Saitama's Becomes Overprotective

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HiHi! Enjoy.

It's been a few weeks since you went to the doctor and came back positive. You and Saitama were gunna be parents within the next year. So far you've experienced no pain, though a little weight gain due to eating for yourself and someone else. Saitama on the other hand, he loved that weight gain. He's been very helpful during the trimesters. He cooks, clean, and comforts you. When you were in pain and could use ibuprofen,

Saitama made sure you took your prenatal vitamins, stayed hydrated. and ate sufficient, delicious, healthy foods. Don't forget specifically, breakfast, lunch, a snack, and dinner. Well the snack was basically a meal. Anything you'd try to stay from eating, Saitama would find a way for you to eat properly. He made sure you were at high comfort.

Every so often he'd rub, poke, and coo at your growing belly. Sometimes he'd ask for a listen or feel. What he most enjoyed was when you'd let him kiss your belly.

Saitama would rarely sleep, had stay up to watch over you and the apartment. Don't want any burglaries, or monsters to threaten you and the baby's life. He'd even watch over you when you eat or drink. He doesn't want you choking on anything, and harm the baby or you. There are alot of things he does that you'd rather not say, but let's get onto what's for today.

"Saitama! Where the hell is he!", you scream in agony as you have another contraction. "Master says he is on his way (Y/n)-san.", Genos say putting away his phone. You continue to survive the contraction waiting for this all to be over, or at least the contractions to calm down.

Soon after a few seconds, the door handle broke off, fell to the ground, and chimed on the floor. "Opps, sorry.", a familiar voice apologizes. "(Y/n)! Genos!", Saitama called in a worry. "Sensei!", Genos answered. "How is she?", Saitama asks. "I'd sujest you ask her that yourself sensei for I dont not clearly know.", Genos states truthfully. I mean child birth, is tough thing women go through with not much credit. "Ah, yeah I guess you're righ-", Saitama would have finished if it wasnt for your scream. "(Y/n)!?", Saitama calls out worried. "Sai...!", you begin with gritted teeth and painful contractions. "Yes?!", he asks. "...Get your ass over here now and give me your damn hand!", you order harshly. Saitama looked over at Genos, who shrugged and shoved Saitama over to you. "Ah! G-Genos! I don't know what to do! You do it!", Saitama says frustrated. "I dont know either, also you're her significant other Master. I'll go get the Doctor." With that Genos left you and Saitama alone.

Saitama inhaled an exhaled, turning to you he took a different approach. "Ask and I'll do anything to help.", Saitama said calmly with a weak smile. You looked at him, and nodded. After a few moments of Saitama comforting you, Genis came back with doctor, a midwife, and a few nurses.

"Hello Mrs.(L/n) and Mr.(L/n), it seems like your little one came on a pleasant day.", the doctor said trying to lift the mood, which he did. You smiled at how he worded his sentence, you chuckled. Saitama looked at you and smiled to himself. 'Glad shes feeling a little better.'

With the assistance of the doctor, midwife, and nurses; you had a successful (birth method preference). Saitama aided by giving a hand. No. LIterally give you his hand to squeeze the hell out of, which he felt no pain.

Genos had to wait outside the roof length curtains, and wait for his niece of nefew to be brought until the world. You and Saitamas bundle(s) of joy was [(number) boy(s) and/or girl(s)]. You and your husband were so happy, along with Genos.

You went home after a day, due to the doctors running blood tests and checkups on the newborn(s) and you. Making sure you and your baby(ies) in wonderful health. Saitama took trips back and forth to bring you items for hygiene and self enjoyment.

When heading home after the long hospital visit you both instantly show the nursery to your newborn(s). Not like you got a response but still.

After the birth Saitama was more vigilant and hostile to visitors, such as your friends, and family member. But with a scolding from you and your mother, Saitama stopped being rude to your family members who came to see the little one(s).

As usual, your family members say your child(ren) looked like you, even though you beg to differ.

You and Saitama finally get a moment to yourselves. No crying, or pesky family members, just you and Saitama.

"Whew, I'm so tired. Today was rough.", you say slouching in the couch. Saitama smiles and nods, "Yep." He sits beside you and pulls you in his arms. "Are you alright?", you ask genuinely curious. Saitama nods.

"Soon our kid(s) are gunna grow up so fast, and be enroll in schooling, and all that jazz we did in our adolescence.", you say truthfully. Saitama did muster or move. You notice his quiet attitude, and turn to face him. "Sai, are you sure you're alright? You seem more quiet.", you say. Saitama had a warm smile on his face. "Sai? What's gotten into you?!", you ask quickly getting out of his embrace and turn to look at him fully. He still had that warm smile plaster across his feature. He shook his head. "The why are you so quiet?"

He embraces you, causing you to squirm and move around. "Sai!" Saitama managed to get you into a comfortable embrace.

"I never thought thus wonderful thing would happen to me. Never had I had a single thought of being where I am today. All because I met you, (Y/n)." You blink. "Now I'm a father of (number of babies), have a comfortable home, a beautiful wife, and a bright future. Not alone in that old apartment." You slouch your shoulder, listening intently on his words. "(Y/n) you've made me a happy man. Thank you so much for loving someone like me. I don't know where I'd be without you.", Saitama caresses your cheek, and kisses you forehead.

"What are you talking about! You changed me! I use to be so bored with myself. Nothing to do, or any future to even mention. I was so lost. Having you in my life has been a blessing, and I hope it always will be one. I proud of what we have made together."

You capture Saitamas lips and lean ik nto his embrace. Enjoying the warmth of the fire, and each other.

That was cheesey as HELL! I'm literally impaling myself with the tip of my charger.

See ya!

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