Saitama Stalks You

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This was written a month or two back. I'm only posting this pre-made story cause I got my nails done and....*sniffs*...I can't type! 😭😂

Anyways, Enjoy!❤

Christmas was approaching! The holiday spirit ran through the hearts of the people. Though you yourself was calm and steady. The weather outside was way to heavy. For your warm body was unaware, who was outside, keeping up a stare.

You sit on your couch (fav activity), while the fire place was a lit, and (warm beverage) was in a mug on the table. The wind chills you to the thought of going outside. So you decided to spend the two weeks off, relaxing inside under a warm fire. Maybe even a little cooking and cleaning. Saitama was coming to visit! This was going to be your first Christmas with Saitama, and in Japan. You called your mother in (native country), apologizing for not coming this year. There were more valid reasons that staying with Saitama of course. This years weather broadcast says there will be 3ft of snow, icy roads, and strong winds. So of course your mother wanted you to be safe, and happy. Though you better visit her next year, AND bring Saitama along.'

Phone call Flashback

"Hey (what u call ur mama)! How've you heen?

"Oh wonderful baby girl. How have you been, sweetheart? My heart worries for you everyday all the way over in Japan."

"I'm alright mama. No need to worry about me. As long as you are health and well I'm alright."

"Awww, when did I raise such a sweet, responsible, and independent girl? I'm so proud, sweetheart."

"Thanks mama. Oh! Mama!?"

"Yes dear?

"What are you doing this year for Thanksgiving?"

"Oh nothing much, dearie. Gunna cook a few meals for pops and your (brothers/sisters). How about you dearie?"

"I'm coming over to visit! Since I cannot spend Chritsmas with you guys."

"That's wonderful to hear dearie, but....what going for Christmas for you?"

"Ah well.....I'm spending Christmas with my Boyfriend."

"Oh! That's reminds me!!! When are you bringing your boyfriend over to visit? I've been wanting to see the man that stole my daughters heart!"

"Calm down mama, he's a wonderful guy. We will visit Thanksgiving."

"Alright dearie."

"Alright mama. Love you."

"Love you too (n/n)."

Phone call Flashback

Remembering that conversation made you proud. Your mother loves Saitaam as if she was her son. So does your father! But enough of that now. It's almost Christmas. Maybe you should crack out the decorations, and put up the tree? Bake some cookies for yourself and maybe even invite someone over.

Leaving the living room, you headed up to the apartment attic to get the decorations and the synthetic tree.

Saitama's POV

'I can't get a good look out here! Maybe I can get in quietly.' I reach into my pocket to find the key she gave me. !!!!It's not there!!! I then place my hand quickly on the doorknob to see if it was unlocked, its locked. 'The windows!' I look up and down the side of the building. 'Ugh it's a blizzard out here! Of course she'd have them closed.....but unlocked?'

After getting the synthetic tree along with the ornaments, stockings, and decorative trinkets. Turning on the tv, and playing some Christmas music to get in the mood, you prance around the living room decorating your home.

Saitama's POV

I managed to get inside undetected. Not like she can sense me anyways. But I sit underneath the staircase and watch her closely. 'She's so cute. She looks like shes having fun decorating and getting in the spirit.' I sigh. 'If only I could dance along with her.' Popping out of thought, Saitama notices the music cut off. Unbeknownst to him, it has been a hours since he's sneaked in through the window of your bedroom. 'Wow, looks like I've over stayed my visit. But whatever.'

"Whew, I'm finally done. That was fun." You put the boxes away, back up in the attic and decided maybe to rest back downstairs. Heading down....

You stood for a moment you felt eerie. Then staggered a bit, and decided you were just too weary. So make your way to your cozy room. Only for the same shadow to loom. When you finally change into your sleeping attire, you slip down into the covers with the help of the fire. But what you never noticed was was Saitama's creepy admire. You close your eyes and drift of to dreamland. Saitama stood over you, your safety in his hand.

BARZ!!!!!!!! Who agrees? Author here had some heavy bars going on with the rhymes y'all. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this Chirstmas Special or whatever. See ya and Happy Holidays!!!!!!! 🎅🧣☃️❄😆

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