Chapter 6

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His Obsession

Chapter 6


Fear digs itself deep into my bones like never before as I stare into the eyes of the one that I've feared my entire life. I did not run away from my brother, I ran away from my father.

His eyes show only darkness and evil and as he chuckles and backs away, I look around. I'm in my old room in the dungeon.

The place that I've been living in almost my entire life. "This isn't my home" I spat at him but I instantly back down as soon as those words have gone from my mouth.

His loud footsteps walk over to me on the bed and he stands over me, a devilish smirk on his face as he takes my chin and holds it so that I'm looking at him.

"If you wish to be a prisoner, then you will be treated like a prisoner" He says as he lets go of me and throws me on the bed that I'm lying on.

He snaps his fingers and two guards that were outside the cell door walk inside. "Remove everything and bring the chains!" He commands them cruelly and I pale when he says that.

Looking around the cell that I've been living in the past years to see that there are a couple of hospital machines around me that I'm hooked too.

"Wait!" I call out as all three of them were about to walk out the cell. My father turns around with a wicked grin as he walks back inside and stands over the bed.

The sick look on his makes me want to throw up here and now. "Why did you bring me back?" I ask him, trying to act strong.

My father chuckles and dismisses the guards. "My son is dead, sent to me by package. I could not allow my daughter to fall into the same fate. The same men who killed him tried to kill you" He tells me.

He sits down on a chair nearby and crosses one of his leg over the other one and leans back into the chair with a smirk on his face.

Wait... Xavier tried to kill me? Well, it does make sense since I did run away and I knew that his anger would get the best of him.

This makes me furious, but not at him or anyone else. I'm angry at myself for having to believe that he actually cared about me, to think that he felt the same way that I did.

We had some sort of a connection, was it all just lust? Or was it more? I don't know but now that he only wants me gone, however, I do know that I had started to feel something for him, whatever it is.

I'm however not surprised that my brother is dead for he was always the worst and how he raped and beat me every night when he wanted, but now that he's gone, killed by the one person that I was starting to open up to.

"Why would they want to kill me?" I ask, though it was more like asking myself as I truly thought that Xavier was starting to feel something for me.

Then again he does have a temper and I've seen how he gets like that, he will kill everyone and anyone in sight. Even me.

He shrugs as he smirks. "Beats me, but you're home now and we're going to have so much... fun" He says in a deep voice that makes shivers run down my spine for all the wrong reason.

I already know what is coming for me. He's going to punish me in some way. "What will you do? Let's face it... father, I escaped from you, you're bound to want to punish me" I ask him with a bored expression.

He takes up a gun that he had in his holster and points it at me. I don't show him that I'm afraid of him, nor do I let him know that I am terrified.

Knowing that he will shoot me and be done with it in only a second. He's not like Xavier, he would not shoot me but my father will.

"I won't do anything... yet. However, since you've been away and you are the best assassin that we have, you will get your job back for there are a couple of people that need to be wiped out. Now, what do you say, daughter. Joining the family business or die right here?" He asks me and I mentally frown.

Killing is what brought to run away in the first place, how I hated hearing the gun each time I pulled the trigger, how it reminded me of my cruel past.

Sighing, I look deep into his eyes. Seeing nothing inside them but death. "Fine, but I want something in return. You know me, I've never asked for anything in my life but now I ask of one thing" I say to him.

I had thought about this for a couple of moments and I think I know what I need to do and that is necessary. There will always be this chain that keeps me to the ground and I fear I will never be able to live while that chain keeps me down.

The only way is to get rid of it. "Name it and you shall have it" He says and I was not expecting him to say that but he seems to be in a giving mood.

Then again he does have a gun still pointed at me and he is not joking when he says he will kill me because I may be his daughter but he does not care about me, not in the slightest.

Killing me would be like killing another worthless person that he will never remember. "I want to forget all about him and the time that I spent with him" I speak, seeing his smirk grow wider at the fact that I want to forget Xavier and our... l-love...

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