°New Years Scandal Part 2°

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So how did you like the last chapter? I know it was pretty dramatic but hey its not too dramatic yet 😂. Well let this chapter begin. It takes place a few   weeks later. Lets say about a month or two later.

"Yes Miss. Potter?" Scorpius asked Lily during one of her Defence classes.
"May i be excused im not feeling very well." Lily replied. Scorpius nodded his head and when Lily had left the class nodded for Daphne to follow her.

"Lilz wait up!" Daphne said catching up to Lily. "Whats wrong?"
"I dont know i just dont feel good. I might just go lay down for a while."
"If you dont feel good you should probably go see Ally in the Hospital Wing." Daphne told her best friend.
"I guess but will you come with me? Just in case it is something bad?" Lily asked and Daphne agreed so the two set off for the Hospital Wing.

"Uh hey Ally." Lily said when they got there.
"Hey Lily hey Daphne what are you guys doing here?"
"Well Lily here said she wasnt feeling very good so i brought her here." Daphne explained.

After explaining to Alice how she felt Lily felt like throwing up which she ended up doing just that.
A few minutes went by and then Alice sat up and had Lily lay down so that she could 'check Lilys stomach'. After a minute or two Alice smiles.
"What's whats wrong Ally?" Lily asked.
"Well Lily i dont know how your going to do it but your going to have to explain to your brothers that about 6 months after i have my baby they'll be uncles." Alice responded.
"Wait Lily's pregnant?" Daphne questioned.
"Yes 2 months to be exact. But ill keep it a secret till you tell everyone. For now go rest up and ill tell your professors i gave you the day off."

Once Lily and Daphne had gotten to the Gryffindor Common room which was empty since everyone was in class they took the two best seats.
"Uh hey Daph i need to talk to you about something." Lily said looking into the fire.
"What is it Lily?" Daphne who had just been beeming at the thought of being an aunt turned Sirius (yes the pun was very much intended).
"Well you see ive never went further then kissing with Scropius."
"Wait are you trying to say that the baby isnt my brother's who is currently your boyfriend?" Daphne asked. Lily nodded her head. "So who's is it?"
"Well the night of the New Years Eve Ball Ly took me home and laughing led to a kiss and a kiss obviously led to more." Lily told her friend who looked completely surprised.
"Do either Molly or Scorpius know?"
"Yeah me and Ly told them the next day. And it turns out that they ended up in the same postion." Lily answered.
"Wait could Molly be pregnant too?"
"No she takes a potion and since i wasnt expecting all of this to happen i wasnt." Lily said.
"Wow. So what are you going to do?" Daphne added.
"I'm going to owl Molly to see if she can come and then i will tell all three of them." Lily responded.
"Well do you want parchment and a quill?" Daphne asked. Lily nodded so Daphne grabbed a peice of parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink.

Around an hour later when Molly arrived and Lysander and Scorpius were free as it was time for lunch the four met in Scorp's office.
"Whats so important that you need to tell us?" Molly asked.
" She is pregnant with his baby." Scropius said.
"Wait how did you know Scorp?"
"Well its obvious Lilz you left class because you didnt feel good and then you have news that all three of us need to know." Lysander explained and Molly and Scorpius agreed.
"So its true? Your going to have a little baby Scammander?" Molly asked sounding completely happy and not at all upset. Lily just nodded in response and thats when Molly stood up and pulled Lily into a hug. Then she whispered in her ear, "Dont worry Lily im not mad. For all we know i could have been the one having a baby Malfoy but im not."
Lily smiled them turned to Scorpius who said, "Im not mad Lily. I just want you to know that either way i will love you and your baby."
"And i will too of course. I mean thankfully you have someone like Scorpius who i know i could trust with you and our baby." Lysander told Lily.
"Thank you. All three of you. And im sorry to interrupt this amazing moment but um im hungry. And i dont know if its because im pregnant or because im part Weasley but im very hungry right now." Lily said making them all laugh. But they all laughed and went to the Hall to eat. And as they were still pretending to date Lily and Lysander sat together along with Daphne and Hugo at the Gryffindor table. (Where they held on from telling Hugo Lily was pregnant as they decided to wait to tell anyone else till she got past 3 months.)

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