Chapter 28

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His Obsession

Chapter 28


"I've tried to appeal to her as a spy for her father, I've tried to make her believe that I am to be trusted. To make her understand that we're not bad, but she doesn't listen" Alex tells me.

Every plan of getting her memories back isn't working. I know it will work one day. She has to remember me. She just has to.

I refuse to believe that she will never remember the good times that we had. I've never been religious and belief is one thing that I refuse.

It means that she will remember, and she will back in my arms. Without trying to kill me for that matter. I can't have her if I'm dead.

"Did you hear me? We're out of ideas" Alex says. I don't look up at him. I stare at the screen where she is lying on the bed. She's motionless, but even I know she's plotting a way out of here.

That is what I would do, and it is the same look. "I have one idea. We tell her the truth" I say and finally look up at him. Gesturing for him to move out the door.

He looks stunned. "You want me to go in there and tell the woman that tried to kill us that we are the cause of her pain?" He asks me, offended even.

I glare at him. "All right, all right. I go speak to the crazy woman" He says and heads out of the room. I watch as he goes, mumbling something to himself.

My glare doesn't disappear and it won't. Without her by my side the anger inside me only fuels with no way of ever stopping that tank, some day soon the fire will be added.


"You and Xavier met when you were running away from creepy dudes. He scared them away, and then you parted hour ways. Never to realize that it was only the beginning of something more" He begins to say.

Lies upon lies upon lies. "You can stop right there. A couple of days ago I had never met Xavier Knight. He was only a man that I needed to kill" I say to him.

I don't want to listen to this shit. I've had a long day and all I want to do is sleep, wake up tomorrow and think of ways to kill him.

This Alex guy raises an eyebrow. "Yes, you've made that very clear. Want me to continue?" He asks me. I sigh as I roll my eyes.

Better get this over with. I'm not really in the mood to be near him all night. He gestures for him to begin. "Some days later, Xavier along with his men took you here where you fought with everything you had" He says.

That does sound like me. Maybe there is some truth to what he says. "To make a long story short, you tried to get away, broke your hand while doing so, got raped by your now dead brother, went on a date with Xavier and escaped" He says.

How the fuck did he know that I had a brother? I can vaguely remember that my father said my brother was dead. I wasn't really listening when it came to my brother, he was a little shit.

He deserved to die. I wish that I had been the one to kill him. Unfortunately I wasn't. "Your father did something to you that messed with your memories and made you a bit... psycho" He says, not even holding back on it.

"My father barely noticed I existed until my brother was dead. I doubt he would even want to do something with my memories they aren't even that special" I tell him.

Not knowing why I am even still talking to this man at all. Alex chuckles. "There is someone that does think your memories are special" He says.

He stands up and walks towards the door. "Think you're special" He says before he walks out of the room. Leaving me all alone in here with only thoughts.

I have a feeling that that was the plan all along. His words sounded like the truth and the look in his eyes was real... wait!

Fuck it! I'm not trusting the enemy no matter what he says. They're trying to turn me against my father, against my family.

They are the ones that took care of me when I was lost and had no one, when I was a child they took care of me. If Xavier thinks that I will against them then he's wrong.

I go under the cover and lie down my head on the pillow, trying to not think about what Alex had said and the evening itself.

I also try my best to not think of the eyes that I feel inside me that I know. I close my eyes but as soon as I have done that I hear a voice in my head.

His voice.

"You have ten seconds to take that gun away or I will get angry and I'm sure you will not like me when I'm angry"

His ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now