Chapter 37

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His Obsession

Chapter 37


All I see his red as I take the gun out of my holster and point it at him, with the safety off and bullets in. This baby is ready to let his brain pain the ground.

"Give me one good reason why I should not kill you right now?" I ask when he pales. He was excepting me to give her over to him. My angel.

She belongs to me and only me. "I have money and better guns than you. You can have it all for one night with her... don't worry... she won't be able to walk but she will still be able to do other more enjoyable things..." He trails off and smirks.

The fury inside me is ready to burst and I my men can sense it. They back away, fearing that I will shoot them. They should be afraid.

I will kill anyone who dares try to take her away. Her body is for my eyes only. "Correction... you had money and had better guns. Now you don't even have a life any more" I tell him.

He looks behind him and notice that he's surrounded by my men and the men that he had are either dead or dying.

He does look scared and he knows he's about to die. My words say that and the anger in my eyes do to. My patience is running out and I would really like to watch his blood get spilled.

He then laughs nervously. "You won't kill me. The laws forbid you from killing me" He says and I roll my eyes before I glare daggers at him.

My gun still pointed at his head and I smirk and chuckle. "I won't be killing you. I swear that I will not kill you" I speak, my teeth gritting so hard that they will break soon if I don't stop.

I can see him grow calm and not as tense as he was which makes an evil grin on my face appear. "That's good, now can we make a deal?" He asks me.

He still doesn't get this. He must be stupid. "I never said I would kill you... but she is" I say as I gesture my angel who has the same look of shock as he does.

But the evil glint in my eyes never goes away. He stammers but not words come out of his words. I hand her the gun. "Shoot him!" I order her but my eyes never leave him.


My mind is running around like crazy ever since he said those words, ever since he said that I was supposed to kill him and then her ordered me to shoot him.

Memories of my past flash before my eyes and how I was trained from a small age to become a killer. The sound of a gun firing haunting me.

I look at Xavier with confusion but he doesn't glance my way. All he does is stare at that man in anger as if he will explode if he continues to look at him like that.

"Shoot him, Evangeline!" He orders me again and for this moment I'm not here, I'm not by the docks and I'm not with Xavier.

I'm back there in my head, back at the arena with a gun in my hand and my brother yelling at me to shoot even when I did not want to.

I see it clearly, the man in front of me is the target and I alone can bring that target down. "Do it" My brother's voice whispers to me in my head.

I can hear his voice whisper to me that I should kill him, that I should end his life for the better. Because I am an assassin.

Closing my eyes and putting my finger on the trigger, I take a deep breath. My eyes snap open once more and then with one quick movement I pull the trigger of the gun.

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