Chapter 25

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His Obsession

Chapter 25


I've been raped before. I've been raped by him before. Each time the pain is the same, yet over the years I've learned to dull the pain and become numb.

To the point that I don't feel it anymore, feel anything anymore. The world around me becomes nothing and no sounds nor nothing comes.

No movement catch my eyes as I stare into nothingness, even after he's done with me, like I've always done. The pain dull.

"Angel! FUCK!!!" A powerful yell brings me away from my trance. Everything in the room is broken, everything but the bed I'm in.

The chair that was beside the bed is bent to the point that it can't be sat on anymore. The walls have multiple holes in them which make me wonder how they're still standing upright.

Xavier Knight furious standing in the middle of the room, his back is facing me but by judging by the blood on one of the walls, I can either guess that he has harmed the one who did this to me.

"Don't kill him" I tell him. I notice that my pulls have been pulled up and as much as I try to break free from those god damn mother fucking hell of restraints, I can't.

This shit is getting kind of annoying. Just by my words or my voice, can't be sure which one, he turns around to look at me.

The intense stare he gives me is enough to make any man piss themselves to their grave, but I'm not any man. The anger burning in his eyes and the blood covering him from head to toe doesn't frighten me as much as it should.

You could say that I'm used to men like him being angry at me, hence the man that raped me. I have a 'make-people-angry' kind of personality.

"Don't kill him" I repeat, just to be sure that he did get the message, which at this point I'm not sure if he did, since, you know, he's so angry that he looks like he's going to kill me. Good luck, buddy.

He grits his teeth but I only grin at him, he looks ridiculous like this. Me grinning at him makes him put up a confused look.

What, does he honestly think that I'm going to cry just because I got raped? No way, I'm way past that. As sad as it sounds, I'm used to it.

He does look surprised at my request, then again I have to remind myself that he doesn't know that I really do know that man and that unfortunate for me.

"You don't want me to kill the man that raped you? Violated you in ways that no woman should be violated?" He asks and the anger in his voice shows on his face.

I nod my head, and lift one of my eyebrows up. "You really are an idiot, you know that, right? The only reason I want him alive so that I can punish him and make him feel the pain that I felt" I say, lying through my teeth.

He rolls his eyes, and if I'm not mistaken then there is a hint of understanding in his eyes. On cue, because we're talking about him, he stands up.

He looks beaten up, his lip bleeding and I think his eye is also bleeding. His face is covered in blood. That's how it feels you fucker.

He spits out blood from his mouth and I think I just heard a tooth land on the floor. "You bitch, you're not going to tell him why you won't dare to kill me" He says and I gasp out.

"The reason because I'm your brother" He says laughing coldly and cruelly. Xavier looks at me with an angry look and a hint of surprise in his eyes. Just one secret out of many. "Shit" I murmur to myself.

His ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now