Chapter 12

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His Obsession

Chapter 12


"Men are breaching from the north and west but the south and east are still strong" Alex says. We take our guns and the smirk on my face is as wicked as it can be.

"They're making one mistake. The last time they were here they did the same thing and they're using that tactic again but this time we're ready for them. Bring all men to the north and west. There aren't going to be any in the south and east" I tell him.

He radios all the other stations of men as I head out of my office with three guns, two in my hands while one strapped to my leg.

"They're going down" I say as the war has begun. Like last time they will lose and when they do I will avenge her and get her body back.

Bullet fly everywhere, shattering walls and furniture as Alex and I shoot from our own guns through the windows. Screams in pain and agony are heard from the outside.

While they have better weapons than we they don't have as much experience and that will be our advantage in this fucking war.

I see red as the anger inside me is rushing out all at once. The anger that has been building up these last few months is finally being let out and it feels fucking amazing.

My finger on the trigger, ending their lives, sending blood splattering the walls brings me nothing but pure pleasure as death welcomes itself into the house.

The wicked grin on my face is enough to make anyone scared and I see it when I look into their eyes, they fear me and they have come to die.

But death is too kind for people like them for they took her away from me, stole the Angel in my life, plucked her wings and then left her for dead and took her body.

Soon they will all suffer the way that she suffered and when they do I will be there, with a evil look in my eyes but it will never be good enough.

Not until I have her in my arms again, which will never happen because they killed her and now they will pay for it. With blood, they will pay.

Throwing one of my gun to the ground as the bullets are gone I use the other one and kill each one that I see, no hesitation.

This ends tonight with their deaths and I will see to it myself that each and every one of them will be dead before morning arrives and it brings a wicked grin to my face as I can only imagine their deaths by my hands.


Standing in front of this house makes me feel strangely somehow. I stand juniper a balcony that I somehow recognize but I've never seen it before.

Shaking my head as I need to focus. The war has already begun and I have the best part of them all and I will not fail my father.

Not when I could have the entire world on its knees before me and I will be the Queen. Vines by the balcony help me climb it.

Ignoring those thoughts in my head that want to come to me as I climb the wall. Getting scratched by the twigs doesn't even bother me as I have only one goal tonight and that is to end Xavier Knight once and for all and I will.

When I put a bullet in his head at least which I will enjoy. As I climb the wall by the vines that are steady enough for me I hear the guns and screams and I can only know that my men are leading me to victory and soon I will take my place on the throne.

Climbing onto the balcony I go to the door to see if it's unlocked and how stupid they when I open it and walk inside thinks mansion.

No one sees me coming when I slaughter all of them and then kill him. I'm inside a room that I feel as if I've seen before but not once in my life have I been here.

The bed with restraints remind me of something and without meaning to my eyes go to my right hand and somehow I feel as if it has something to do with this place.

But that is ridiculous since I've never been here. Obviously it's my mind tricking me again and I don't need that right now.

I can't have anything distracting me as I have a mission to complete and there will be nothing that will get in my way of that.

Walking to the door I slowly open it as I don't hear anyone on the outside. As soon as I open the door and close it again I look up to only be met with a set of three eyes staring at me with shock. Groaning I take out my gun.

"Sorry, nothing personal. Oh, wait... it is" I say laughing as I put a bullet in each of their skulls before they could react to anything.

Their bodies fall to the ground as the wicked smile is on my lips. The walls painted with crimson but that is just the beauty of it because I'm just getting started.

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