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This chapter is going to be a much needed Albus and Adelena chapter.🤗😛😁

"Lena hey!" Came a voice from behind Lena the next day at lunch.
"Al? What are you doing here?" Lena asked.
"What i cant come see my girlfriend?"
"No of course you can but i just left yesterday." Lena explained.
"Yeah yeah i know. But still i missed you and since i had to cover a night shift last night at the shop i decided to come and visit before going home." Albus told her.
"Oh okay. Have you went to say hi to Lily yet?"
"Yeah. I went to talk to Minnie and when i came back down Lilz and Scorp were on their way down too."
"What did you have to talk to McGonagall about?" Lena asked.
"I asked if you could have to day off today." Al responded.
"Aw really?"
"Yeah so why dont you finish eating and ill meet you by the Gryffindor table. Oh and by Luce by Lorc." Albus said before kissing Lena and walking over to where his sister and cousin where sitting with Lysander. As he sat down beside Lily Al said, "Hey kids."
"Uh we arent much younger then you and me and Lysander are literally about to have our own kiddos." Lily told her brother as she grabbed more toast and eggs.
"How many peices of toast has she had this morning?" Al asked.
"Thats her seventh." Hugo answered. "And this is my fourth."
"Wow Lilz over break you didnt even touch eggs and seventh?"
Lily looked at her brother with tears in her eyes then stood up toast in her hand and walked away.
"No wait Lily!" Al exclaimed but Lily was already by the doors to the Great Hall.
"Oh Albus i should leave you here and go to class for that." Lena said smacking Al on the arm.
"I didnt think that would happen. I mean i didnt mean it like that." Al explained shaking his head.
"Then go say sorry. Her and Scorpius just went outside." Hugo suggested.
"Yeah and then i can take you to the Three Broomsticks." Al said.
"Okay. Well see ya Hugo. Bye Ly." Lena told them.

"Lily im sooooooooo sorry i didnt mean to make you upset." Albus told his sister.
"Its okay Al. Now go spend time together." Lily replied.
"Okay bye." Lena said.

Then the two walked to Hogsmeade where they went and sat down in the Three Broomsticks.
"What can i get you?" Madame Rosemerta asked.
"Uh I'll have a butterbeer."
"Me too thanks."
"So how has taking your Grandpa's job been going." Lena asked.
"Good good he came in yesterday morning and happily helped out. Which helped and thankfully they now have bigger offices too." Al answered.
"Here are you butterbeers!"
"Thanks." "Thank you."
"Well i cant even ask how being back at school is." Al said chuckling.
"Yeah but hopefully itll be good. But hey you know you have to be careful with Lils. Hormones and all you know." Lena told him.
"Yeah i just forget. I mean it was worst with Vic, Dom, and Ally."
"Oh yeah i remember and i live with Vic."
"Yeah oh look over there." Al said pointing to his cousin Rose and her fiance Charles who were sitting with Roxanne and Tommy.
"Wanna go say hi?" Lena asked.
"Yeah sure. Lets go."
"Hey guys!" Al said to his cousins and their fiances.
"Hey Al and Lena. Didnt you guys go back yesterday?" Rose asked.
"Yeag but Al convinced Minnie McG to let me have the day off." Lena explained.
"Sweet. And hey how is Minnie she didnt look so good the last time i saw her." Rox said.
"Not good i took her down to the hospital wing today." Al responded.
"Wait what?" Tommy said.
"Yeah she said she really didnt feel good. And if she is going on her own then you know something is wrong and she asked him before Christmas break to be Headmaster so it makes you wonder.
"AL LENA COME QUICK ITS MINNIE!" came Daphne's voice from by the door.
"COMING DAPH." Al yelled back.
"Can we come too?" Rose asked.
"Sure but we should be going." Lena replied. So they all got up and ran to the school.

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