Saitama Gives You Aphrodisiac

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I had been shopping and planning all day. Today (Y/n) was coming over for dinner. Just me and her. Genos went out of town for work and repairs, so that gives me a lot of time to spend with (Y/n). Recently I've heard of a drug/medication that enhances your sex drive. Knowing me, I want to try it. Not on myself though, I wanna tease (Y/n). 'I bought the groceries for dinner, and some drinks too. And...a few other things....anyways let's get to cooking.', I rub my hands together as I turn to the sink. Washing my hands, after sitting on an apron, I begin cooking.

2 hrs later~

I just got off the bus station. Taking out my phone I head to Saitamas contact. Pressing the call button.

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~


'Hello? (Y/N)?'

"Yeah hello Sai."

You hear a few loud metallic crashes.

'Ow! Uh....where is the...?'

"Sai? Sai? Saitama!"

'Uh....yes sweetheart?'

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?"

'Uh no no no. Everything is fIN-'

You hear a smoke alarm go off.

'Aw Fuc- Oh no! The (f/f)! (Y/n) uhhhhh I have to take care of something....'

"Okay. I see you when I get there. Be careful!", I say with worry.

'Yeah yeah! Okay bye bae.'


*sighs* 'Judging by that chaos over the phone. He must have cooked my (f/f) and burnt it.' I put my phone back in my pocket and begin the rest to the trip to Saitama's house.

Ever since the monsters were in the city a few years ago. City transit stopped running and you have to walk the rest of the way.

When you get there, it was quiet. To quiet. Silently panicking a little you take our the key he gave you. Opening the door quietly. You look around. The television was running, and there was a pink cloth in the middle of the room. 'What is that?' You quietly walk up to the pink cloth and crouch down to pick it up. Holding it and unraveling it, 'A pink aron?' You neatly fold the apron and hang it over the couches arm rest, and placing your purse in the couch too. "Saitama?!", you call out. "Oh hey (Y/n). I didn't hear you come in...", Saitama said with a smile and arms out. You smile at him and embrace him in response. He kisses your head, along with you giving him a peck on the lips. "So what have you set up for us? Seemed chaotic over the phone.", you cutely chuckle. Saitama awkwardly chuckles and runs the back of his head.

"Heres your drink.", I smile, handing her her 'drink'. "Thank you.", she said so innocently. I felt guilt tug on my heart strings. 'Maybe I should too...', I think. "Wait a moment. I'll be right back." "Alright.", she says. I head back into the kitchen and reach above the fridge, grabbing the bag with the aphrodisiac pills.'Should I take one or two?' I pop one in my mouth, not as much as (Y/n) has, 'I still want to be in control.' I put the pills back into the bag and up top on the fridge again. Heading back to the dinning room he sits back down.

Timeskippu° :3

You soon felt light headed as you swayed about. Head bobbing as if you were going to fall asleep. The temperature feels as if it had risen. You take off your small sweater and wave your hand for air to hit your face. Fanning yourself you drop the fork on your plate loudly. "S-Sa Sai...ta...maaaaaaa...."

Saitama himself felt hot and bothered. But still had control. He knew the aphrodisiac had taken effect, so he's decide to to play dumb, so you can play right into his hands. "Yeah?", he answered. "SaAAi I feel weird. What's wrong?", you ask placing a hand on Sai's. This contact made him tingle to the core. "What elses? Tell me symptoms.", he smiled. "OkaAyyyy. I feel really hot, I'm sweating aloOt....annnnd my stomach feels tingly." "Where exactly does you 'stomach' feel tingly~?" You get up and walk over to his side of the table. Grabbing his hand...................

As you entice him he soon began to feel hot and heavey. Upstairs, he's clouded but downstairs was not full and ready. A beating temperature his his crotch as he plays with you. He notes that the pills are working. 'Damn if one pill feels like this, what about the amount I gave (Y/n).' slide his hand down your pants and into your underwear. "Right here~", you mewl. Saitama's face shot red. "Well I can't help you fix that~ Do you want my help", he asks. You shake your head cutely. Saitama gets up and beckens and you to follow. In the living room Saitama pats his lap. You sit down in his care and Saitama quickly plunges his hand down pants once again. This time much further.

"Ahh!", you yell. "Does it feel good~?", he asks seductively. You nod your head pleasingly. Saitama rubs your clit softly, in circles, horizontally and vertically. You moan at all and more. Saitama begins to feel his pants tighten and decides to help pleasure himself. Saitama unbuttons his pants and pulls his underwear off his cock. Wrapping his hand around his shaft he begins to stroke it as he watches you get over yourself. He continues to rub your clit. "Sai-Saitama!", you call out. Saitama feels the slick liquid of yours soak his hands. He slowly takes out his hands and confirms that your liquids have coaxed his fingers and hand.

Saitama takes his hand to the mouth and sucks off the substance as if it was honey/syrup. You pant and catch your breathe. Saitama had only relived a little bit of.the wide sensation. A lot still pulsing in your core. With what strength Saitama left you, you get up and kneels down between Saitama. Looking up at him seductively, you push his hands away rom him. As before Saitama pleasures himself and you. Nows your turn for your faithful future better half. You take in his cock in your oral cavern and suck. Saitama jolts his head back with a gasph. You wet his willy......(🤣 can't believe I typed this🤣) and slurp the excess saliva. Bobbing your head, Saitama shifts relatively in his seat. With his face twisted with pleasure and arousment, places his hand on the back of your head. As the feelings built up with in your boyfriend, Saitama begins to twitch as his head tilts back. With a loud moan, he released his semen aiting your oral cavern. Releasing his cock from your mouth, his shaft twitches and releases more to the floor. With you swallowing it all, you grasp for air and lick your lips. Saitama soon gets up and picks you up bridal style.

He looks you down to the couch, with a kabedon against the couches back board. He looks down at you hungrily.

Oh, what a afternoon you two had~

I hope you enjoyed. If you like my story style, try some of my other stories. Anyways, see ya sksk's later!
(Don't worry not a visco girl)

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