And Back to Hoggy Woggy Hogwarts

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"Are you sure your all good?" Ginny asked her daughter as she said goodbye for the last time.
"Yes mum. Im perfectly fine. Anyways if anything goes wrong Ally goes back the day after tomorrow and Mols is coming on the train and will be there until Ally gets back." Lily explained.
"Ah Lily ready to go?" Lysander asked.
"Yeah bye mum. Bye dad!"

"Hello my love." Scorpius said when Lily and Lysander got to the compartment where Lucy, Daph, Hugo, Lorcan, and Scorpius where already sitting.
"Hey my love. Does anyone have some candy?" Lily asked. Everyone chuckled.
"Yeah here Lilz." Daphne told her friend.
"So how excited sre you guys that you graduate in two weeks?" Teddy asked as he came in.
"Hey Ted. And im very excited. I mean i cant wait till everyone can know about the secret." Lily said.
"Yeah and everything can go back to normal-ish." Molly said.
"Yeah. Anyways i came in here to get Scorpius and a date as we are having a teacher's meal thing in like five minutes." Teddy explained.
"Do you think they would kill me if i brought Lily as my date?" Scorpius asked.
"Ah see i asked and Minnie said come one come all as in you, Lune, and the twins. Well her twins." Teddy answered.
"Hey they're my twins too!" Lysander said pretending to be hurt. That caused everyone to laugh.
"Okay well i meant like the twins she is carrying in her stomach and not you and your brother." Teddy clarified.
"Yeah yeah i guessed that. You all should be on your way. But if you can sneek some food back." Lysander told them. So they said good bye and then went to an extended compartment at the back of the train.
"Ah Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Lupin, and you look amazing Miss. Potter." Flitwick said in his high pitch voice.
"Thank you professor." Lily said smiling.
"Aw Lily you look great! How are you and  the twins?" Neville *or Professor Longbottom in class* asked as he came in through another door.
"All three of us are doing good. How about you and Auntie Hannah?"
"Great. She says you'll have to come around more so she can see you and the babies." Neville told her as very gray haired McGonagall came in.
"Minnie! Its so good to see you!" Lily exclaimed.
"Oh Lily Luna you too you too. Now wht don't we sit? Professors Nott and Patil around on their way and Hagrid is too." So they all sat and in minutes the three professors where too.
"So the cravings have kicked in?" Professor Patil asked (Lets pretend Padima became a prof.)
Lily looked down at her plate which had a sandwich of just bread and pickels and then chicken with ketchup.
"Oh yeah i dont even like ketchup is the thing." Lily chuckled.
"Don't mind me ask i mean if you dont want to you dont have to answer but who is the father?"
Nott asked.
"Klaus Baudelaire. No im just kidding its Lysander Scammander." Lily answered.
"Who is Klaus Baudelaire?"
"Oh Uncle Nev you know those books everyone was passing around last summer? Well hes a character in a muggle book and well i began rereading it so i made a joke about it." Lily explained.
Everyone just nodded.
"So Lily when are you due?" Minnie asked.
"Im due September 3rd. But since they're twins it could happy before August 30th."
"And what about names?"
"Their names are gonna be Lilac Luna and Landon Rolf Scammander." Lily responded.
"And god parents?"
"Uh for Lilac it'll be Lorcan and Daphne and for Landon they'll be Al, James, Lena, and Alice."
"Great. So what are you doing after school?"
"I want to do quidditch or work with my Aunt 'Mione." Lily told them.
"Hey love will you pass me the salt?" Scorpius asked Lily. She nodded and handed him the salt.
"Wait you two are together?" Professor Nott asked.
"Oh yeah we have been since before Christmas break." Scorpius replied.

After that the questioned turned more to school and quidditch.
Now they are all getting off the train as they have just gotten to Hogsmeade.
"Im going to go find the rascals i call my friends." Lily said giving Scorpius a hug and kiss.

"Guys!Hugo! WAIT!" Lily yelled getting the attention of more people than she wanted.
"Hey Lils." Lorcan said.
Then they got in two carriages; Lily, Lucy, Daphne, and Adelena in one and Lorcan, Lysander, and Hugo in another.

"Okay you guys go ahead and eat im gonna head off to bed." Lily said as she started towards the stairs. Everyone said good night but the Scorpius was calling her name.
"Whats up Scorp?"
"McGonagall wants to talk to us. Right now in the kitchen." Scorpius explained. Lily nodded and began waddling to the kitchen.

"Lily Luna and Scorpius come sit down. So i wanted to tell you that while you all were on break i had an extension done on Scorpius' room and now you can both be in there. But of course top secretly and obviously no funny bussines." McGonagall told them.
"Thanks Minnie now if you wouldnt mind i would like to get in pajamas and go to sleep." Lily replied. So Scorpius and Lily went to his house/room situation and they went to bed.

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