Another wedding -kind of-

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By the way in this part there isn't just  a kind of wedding.

"Hey Lena how are you doing?" Lily asked her sister in law when she and Al got to Lily and Scorpius' house.

"I'm good. A little tired. And winded and well you know hungry. What about you?" 

"Hi Al. And I'm good a little tired too but we will get through it. I think it is definitely worth it.  Hey Al if you're looking for Scorpius he is upstairs getting the twins ready. After we eat they are going over to their dad's so he and Molly can take them to see Luna and Rolf." Lily responded.

"Okay I'll go help him with that. See ya." Al said before going upstairs.

"Okay so when do you think you'll have the baby?" Lily asked

"Any day now. I was due two days ago though so if she really likes it in there it could be longer." Lena told her.

"Yeah hopefully she doesn't because we all want to see her beautiful face.  But hey why don't you  go seat down. I'm going to go get the plates ready for everyone." Lily said.

Meanwhile at Dominque and Jack's apartment.

"Hurry up Jack we are going to be late. Olly and I are already ready."

"Well love that's the exact reason I'm still getting ready."

"Don't start with me Jack especially not today. I mean we are suppose to be getting married in like 25 minutes." Dom told her fiancé.

"I was just kidding and anyways I'm done. How about I make pancakes. It will take 2 minutes to make and well we all eat fast."


So after they ate their pancakes they apparated to the Ministry of Magic. Where they went and eloped...

So that same day at The Burrow. B.T.W the picture above is what they wore.

"Ah hey Lily flower, Scorp, Li and Lan. How have you guys been?" Ted asked when he opened the door for the family of 4.

"We are good. How are Will and Dora?" Scorpius asked.

"They are good. They're visiting Vic for the week."

"Oh nice I bet-"

"Lily Luna is hereeeeeee" Charlie sang when he saw Lily.

"Uncle Charlie hi look say hi to Lilac and Landon."

"Aw they are so cute. Hi Scorp how's it going?"

"Oh its good. Hey I'll talk later I see my sister. See ya around here at some point Charlie." Scorpius said walking towards his sister. Charlie just nodded in response.

"Come on Uncle Charlie you can and should be nice to him. I mean I'm going to marry him at the end of this year."

"Look Lily I would be nice to him but he is a Malfoy. And he-dated no they didn't even date- was talking to Rose before you two got together."

"Uncle Charlie that was five years ago. Just leave it int he past. He makes me happy. And I would like you to know that him being a Malfoy has nothing to do with it. Plus I'm going to be a Malfoy by New Years Eve. Now if you don't mind I want to go say hi to the people who actually care and love Scorp for who he is not for his last name." Then Lily walked over to Dom. "No way. You two actually did it. Like you two really e-l-o-p-e-d." Lily said in shock.

"Yeah and we even walked right pass Grandad while we were at the Ministry. But hey we haven't told anyone yet. Thankfully no one has asked about me wearing my band and him wearing his ring." 

"Okay and are you going to tell everyone today?" Lily asked.

"Yes and speaking of which. HEY EVERYONE I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" and with that everyone turned to her and Jack walked over to his wife with Olly in his hands."Ha okay well so earlier today me and Jack did something. And well I know you might be upset about it but you know us and I'd be surprised if you expected anything else from us. But we got married today. It was just Olly and Mom and Dad that were there." Dom announced.  

Once everyone got over the fact that they weren't invited they all congratulated the couple and then if you didn't guess they went to eat. And of course they all told each other the latest gossip. I mean what else are they suppose to do?

Then at around 2 AM everyone decided to head home. Unless they had kids then they were already home as they left around 12.

But then the next day/same day when Lena was making breakfast her water broke...

And the baby was born. Obviously I mean what else happens when your water breaks. So at 12:06 baby Alena Liliana Potter was born.

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