《James & Alice》

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James walked into Alice's Hospital room with a bag and a backpack. Alice smiled when she saw how he was looking at both her and there newborn baby; Sirius.
"You and Sirius already to go home?" He asked.
"Just as soon as i change into those clothes." Alice replied.

After James had helped Alice change and they put Sirius in his carseat they drove home. When they got there Alice went to put Sirius in his crib as he had fallen asleep in the car. When she got back downstairs her favorite muggle movie was on their t.v.
"Aw Jamie! You put on Beauty and the Beast." Alice said sitting down next to her boyfriend.
"What you arent calling me Sirius anymore?" James asked.
"Well now that our son is named Sirius that should be his name and you can be Jamie again." Alice explained. James just nodded in agreement.
"Hey Alice do you ever think about  marrying me?"
"Of course i do Jamie. You are the love of my life." Alice said before giving him a kiss.
"Okay so if i ever ask you to marry me you'll say yes?"
"Exactly!" Alice told him giving him another kiss. Then Sirius woke up and started to cry.
"I'll go get him this time." James said and headed up to Sirius's room.
Alice wanted to know how James calmed Sirius down so quickly so she went upstairs. When she reached Sirius's room James was sitting in Sirius's tent holding him. Once she got past how cute that was she saw a box beside James.
"Uh hey Jamie whats that?" Alice asked pointing to the box. Standing up and putting Sirius in his crib then turning back to Alice he said, "Its a promise ring. You know me basically saying i promise I'll propose but im currently to much of a chicken. But really im jusy kidding. Thats an engagment ring." Then he picked up the box and got down on one knee. Alice gasped and started to tear up.
"Alice Augusta Longbottom will you do me the honor of marrying me?" James asked. Alice smiled and nodded her head yes while he put the ring on her finger.

This is the ring:

The newly engaged couple spent the rest of the day watching disney movies untill there was a knock on the door around 3 pm

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The newly engaged couple spent the rest of the day watching disney movies untill there was a knock on the door around 3 pm. When James opened the door he smiled at seeing both his siblings and their boyfriend/girlfriend.
"Hey Jamie!" Lily said giving him a hug even though there was a gap between the two as she was now 4 and 1/2 months pregnant with twins.
"Hey Lils, Scorpius, Al, and Lena. Come on in." James said smiling letting them all in.
"Oh omg Lils! Lena! Hey come come lets go see the baby." Alice said as she saw her future sister and brother in law and their most likely future spouses. "Oh and hey Al and Scorp." The three boys chuckles before the girls went to Sirius's room.

Has the girls came back downstairs about two hours full of gushing over Sirius, Lilac, and Landon then gushing over Alice and James being engaged later the girls walked slowly back downstairs but stopped when they heard what the boys were talking about.
"So Scorpius how do you really feel about the whole baby thing with Lily and Lysander?" James asked not really seeming interested in it as Lily's older brother but as Scorpius's friend so he felt confident enough to say, " Honestly? Some days its amazing. I mean yeah the twins are someone elses but i love them as my own already and i know thay they could look just like the Scammanders but i'll love them anyways. And then there are days that i hate that Lily was with someone else but i cant hate her or Lysander because they're both happy and at the end of the day Lily has decided to stick with me. And she says that one day she even wants to marry me and my kids. But you know its hard. I mean i guess if you think about it im not much better i did the same thing with Molly. To be honest i cant believe Lily forgave me for that."
"I forgave you because if you were willing to forgive me why shouldnt i? And there is the fact that im completely and hutterally in love with you." Lily told him walking over to Scorpius and giving a hug and kiss. When they pulled away and looked at the othee four James and Albus had huge smiles on their faces and the two girls had tears in their eyes.
"I have to say...i ship it REALLY hard." Albus said. They all laughed and sar down and chatted about this and that.
"So Lils who are the god parents going to be?" James asked.
"We were thinking that for Lilac it could be Lorcan and Daphne and Hugo and Lucy and for Landon me and Lysander were wondering if the four of you would be his god parents." Lily replied. The four smiled and all responded yes in some way.

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