Chapter 19

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His Obsession

Chapter 19


My eyes slowly open, but I feel so tired. I just want to go back to sleep. My body is exhausted and feels like it's still fast asleep. At least every one has a day like that.

I had the strangest dream ever and coming from the girl that dreams strangely at night, even all dreams are strange, but this dreamed seemed to real.

I move my hands up to my eyes to rub the tiredness out of them, but I find myself unable to move my hands. Both of them.

That's alarming and I instantly try to sit up, but I can't do that. I can't even move my legs. Something's keeping me from moving. I can move my fingers and my toes so I'm not paralyzed.

Panic washes over me and I open my eyes and look around myself. Restrains are keeping me in my place, around my wrists, around my stomach and around my ankles.

At this moment, all the memories start rushing into my mind and I realize why I'm here. A stray tear runs down my right cheek.

I'm back to hell. A different one that I had been in before, but this time, I don't think I will ever be able to get out of this hell that I'm trapped in.

I scarified everything to escape the place I was in before and it was also the night I met him, but this place is new and unknown to me.

I don't believe I will be able to escape this time. However, that doesn't stop me from trying and I will try and try until I can't try anymore. But, I will never give up.

Pulling as hard as I can with my hands to break free, no matter the pain, I continue to pull, but nothing happens. The panic in my whole body isn't making this easy.

The room I'm in is the same as before, but this time, the door to the balcony has been bolted and shut, there's no way I'm getting out there. Same goes for the window.

Even if I make it out of these restraints, I have no where to go. From my past, I know people like him and what people like him will do to their prisoners.

I find it strange that I'm not in his dungeon, I already know he has one. He's in the mafia, he's bound to have one.

The door opens, and I instantly stop pulling my hands free, don't want anyone knowing that I'm trying to break out of here now do I?

He comes inside the room, and I look away from him. I don't give him the satisfaction of seeing me like this, in this state.

For men like him, they feed on the fear of others. It's strange how I'm afraid of him now, but the last time I saw him, I had a gun pointed at his head.

Perhaps I'm so afraid because I have nothing to defend myself with, I'm exposed to him and he can do whatever he wants with me and I can't do anything about it. I hate feeling weak.

My whole life, people like him have tried to make me feel weak and they succeeded, but not now. I will not give in, I can't give in.

"Look at me!" He orders, his voice is clear and holds a lot of power, yet I don't do as he wants. Obeying him only shows that he has won.

He may have won the battle, but I will win the war. He walks over to the bed I'm stuck to and stands in front of me on the side.

Before I knew what was happening, his hand harshly and forcefully pulls my hair, forcing my head to look up at him. I let out a yelp out of pain as he has a bundle of my hair in his fist, holding my head up high.

"Lesson one: Always look at me!" He says, anger laced in his voice. He then lets go of my hair and slams my head into the bed.

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