Saitama's Feederism

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You and Saitama have just started dating. Things are going wonderful, it literally couldn't be better. Dates ever other weekend, spending time together, calls and texts. Saitama's been a little overprotective, but you don't mind it. Saitama's been pestering you to move in, but you still refuse.

Today Saitama is going to visiting you for the weekend, maybe even sleep over. Earlier he had went to your favorite bakery to pick up some sweets. You decides to clean up a little before him came. Unbeknownst to a future surprise or suffering.

4:00 p.m. (Winter)
Your Apartment
Your POV

I just had finished sweeping the floor, and lighting the fireplace, when I heard my door ring. 'That must be Saitama.' I made my way over to the front door and gently twisted the knob, to be greeted by Saitama and the cold air hit my face. I smile, "Good Afternoon Sai~" Saitama looks up and smiles, his breathe leaving him as condensation, and his cheeks tinted a light pink. "Hey, (y/n)." I step back and open the door further, welcoming him in. Saitama steps in and begins to take off his winter gear. Placing his scarf and coat on the coat hanger by the door. As he did so, you noticed the two big boxes in a unknown bag. "Sai, What's this?" Saitama turns towards me, his eyes widen and he quickly takes the bag from me. I look up at him in shocked confusion. "Uh, hehe This is nothing. Don't worry about it. Uhhh did you redecorate? It's nice." I quickly forget what happened and nonexistantly flush, "O-Oh thank you. So um, shall we?", I ask. He follows me close behind me, still with the bag in hand. He told me not to worry, so I won't.

Saitama's POV

I follow close behind (Y/n), he home smells just like her, so sweet. We sit down and get comfortable. "Bae, how was your day?", she asks. I shift at her questions, and begin to think about what happened so far today. "Well there was a 70% discount at the market in my district. Genos has been no jobs lately, so he's been cleaning and cooking for the most part. Also I-I just pick up some cakes for you. I don't know if you like them b-but-" " Aww Saaaiii~ Thank you." (Y/n) then leaned over and kissed my cheek. My cheek tint once more. I quickly began to open the bag and pull out a box. "D-do you have any plates?", Saitama asks. 'Duh Saitama of course she has plates! You idiot!' (Y/n) then nodded and got up to head to the kitchen. I opened up the box with the store logo printed on top. With amazement I look down at the sweet desserts. Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, pumpkin, all kinds of artistically decorated cakes. The were somewhat cute. One caught my eye a pink frosted, turquoise rose, and green leaved, chocolate cake. This on instantly reminded me of (Y/n). 'So sweet, cute, kind, and delicate.' When (Y/n) came back with an empty platter, small plates, and a few forks, she sat down.

You fix two plates. One for Saitama and one for you. Saitama thanks you and picks up his plate. You do so as well. Ass you open your mouth to place cake in it, Saitama notices you start to eat. He doesn't start on his. He just continues to watch you.

You notice this, "Saitama? Is something wrong?" Saitama jumps from your voice and drops his fork. He quickly picks it up to meet with your gaze again. "S-sorry.", he say looking down at his cake. "Do you not like cake?", you ask. "N-nO! No. It's just...", Saitama striders and struggles to speak. He ever has trouble looking you in the eyes. 

Saitama's POV

She lightly touches my hand. I look up at her. "Sai. You cant tell me anything. I'm here for you." I feel the love weld up in me. I quickly embrace her in a hug. I know I surprised her as she doesn't hug back till a few seconds later. "(Y/n)....I've kept this iden from you for a long time. I apologize." I soon get discouraged. I feel myslef shaking, my body sweating, and fear overwhelmed me. 'What if she thinks I'm disgusting?! A freak! A fetished freak!? W-what if....she leaves me....?'

No Ones POV

As Saitama is drowned in the negative thought sof his mind. You gently cup his cheeks, snapping him out of his trace state. He looks up at you with worried eyes. You smile, "I'm here." Saitama's nerves calm and he sighs. "(Y/n), I have a fetish! I am a feeder!", he yells out. "Saitama.", your tone broke his negative thoughts again. He looks at you. "Whatever your into I won't judge. If your into that that I accept you. No need to hide anything from me. Okay?" Saitama smalies and hugs you with a kiss.

"Now let me get you a new fork. Be right ba-" "No need." Saitama hold stor wrist and pulls you back into his lap. Ypu now face him. "W-what are you doing Sai?" Saitama wraps his arms around you. With his left hand he grabs your plate and fork. "Say 'awh'~" Your face felt hot, as you feel embarrassed. Saitama pokes the fork gently at your lips. You hesitantly open your mouth. Saitama gently holds the fork in your mouth and stared into your gaze waiting for you to eat it. You bite down and take the cake from the fork. Saitama then gets another peice as he reacts it for you to take again once done chewing. As you chew, Saitama sits patiently staring at your eat. His face already 20 shades pinker. Not from embarrassment, but arousal. As you swallow Saitama raised the fork to your mouth again, "Ahhh~"

Saitama's POV

She looks so cute when shes eating. Aww I just want to give her more. Maybe next time I'll bring more than three boxes. I feed her the last slice of (fav cake) and she smiles as she chews. 'So adorable'

Soon Hours later~

Saitama had fed you the whole small two boxes. "Ready for the last one?", he asks. Your eyes widen, "Next one?!'You were filled to the brim of your appetite. Surely you must have gain loads of calories. But deep down you knew Saitama didnt care, he just wanted you to eat more.

"Saitama, I think I'm full.", you manage to say. "What?!" "I could eat way more this? Now way your full. Now how about the pumpkin pie?"


𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | (Saitama's Scenarios X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now