Chapter Thirty-Three | Eighteen Dead, Eighty-Two Alive.

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Chapter Thirty-Three | Eighteen Dead, Eighty-Two Alive.

Bellamy pulled away, hands hold Aurora's shoulders as he cocked his head at her. "Where did you just go?"

Aurora closed her eyes as she realized a heavy sigh. "Just back to earlier, I guess." Before the boy could comment she gave him a wide eyed look. "Are we really just leaving?" Aurora had heard the whole conversation with Finn, Clarke and Bellamy about leaving camp and all though she hadn't spoken up then she was determined to now.

Bellamy frowned, glancing away. His hands fell from her shoulders as they crossed over his chest. She could see the muscles in his face shifting and deep in his eyes sat anger. "They're packing now."

Aurora rose an eyebrow. "I said we, Bell. Not them. I don't care what they do."

Bellamy looked conflicted for a moment. "I'm not going."

"Good." Aurora smiled weakly. "The last thing I need right now is being on the run."

"Aurora..." Bellamy was staring at her sadly. "You can't stay."

"What are you talking about?" Aurora was flabbergasted. "I'm not leaving you!"

"And I'm not getting you killed!" Bellamy boomed, scaring even Aurora with the intensity.

It became silent after that. Bellamy's eyes were filled with something Aurora couldn't decipher and it left her staring back with pain in her eyes. She couldn't leave him and he couldn't risk her life again.

Bellamy released a heavy breath, inching closer to Aurora until they were centimeters apart. He reached out and cupped her face, brushing away a fallen tear. "I won't risk losing you again."

"I don't want to lose you." She argued weakly, tears blurring her eyes. "If you stay here alone, you'll die."

Bellamy shook his head. "I'm not changing my mind."

Aurora pulled away from his touch, wrapping her arms around herself as she turned her head away. She bit her lip hard, refusing to continue looking at him.

"Can we please not talk about this right now?" Bellamy's voice cracked. "I just want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too." Aurora mumbled, finally meeting his eyes again. She could feel every one of her walls breaking, every emotion she had ever felt for the boy before her on display. His eyes were the same, everything he wanted to tell her right there circling in those brown orbs. "I love you."

"I love you too." He reached out again, resting his hands on her hips. His grip was safe, it was what she knew and she had to fight to push away the thoughts of leaving him. She was slow as she shifted her body on the bed to face him, running a hand down his jaw as they just looked at eachother.

Then he was inching forward.

So was she.

Before they knew it they were kissing softly, the air getting thicker. Then his grip on her waist tightening, his skin against her skin as the shirt rode up. It ignited a fire in her that she had never felt before. At least not with anyone but Bellamy Blake. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling them closer. Once Bellamy got the hint he pulled her onto his lap, her legs wrapping around his waist. His arms tightened as their bodies were flush together, the kisses growing heavier. She dragged her nails down his bare chest, the boy shivering in pleasure. There was nowhere else he wanted to be than in this moment and he knew Aurora felt the same. Fireworks exploded in their stomachs, and their touch left a burning in its wake. Aurora's heart was beating so fast, so loud. His hands ran up her back, under the shirt Aurora was in.

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