Chapter 7

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His Obsession

Chapter 7


"Bring her to me" I call out to one of my men. There was an attempt on kidnapping her and selling her to a brothel. However, my men were quicker and took her away from the man.

I feel the anger in my body and all I want to do is kill someone. As soon as she's in my arms, I can feel my anger vanish.

Her soft snores fill my ears. Her beauty still enchants me and has me compelled. Her olive skin is so smooth that I just want to touch her forever.

No one messes with my girl and lives to tell the tale, no one fucks with me and lives to tell the tale.

I take her to her apartment and gently set her down on her bed, I figure she won't remember any of the events that had taken place tonight. The drugs she was given make sure of that.

Taking a one last look at her, I exit her apartment. Taking up my phone, I call my right-hand man.

"Bring him the dungeon, but don't touch him. I want to be the first to torture him" I say in the phone and then hang up before he has the chance to reply.


I wake up with the headache of the century. My brain feels like it's squeezing my skull. Every sound around me is so loud that I hold the pillow over head to block out the light and the sounds.

My stomach twists and turn and I feel like throwing up, but I'm starving. Still, the idea of food doesn't come to me.

I don't remember anything from last night. That's it, I'm officially quitting from alcohol. Kathy is such a bad influence on me and I regret going last night.

I sit up on my bed and notice I'm still in the dress and the make up I was with last night is all over my pillow and probably my face.

Tiredly, I fall back on my pillow. Not caring about it or anything really. I don't know how I got home and I really don't' care about it.

My head hurts more than the memory of me last time drinking, it's worse than I remember. And it makes me want to stay in bed all day and never get out.

But, unfortunately, I need to get to work. My blaring alarm clock says so and I do want to keep my job. Sighing, I stand up from my bed and take a shower before I leave for work.

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