Saitama's Secret Shrine

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It was a cold Saturday. Today you decided to pit your clean touch, for Saitama's household. Heading over to his apartment, you pull out the spare key he gave your for your third Anniversary of dating.

"Saitama! I'm here!", you yell, placing your coat on the rack. Walking in and setting your purse down in the couch, and look past the kitchen door. Not to your surprise, noodle cups and sliverwear, everywhere. *sighs*

"Oh, h-hello (n/n).", he says nervously. "Don't get mad. I know it looks bad, b-but I-" He stops talk as he feels your (e/c) eyes, stare him down angrily. "Oh how I can't get over those beautiful (e/c) eye of yours. It kinda turns me o-" "Sai.", you say sternfully. "Okay. I-I'll shut up. Sorry.", he says looking down.

"Why do you keep letting those people over?", you ask hand folded and finger tapping your forearm. "What?! There not bad people they just-" "Saitama, those people are no good. They mess up your house and leave you to clean it up yourself.", you remind him the hard, cold truth. He lowers his hand and hand to his side, "Your right. I know." "You've been like this since Genos moved out. You don't need friends and company like that. Also you have me, I can come over to accompany you.", you remind him.

"Yeah, you will, but you won't stay!", he says with sadness quiver in his tone. "I wish I could to, but I live and work on the other side of town." "And that's why you should move in!", he says hopefully. "Yeah, but what about work?", you ask. "I-I dont know. Dont work then.", he says stupidly. You frown and sigh. "This conversation is over. Now let's clean up this place. Also I bought you some new clothes, I meant to give them to you for your birthday next week, but I have a business trip then." "See?! You never have time for me!", he say childishly pouting in the chair. "I know...but...", you place the bag down and walk up to the back of the chair Saitama resided in. Bending over into his ear, "...when I do....we can do whatever you please." Saitama blush and looks away. "Okay?", you ask. "Yeah, I guess so.", he says tsudere like.

"Okay. Heres your gift.", you hand him the bag. He looks through them happily and smiles, "Thanks (n/n)." "No need, baby.", you kiss his glorious head. "Where do I put them for now? So we can start cleaning." "Oh, just put them in my closet.", he says. "Alright."

When you were half way to his room room, you hear him call from the living room, "Wait, nevermind. Don't go in my closet!" "And why  not?!", ypu question. "Just don't go on my closet. Wait, wait, I'll show you where.", he yells. You quickly rushed to the closet to see what he was hiding. He quickly latches to your arm. Wait stoo! Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it." "Why? Show me what's in your closet!", you say sternfully. "No I can't. Just listen.", he says pleadingly. "I'll ask you again. Why not?!" "You. Just. Can't. Come on let's get out of here!", he tries to pick you up. "Nope. You push him off you and quickly open the closet.

Anf what you saw was a column with a framed picture of you. Along with more pictures hung and framed. Looking to the bottom, he had old things you used like, hairbrush, towel when you last stayed over, even your expired drivers license, and a few other things too. Your widened surprised turned to a straight, light frown. Crossing your arms, you face Saitama, who was on his knees at the door. "What is this? And what are you doing? And why?", you ask. "I-im sorry. Its just...YOU LIVE SO FAR AWAY! A-AND I HAVE NOTHING TO KEEP YOU HERE! SO I TOOK SOME THINGS OF YOURS TO KEEP...when I", Saitama looks up a little, for a peak of your face.

You can say you were mad, sad, and a little happy. "Saitama~", you call sweetly. He jolts his head up to look at you, fore your tone was not what he expected. "Y-yes?", he questioned nervously. You walk up to him and squat to his downed position. "I know you miss me something, dont get me wrong I miss you all the time. Though you can't do this without telling me.", you say. "B-but they're things you dont even use anymore, that would cause you trouble.", Saitama admits truthfully and factual. 'Well...he is right. But I cant help but to feel annoyed.' "Ugh fine, you're right!", you give up. Saitama jumps up to his feet, "REALLY?! I CAN KEEP THE SHRINE?!", he asks for reassurance. You look at him and roll your eyes, "Yes. Yes, you can keep the shrine." Saitama instantly hugs you, and you both fall to the floor. With him protecting you from the fall. You lay onto of him. Against his chest as he holds you tightly. "Saitama be careful! Are you okay?", you question trying to lift off his chest and check.

"I'm more than okay! Thank you.", he said kissing your forehead. "N-no problem, just dont hurt yourself over it.", you say. "I'm a hero remember. I cannot get hurt.", Saitama said then kissing your forehead again. "Whatever, ya big idiot. Love you too."

After the long comforting hug, you both get up to your feet and settle. "Now, let's do what I leastly came for...", you say. Saitama furrowed his brows, "And what's that?" You look at him confused, "Uhhh, to clean your house, duh.", you say. "Oh. Then what did you come for mostly?", he asks genuinely confused. You roll your eyes, "To see you dummy." Saitama smiles to himself sweetly and feels wholesome. He softly chuckles. "What? Are you laughing for?" Saitama repeats the same chuckle. "What?!", you ask getting annoyed. Saitama raises his arms as if to hug. "No." Saitama inches closer. "NO!" Closer. "Noooo!" Saitama chases you and trips over the couch as you duck under, causing him to break something.


"Love you (y/n)."

𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | (Saitama's Scenarios X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now