"This Is For Us"

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Saitama loves many things about you. He was devoted. He'd protect you from harms way, and the worlds wrath. He loved you. He didn't know, such any human could give him these feelings he had now deep within his heart. Your bodily image forever etched in his mind. He was obsessed, but in his mind, he was in love.

"I'm done! I can't do this anymore!", you yell as you walk to your shared room and swung the wardrobe open. You walked over and threw your suitcase onto the bed. "What? What'd I'd do wrong?!", Saitama asked from the hallway.

You ignored his question, and continued to toss clothes from the wardrobe and into the suitcase; sometimes missing the suitcases and the clothes falling in close proximity of the bed. Saitama walked and stood in the door way. "What's wrong?! Just please tell me!", he pleaded.

You frowned and continued to toss clothes into the suitcases. You soon threw the doors of the closet opens. Saitama walked from the door frame and latched his hand onto your shoulder. "(Y/n)! Please! What's-", you slapped his hands off your shoulder and continued to throw clothes into the suitcases.  Saitama frowned and latched both hands on your shoulders. "Get off of m-"


You stared at Saitama angered gaze, as a large stinging sensation heated your cheek.

"You just..."

"L-listen I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit that hard-"

"You did it again jack ass! This is the third time! Don't put your hands on me! I'm leaving!", you yell as you pushed past Saitama, leaving behind a few clothes. You zipped up your suitcases, and dropped them to the floor.

"I'm sorry my emotions get the better of me, (Y/n)~! Please!"

"I've given you many chances to control yourself! You can't manipulate me! Just because I don't certain things, doesn't mean you can get angry. Im a grown woman I can do as I please!", you say.

Saitama frowns, "Hanging out with Mumen rider all the time isn't okay!"

"Sai! As I said before and I'll say it again! HE. IS. JUST. A. FREIND!!! I knew him since childhood!!!", you yell. Saitama frowns, "You go out to lunch with a childhood friend~?!" You pinched the bridge of your nose, "Yes. Yes I do, and can. People do that, it's normal. You go out to hot springs with your coworkers! But now I can go out to lunch with a friend?!", you yell.

"It was just a reward from my job!", Saitama yelled. You groaned, "You're not getting what I'm saying Sai. I'm done talking to you. Imma go for a while, I need a break.", you say as you hug yourself, and not make eye contact with Saitama.

Saitama just stared at you. "What do you mean "break"? Y/n?", he asks.

"You know what I mean. I'll call you when it's over, and I feel better. You get your self in order too. See ya Sai.", you say as you haul your suitcases out of the room and down the hall.

Saitama stared at the floor, he face clouded over, and his heart felt heavy.

When he first met you, you helped him open up so many emotions. Happinesses, love, loneliness, sadness, and sometimes anger. He loved how you made him feel in so many ways. But now that this is happening, he just acquired a new emotion.


"Wait Sai? What are you doing? No! No! Stop! Stay away!"

"I won't let you leave. Ever. Don't worry, this is for us."

Deep in his heart he knew what he was doing was wrong. But at the same time all of it felt right, like it's okay. A necessary evil. Something he must do to keep you at his side, and in his possession.

He felt that if you left him, or disappeared from his life, he'd lose the only thing left to make him human. Those emotions where everything to him, and you gave them to him. He'd be damned to let you go.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞 | (Saitama's Scenarios X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now