sai! Dinners ready!", you called out placing glasses down. When you seated yourself you waited patiently for him. He soon came stomping down the stairs. You still keep a smile on your face, you've decided your gunna tolerate his behavior...for now. Saitama sat down in a chair away from you. "Saitama why don't your sit with me?", you asked with a little angry in your tone as you still kept your smile. "I'm good.", he answers blandly as he picks up a fork and digs into the meal. A vain then popped up near your temple, as your smile still remained. You scooted put your chair, and plopped down next to Saitama. Saitama then scooted his chair away from yours. 'Ugh! This damn hussy!' You decided to play the same game. You and Saitama then finished dinner, but before he left, you went into the kitchen and brought back the meant to be surprise. Your mad now, so It's no longer a treat for him, just torment. "Sai~", you say sweetly. "What?", he asked sternly. You placed down a platters cake. Saitama's eye widen, "C-cake?", he asked weakly. "Yep!", you say. Saitama swallowed his saliva thickly, and he shifted in his chair. "What kind of cake?", he asks. "Strawberry.", you tease.

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