The Day

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So this is the day of graduation.

"For all those standing may I ask you to sit we are about to begin." Al said into the microphone.

Ten minutes later Al began. All of the Wotters and their dates really only seemed to pay attention to family.
"Charlette Susanne Bones." Al said and so Charlette walked up and shook all of the professors hands and got her diploma. While someone said "Shes yet another Weasley."
"The one the only Adelena Marie Blanco." Al told the audience while there was a lot of "You mean Potter." And "cough Potter cough." Then they seemed to skip to "Daphne Emilia Malfoy." Al said and someone else said "I think you mean Longbottom."
Then "My own baby sis who is no longer a baby *sniffle sniffle* Lily Luna Potter." Next was "Lorcan Xenophilius Scammander."  Then his twin "The guy I wanted to punch like 3 months ago Lysander Rolf Scammander." Everyone laughed at that. And finally not only the last in my family to graduate but the last two people to graduate Lucy Muriel Weasley and Hugo Ronald Weasley." Al finished. And along with the other girls there was a "Luce is a Scammander"
Then everyone got up and Lily went onto the stage where Scorpius went to hug her and she kissed  him and everyone saw. So there was 'whats' 'hows' and 'I knew its'.
"Aww I love it." Daphne told her brother and his girlfriend.
"Yeah I think we all do." Ginny said.
That's when a reporter from the Daily Prophet came up to them.
"Ms. Potter how long have you been dating Mr. Malfoy? Wait is your child Mr. Malfoy's?"
"Um longer than I've been pregnant and no they're still Lysander's." Lily replied.
"So you cheated on Mr.Malfoy?" The reporter asked.
"Uh well yes I guess I did but he forgave now if you will excuse me I'm off to find the rest of my family to celebrate."

Everyone close to the Wotters all went to the Burrow for a small party since there was a big on the next day.
"Ah they're getting so big." Luna said when she saw the picture of the twins from the day before that Lily gave her.
"Oh I know. But I'm happy I can't wait for them to get here." Lily told her God mother.
"Same. Hey mum." Lysander said as we came to stand with Lily and Luna (😂😁😂).
"Hello Ly. Well I should go say hello to Ron and tell him there are nargles flying around him."
"And that's my mum." Ly told Lily. She chuckled.
"Hey how are you and Molly?" Lily asked.
"Amazing I got a ring but I'm going to wait a little bit. What about you and Scorpius?" He replied.
"Pretty great and that's so exciting I bet Mols will love it. And I hope I'll be getting on soon too." Lily told Lysander.
"Dont worry Lils he loves you and before this uh year is over you'll have not only the babes but a ring." Lysander responded. Then from the other side of the room Scorpius started to talk into the speaker.
"Hey so as everyone knows I'm Scorpius Malfoy and um Lily's boyfriend slash the most amazing person no I'm kidding but uh I would love it if Lily would come up here with me." So sm I'll smiling Lily went over to Scorpius.
"Okay so now that the most beautiful person alive is here beside me... no shade intended....but I would like to say a few words. So as everyone knows I've know Lily since I was 11 and she was 9. And since then I've loved loved loved her. Like I dont know how it took me this long. But hey at least ots gonna happen. No but uh so if we are being honest I would go over to any of the weasley houses just to see Lily....sorry Wotters.... but can you blame me? So for those you dont know the day before everyone went home for Christmas break uhh after a set of revelations we started dating. And since I was her professor we pretend that Lily and Ly were together. And the night of the Christmas Ball things went down and now Lily has two buns in her oven but hey she really pulls it off. And honestly although it wasn't the highest point in life relationship I'm so happy for both of them. And I can't wait to meet the twins. And well this whole time we've been hiding our relationship but now I'm glad to say that Lily is my girlfriend and that although the twins aren't mine I already love them as if they were. Okay okay now that I've gotten all sappy let me tell you all why I'm really being all sappy." Scorpius finished as music came on.  Aka Perfect by Ed Sheeran  After the song ends Scorpius gets down on one knee.
"Will you Lily Luna Potter do me the most gigantic honor of marrying me and becoming the very first redheaded Malfoy?" He asked. With tears flowing down her face Lily nodded her head.
"YES! SHE'S GONNA BE MY SISTER!" Daphne yelled. That made everyone laugh.

 That made everyone laugh

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"Aww Scorpius I love it." Lily told him once she was able to talk again.
"I'm glad you like it." Scorpius said before giving her a kiss. Then they spent the rest of the night hanging out and talking about all the weddings.
"Hey mum we are heading home. I mean it really just us." Lily told her mum before saying good bye to everyone else.
"See you tomorrow for the bash."

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