Chapter 20

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His Obsession

Chapter 20


"My Father, what the hell are you talking about?" I yell after him. Once again he comes into the room. "Well, we called him to ransom you back, it seems he doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. Said to kill you for all he cared" He says.

I narrow my eyes at him in anger. "You're lying" I spat at him but he just chuckles and leaves. Leaving me all alone here thinking of my father.

He could not leave me alone and I know soon he will be coming for me and he will get me out. We are after all going to rule side by side, in due time.

"You look deep in thoughts" The devil himself speaks as he walks into the room. I roll my eyes. "Why don't you get closer and I will show you that I won't miss your heart this time" I spat at him.

The anger inside me is enough to make me want to break out of the handcuffs and kill him right here and now and I could do it.

He chuckles as he sits down on a chair. He doesn't look that injured except for the fact that he's pale, he's weak. Good. I smirk to myself, thinking of ways to kill him and enjoying it.

"You've always had a temper but this is not who you are" He says and I roll my eyes. "We d0n't even know one another" I tell him and he smirks.

"That is where you're wrong, darling, we know each other very well. One might even say we are lovers" He says and at that I burst out into laughter. "You're funny, I'll give you that" I tell him.

This man, Xavier Knight gives me an odd look, one that I have never seen in him and it awakens some strange feelings inside me which I don't want to have, though his eyes do something to me, something that I don't understand nor do I want to.

"It was not a joke" He says and I can't be sure what he means by that. There is no way that I would ever share the same bed as the enemy, even if it were for pleasure.

I'm not that crazy. "Yeah, because I would just casually be lovers with you. I have never even met you so how am I supposed to fuck you?" I ask, though it was not a question that I wanted answer by him nor anyone for that matter.

He doesn't answer me, good. However his dark blue eyes are so striking as they look at me yet there is something hidden and somehow it compels me to want to know what they hide and unfold the layers of the secrets that he holds.

I clench my fists when the anger takes over me, I'm not about to fall for his tricks. "If this is your way of torturing me, it sure does seem to be working" I tell him.

I'm just about done being around him. Xavier just chuckles as he stands up, it is only then that I notice that he's in pain. How wonderful.

"I would not dream of torturing you" He says and I scoff at him. "Something tells me that is a lie" I say and he smirks at me.

"I may have hurt you once but never again" He says and as he walks over to me, I find myself being comforted by his presence and it honestly makes me feel like shit and I hate it. It's so disgusted but I want more of it.

He does not get that close to the bed yet he still stands there and is close to me yet not close enough for me to hit him with my legs or with any part of my body, no matter how much I want to. "Why?" I ask him.

My voice is soft and just barely above a whisper, I don't understand why I'm getting soft all of a sudden and I can't seem to explain my feelings.

It is like something is begging me to be near this man. "For a clever woman such as yourself you don't seem to realize what is right in front of you" He tells me and then he walks out of the room without another word, somehow that is starting to become a thing around here.


"Boss, are you sure you should be on your feet? You just had a major surgery" Alex asks me and I glare at him. "While there is still breath in my lungs and blood flowing through my veins I'm ready to take on the world" I tell him, and he backs away.

Most likely because he doesn't want to get shot, again. He's already suffering from a wound that she created on his foot, such a woman that she is and we are perfect for one another.

Shit! When did I become a fucking poet? Just one of the things that she does to me, that woman is going to be the death of me one day, either protecting her or dying by her hands which I will gladly take.

"Where are we on a cure?" I ask him and he tenses. I watch him through the corners of my eyes, he's nervous. "There is no cure. Whatever they did to her, it's who she is and there is no way to reverse it" He tells me and I pick up the gun and shoot the wall to my right.

"She is stuck like that?!" I yell at him and he nods his head but make sure that he is out of range if I were to shoot the gun one more time, trying to make sure that he does not get shot again.

I smirk. "Then I suppose I will just have to make her fall in love with me again" I tell him and instantly a plan starts to form in my head. Don't worry, Angel, you will love me and when that happens you will be mine. All mine!

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