Chapter 5

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His Obsession

Chapter 5


Five years old

I hide under the bed. Mommy and daddy won't find me here and I don't want them to. They're angry. I'm not allowed in their room.

Mommy told me I was not forbidden to be here because of the bad things that happen here. I hide and I make no sounds so they will never find me here.

The door opens and mommy and daddy walk inside. "I told you that you are mine! Your body is mine to fuck!" Daddy says to mommy.

I look and see that daddy holds mommy against the wall and rips her sweater and throws it on the floor. Mommy doesn't say anything.

"Your are nothing but my slave and I will do with you what I want!" Daddy says. Mommy cries. Why is mommy sad?

"Please, I never looked at him. I just went to get a glass of water. He came to me" She says to daddy but he laughs at her. "You think I believe those lies? A whore always wants to suck a dick" He says.

Daddy is always mean to mommy but mommy said she loves daddy and daddy loves mommy. They are always angry at me, but mommy is sad now.

She is crying as daddy rips her clothes and throws them to the side. Daddy picks mommy up and throws her on the bed.

I make no sounds as daddy walks over to the bed. "You're just a well paid whore! My whore! Your cunt is mine to fuck until I'm done with you. No one else can have you!" Daddy says and then he gets on the bed.

I can hear mommy scream for hours as I lie there. I hold my hands over my head. Daddy hits mommy as she cries and screams. They make a lot of sounds.

When daddy leaves, mommy lies on the bed and cries. I stay there until mommy gets on the bed. She crawls over to the bathroom and closes the door.

I hurry to run out of the room and to my nanny. I was not supposed to see mommy and daddy and I was not supposed to be in their bedroom.

Seven years old

"Why do you have to leave?" I ask my mother as I stand in front of her. She kneels down and glares at me. "Your father wants me to get bigger breasts and ass. I won't be long. I am your father's whore" She says.

My mother leaves and then I'm all alone. My nanny takes me to my lessons but I'm not interested. "Nanny?" I ask her. She looks at me and glares.

She never told me her name, I always call her nanny. She's old and grey and ugly. "What is a whore?" I ask her and she smirks at me.

"A whore is a woman that serves a man. Her body is his to fuck and take as he pleases. She's nothing. She's the ground he walks on. Your mother is nothing but a dirty whore" She spats at me.

My mother is not dirty but I don't say the words. "Are you a whore?" I ask her and her eyes widen. I feel her hand connect with my cheek before I feel the pain. The pain hurts so much.

I fall down to the ground. "No. I'm not. But, all women are. They are nothing but toys that are to be used and thrown away. Their beauty is what men are supposed to use as much as they want. Their bodies are property" Nanny says to me.

All women are whores.

Ten years old

My birthday started as a normal day. We don't celebrate birthdays. Never have and never will. But, this time my father had requested my presence in his study.

I'm not allowed in there because father says that is where a real man is supposed to be and I'm not a real man until I have a large dick and I have a small one.

I knock on the doors. They open and my mother stands there naked. She is always naked when she goes to the study with my father.

No one is supposed to look at mother while she's naked. I don't know why she has so large breasts and a large ass. She said it was because a man needs that in a woman.

I gulp when I walk inside his study. "How old is he again?" My father asks my mother as she walks over to him. His hand goes down between her legs and slaps it.

My mother gasps. "Ten. Sir" She speaks. My father nods. "Good. He's ready to begin his training" My father says and then he calls his bodyguard.

"Take this rat to meet his whore" He speaks and the man nods. He pushes me out of the study. I don't know what is happening.

I follow him but I hear that my mother screams in pain when we are gone. "In here, you little brat" My father's bodyguard says and pushes me inside of a room.

My father calls this room his sex dungeon. I don't know why because the room has a very large bed and everything that all the other room have.

Expect for the chains and the whips that my father loves. I gulp when I see that on the bed there is a girl. She's very young, I think younger than me.

She sits on the bed and she is naked. "You are my new Master. I am your whore. You can do anything you want with me" the girl says to me.

I walk over to the bed. "Anything?" I ask her. "Yes. Sir" She says to me. I laugh. This will be fun!

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