The Grand Finale

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Okay so this for me is like the end of an era. Even though its only been a year. I mean at the same time it is a long time.But anyways I want to thank everyone who has gotten this far into the story. I really hope you've enjoyed the experience because I really enjoyed writing it ~Tily19

This last chapter takes place in December. This chapter is yet again another wedding but it has more and hopefully its a good enough ending. :) 

Two weeks before the wedding the guys (Scorpius, Al, James, Frank, Lorcan, Ly, Lou, Fred, and Hugo) decided to go to New York. They stayed at the soon to be opened Leaky Cauldron there. They went around N.Y.C and enjoyed their time there. And then after 6 and a half days in New York they went back to their wives, fiancés, and girlfriends. 

Just 2 days after the guys got back the girls (Lily, Alice, Lena, Daph, Molly, Olive, and Lucy) went to France. While there they stayed with Vic and her grandparents.

"Hey guys I have news." Lily whispered that night when they were sitting on the porch at the Delacour's house. 

"What is it Lily?" Vic asked as she sat back down after bringing out more blankets.

"Thanks. And well you know how me and Scorp have been talking about having a baby sometime after the wedding?" Lily said.

"Omg Lils are you pregnant again??" Daph asked jumping up excitedly. Lily nodded while a big smile started to appear.

"Awww Lils your going to have a baby Malfoy soon!" Ally said sounded very happy for her sister in law.

"Yeah. I know the Prophet is going to have another field day with it."

"What do you mean Lils?" Lucy questioned.

"Scorp and I decided to tell everyone at the wedding. And well we all know that somebody from the Prophet is going to be there." Lily explained.

"Thats true a Weasley-Potter is going to marry a Malfoy. Basically the wedding of the century." Lena said sipping her tea.

"Lena its not the wedding of the century. Its just a surprise I guess. And anyways back on the topic of things unrelated to the whole Weasley-Potter-Malfoy old feud Lucius might actually come to the wedding." Lily told the girls.

"Wait what? Like go to the wedding that will have all of the Weasley-Potter-Longbottom-Scammanders? Is Gramps okay like do we need to call St. Mungos?" Daph asked her soon to be sister in law.

"Ha yeah I think we should. But no joking I went to talk to him last week. Well kind of he was at Draco and Astoria's when I went to go have breakfast with them and the twins. And before the twins waddled towards Draco and Tori they both made their way to Lucius and each grabbed one of his legs. It was insane. We all held our breathes until he picked them both up and asked how his granbabies were. Then when we were eating he asked when the wedding was and when I told him that it was in 2 and a half weeks he said 'well Ill just have to come by and see my grandson get married to the love of his life.' I can't tell you just how surprised I was. I think everyone was shocked. And then we just went back to eating."

"No way I-" Olive started to say when her phone started to ring. "Oh uh Ill be right back. I have to take this call."

That whole week they were there the girls whispered wondering what had been so important. Well everyone except Lily who already knew because she was sharing a room with Olive and so she got the 'tea'.

But soon enough it was time to go back home all the shopping they had done wore them out so they were happy to be home. Then after just 2 days they were all meeting at Draco and Astoria's house.  They had a big dinner outside with idle chit chat then at the end just before the parents were heading inside to get some rest Lily said, "Okay so the girls who went on the trip with me know this but I wanted to tell you guys before I tell everyone tomorrow..... Scorp and I are going to have a baby. Im due in early June. And if there wasn't any more news it wouldn't be a proper Weasley Potter well you know announcement so let turn the attention over to my lovely cousin Lou and his even more lovely wife Olive." (And I realize that might sound that Lily is upset about it but she isn't its just a way to say they have news too)

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