Chapter Three | What's Wrong with a Little Chaos?

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Chapter Three | What's Wrong with a Little Chaos?

Aurora woke that very same night to screams. She was covered in sweat, breathing hard and at first she thought it was just the lingering effects of her nightmare. But as she sat there, shaking she heard it again. She blinked away the last of her tears, wiping her cheeks roughly. Over the years, ever since the fire Aurora had been plagued with night terrors as the doctor had said. She would scream in her sleep, cry even and if someone were to try to wake her up she'd lash out.

To avoid the other kids, Aurora had slept near the outskirts of camp, on a cozy patch of grass.

"No! No! Get off of me!" Someone was screaming, "No!"

It only took Aurora a second to realize it was Wells. Aurora stood, straining her ears to follow his voice. She made her way through the trees, coming to a clearing. The ground dipped down, grass turning to sand. It was a ditch and as Aurora peeked down she saw it. Wells was being held down by Murphy and Mbege, Bellamy Blake standing over him. "Get him down." Bellamy barked.

"No." Wells eyes were wide as he stared at Bellamy. "Come on, man. Let me go."

Bellamy was motionless. "Get it. Do it."

Aurora's eyes widened as Murphy grabbed Wells wrist, the one with the bracelet.

"No! Don't do this!" Wells was wiggling around, trying in anyway to get free. "Don't do this! No! Come on, man!"

Murphy began to pry at the bracelet, Wells screaming at the pain.

"Hey!" Aurora jumped into action, running down the hill. "What are you doing?! Let him go!"

Bellamy turned to her, eyes narrowed as she stopped feet away. "Go back to bed, Aurora."

"No." She snapped. "Leave Wells alone."

Murphy had paused at her arivial, eyeing her own bracelet. Aurora growled. "Don't even think about it."

Bellamy turned to face her. "Finish, Murphy."

Murphy continued to pry at the bracelet, Wells screaming once again. Aurora went to run forward but Bellamy grabbed her from behind, arms wrapping around her waist and trapping her arms in the process. "Stop!" She screaming, staring at Wells pained face. She began to kick her feet as Bellamy held her back. "Let me go!"

Then she heard the tell tale pop. She watched as Wells bracelet fell from his wrist landing open on the ground. They released Wells and backed away, Bellamy finally letting Aurora go. She turned to Bellamy. "What's wrong with you?!"

She turned back to Wells who was still in the same spot against the rock, holding his raw wrist as he stared at the bracelet. Aurora went over, crouching down to stare at Wells face. She cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look into her eyes. "Did they hurt you?" She whispered softly, scanning a small cut under his eye. Wells shook his head wordlessly, eyes anxiously shifting around her face, as if he couldn't believe how sweet she was being.

Aurora nodded, closing her eyes for a minute.

"He asked for this, y'know?" Murphy spoke. "Bellamy tried to do it the easy way, but he-"

"Shut up." Bellamy barked. "Murphy go."


"Get out of here. Now." Bellamy demanded voice harsh. Aurora listened to the receding footsteps for a moment not moving from Wells side.

She could feel Bellamy's eyes on her but she didn't move. "Get out of here, Bellamy." Bellamy didn't move. Aurora stood up, and faced him with a glare. "You've already done enough. Go."

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