Saitama Wants to Have Babies

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There are two routes. You Disagree or Agree.

*note Saitama is your boyfriend or fianceé*

*another note saitama's a little yandere*

Lately I've been think real serious about me and (Y/n) relationship. I want it to go somewhere. Things are great right now, but I want to marry her one day. Even have a family in the future. But on Redbit there have been forums about women not wanting kids and the couple breakup. I've done gone and spooked myself. I've been meaning to talk to her about this, but either can't bring it up or to nervous. (I'm such a dork.)

You and Saitama just finished dinner and now you to were letting your meal digest, and had small conversation at the dinner table.

'Should I ask her? Should I bring it up?' "Hey Sai, Look at (f/n) and her husband. They just had their first kid. Isn't he cute?" I looked at the Pacebook page and see (Y/n)'s friend, her husband and baby. 'We'll have a cuter son. Maybe it'll even be a girl.' "Sai. SAI~", (Y/n) calls out for probably the fifth time. "Yes sweetheart?", I asks. "What's wrong? You seem.....spaced out?", (Y/n) asks as she placed a hand on mine. I shift uncomfortable in my chair at her concern. "Sai, you can tell me anything.", she adds while rubbing my hand with her thumb. Her wedding band and engagement ring sparked under the kitchen light. I looked into her (e/c) eyes, they sparked with love and compassion. This gave me the courage to ask my wife this important question. "(Y/n), baby. I wanted to talk to you about something for a while now. This is a dream of mine and I really desire to do this with only you, my darling. AND only YOU can do this for me." Your brows furrows for a millisecond, as they raised in heavy concern. Saitama took a deep breath and held both of your hands in his larger ones.

"Will you bare my childern?"
"Will you have my child?"
"Will you have kids with me?"
"I wanna start a family with you."
"I wanna f@#k you and plant my s@@ds in you."

"I wanna have kids with you."

(Which ever is to ur liking? I for one love them all.😏)

🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣(oh how badly I want saitama to say this to me one day. Ik it will never happen😭)

Here come the choices. Low-key only 2 choices so choose wisely~


You slam your hands down on the table as you push out your seat with your legs. Saitama follows your eyes, "(Y-Y/n)? (Y/N) where are you going? We're are not through, and we haven't made an agreement!", Saitama yelled. "Agreement? How about a disagreement?! No! And I mean it!", you yell and turn to head down the hall. Saitama frowns, "(Y/n)! Get the hell back here!", Saitama yells as he brakes his glass of tea. His hand had glass dug in his palm, and tea soaked the table and his hands. Saitama rubs the glass out his hands, he remains  unscathed. You make your way to your bedroom and lie down. Arms folded and a stubborn frown on your face. Saitama cleaned himself up and bursts through the bedroom door. You didn't bother look at him. Saitama stood in the doorway, waiting for you to look at him. When he finally got the sense you were going to look at him. Saitama's teeth grinded as he marches over to you at your bedside. With your hand to your cheek as you face away from him with a turn. Saitama frowns and grits his teeth. His dream was serious to him, and you just disregarded it. Saitama loomed over you and swiftly grabbed both your hands. Pinning them to the bed you look away from his eyes. Saitama intensely stares at you, as if he were burning holes in your skin. "Look at me.", you ignore. "Look at me, (Y/n).", you ignore as well. "LOOK AT ME!", you still proceed. "LOOK AT ME, (Y/N)!", instead of asking, Saitama grabs you chin and makes you look at him. "Answer my question/statement from earlier.", he orders. "I said no." Saitama frowns and grits your face harder, "Answer it correctly." You frown, "I did and my answer is still NO!" "You know what, if your not gunna take me seriousely, I guess I'll fufull it all myself, whether you like it or not.

Your POV

"You know what, if your not gunna take me seriousely, I guess I'll fufull it all myself, whether you like it or not.", Saitama let go of your wrists. It left you a little cold from him not at your bedside. Your mind stop all together, only to process what he just said. 'What? Is he going to sleep with another girl? What does he mean by that? Is he going to...leave me?'

'I didn't want this to happen...'

But this ninja did some thing total different.🤣

No One's POV

Saitama walks over to the closet, and rumages threw the clothes on hangers. He pushes past them and meets the built in shelves. With a few movements of search. "Glad I bought theses." Saitama backs out of the closest and turns to face you. You look straight at him, and him to you. With a cheeky smile he holds up his occupied hands up. *rattle* *rattle* "Come here.", he said a little darkly. Your eyes shot open, 'Hand cuffs?!' In a swift movement of you both, Saitama bounds you to the floor. You had hit your face straight to the floor, attempting to run away. But failed. 

That night was a long one. With Saitama insecurities and doubts of 'them' making it. He didn't want to fail. So many rounds cometh to thee......(Y/n).


The question ringed over and over in your head. You had thought about this before and to say: It was a dream of yours too.


Saitama's eyes widen as he quickly embraced you in a warm hug. Tearing up on your shoulder. "Thank you, (Y/n)." You smile and wrap your arms around him.

After a few weeks of preparing and making sure you were futile and he wasn't sterile.....

Saitama and you meet in bed one afternoon. You two stare into each other's eye lovingly. For what you two were about to commit in this sunset lit room. Saitama places a hand on your cheek, only to kiss your lips softly. "Are you sure you want know?", Saitama blushes. You smile with your (s/c) cheeks heated too. With you two soon slowly taking off each other's clothes, and embracing each other in *insert baby making position*. Saitama slowly slides in you. (No need to adjust this ain't yo first rodeo with him) "You ready?", he asks close to your ear, his voice oh so sexy. You shake your head, with the sense of being full. Saitama starts of slowly, warming you both up with the moment. With your insides expanding and tightening, Saitama began to feel the need to move faster. After a few moments, Saitama was up close in a hug, thrusting into you at a inhumane pace. Your moans and his filled the rooms usually quietness. Once you felt Saitama hug you the tightest, you felt him release his seed in your warm cavern. "Don't move. I want to make sure 'they' make. You quietly smile and he chuckles. After a few, he lies down beside you. You both smile at each other and hold hands. "I love you, (Y/n). You smile wider and hug him. "I love you too." Saitama smiles again and wraps his arms around you and pulls the cover among you both. As you fall asleep in his arms, Saitama lays awake for a while. Staring down at you with a smile.

'I don't know what I would have to do if she'd refuse.'


Alright thinks the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed. I have realized I need help, I'm so delusional that Imma marry Saitama in Japan at age 27. Also I don't know how sex works, this is what I think learned from others and what I've read before. I'm still a virgin. 😊👍 NOW LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY!!!!!! *ahem* Ladies and Gents. It's called Absinthe or loving 2D characters. Jk jk do whatever u please. It's all for comedy.

A'ight...Imma head out....

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