Headmaster Potter😛

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This chapter takes place a week later......

"Hey Ly hows Molly?" Lily asked him.
"Shes okay still taking it pretty hard but she wanted me to come back to school so Rox is gonna stay with her." Lysander answered.
"Thats good. Im glad she wont be alone. But i wanted to see if you wanted to come hang out with us Weasley-Potters in the R O R. You know one last time before Al really has all the headmaster responsibilities." Lily said.
"Yeah sure. And how are the twins?" Lysander added.
"Good. Their both doing good. Ally thinks that Lilac might be the one to come first which is interesting because like last week we thought it was going to Landon."
"Right. But hey i can see them using the older twin card over each other a lot." Lysander told her.
"Yeah. Oh hey Kay whats up?" Lily asked one of the girls in her year who had just walked up to Lily and Lysander.
"Lily i need to talk to you. And Scammander you can be there too." Kay said so the trio walked into an empty classroom.
"So whats up Davis?" Lysander asked.
"Uh so i just saw Professof Malfoy talking about how he cant wait for our year to graduate because then he and someone can tell everyone their dating. Who do you think this someone is? Like its obviously one of the girls in our year. Could it be Adelena?" Kay answered.
"Well maybe or just the stress of this year. And no definitely not Lena she is dating someone else. But anyways Kay you should probably just leave it be. Scorpius will explain soon enough i bet. Me and Ly have to go. You know family stuff. See ya in Potions tomorrow." Lily said as she and Ly left the room with Kay still inside. The two didnt say anything on the way to the R O R or once they got there.
"Hey you guys made it Hugo just went down for food." Scorpius said giving Lily a hug and kiss.
"Sweeeet. Im starving. Anyways what are we doing tonight?"
"Lol Lils but same and just playing games and hanging out." Vic said coming out of what must  be the bathroom with Will and Dora.
"Ahh come here little god daughter of mine!" Lily said when she saw Dora.
"Ily!ily!" Dora replied running over to Lily.
"She missed you. Like a lot." Teddy said as he and Hugo came in with two crates full of snacks.
"Oh and ive missed her." Lily replied.
"Okay so now that everyone is here i have some news" Vic said when evryone had sat down.
"What's up Vic?" Alice asked.
"Well im moving to the states for awhile. And umm its because of the whole fashion line thing. And after lots of thought and talking Teddy and i have decided to end things. Um so im not longer a Lupin. We finalized the divorce last week." Vic explained.
"Oh wow. Wow. Like wow wow." Lily said.
"Yeah i agree with Lilz. Whats going to happeb with the kids?" Scorpius asked.
"There gonna be with Bill and Fluer till the end of the year then theyll spend the summer with me and the rest of the year in the states with Vic." Teddy told his cousin.

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