Chapter Twenty | If You Wanna Know Who On The Ark Wants You Dead.

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Chapter Twenty | If You Wanna Know Who On The Ark Wants You Dead.

Back at camp, Aurora found herself standing near Jasper and Monty. She hadn't had much contact with the pair since before Jasper was shot. Aurora had found the duo sitting on logs, faces pale. They looked like utter shit, but almost everyone at camp did. It turned out that Bellamy, Clarke and Aurora hadn't been the only ones to eat the poisoned nuts.

Sadly, everyone had.

Aurora chose to sit next to the pair, smiling as she did so. "Hey."

Monty grinned at her arrival, Jasper only grunting his acknowledgment as he kept his head bowed and eyes closed. Aurora didn't blame him either. Whatever high the nuts had given them all, left a nasty headache. It was like being hungover, just ten times worse.

"Well, good evening Highlander." Monty greeted, using a false british accent. He mock bowed, Aurora grinning as she watched.

"Good day to you too, sir." Aurora greeted back, rolling her eyes as she rubbed her temples.

Octavia came up to the group then, frowning as she scanned all their miserable faces. "Rough night?"

Aurora was pretty sure Octavia hadn't eaten a single nut, and she was incredibly jealous over the fact. While everyone else was feeling like death and trying to pull themselves back together after their tormenting nights, Octavia was perfectly fine. Well,as fine as you can be fighting to live every second of everyday. So yeah, mostly.

"My head feels like it's going to explode." Aurora mumbled, rubbing her temples. "This feels so bad that I might actually never drink again."

Octavia laughed, sitting down besides Jasper. "You do realize that drinking isn't the same as getting high, right?"

Aurora sent the girl a playful glare. "Yes, I know. But it still leaves the same horrible feeling when you realize you're sober."

Octavia rolled her eyes and glanced at Monty, not even attempting to converse with Jasper. "So, how was last night for you?"

Monty blinked, silent as he thought over last night's events. "Um, well. I'm pretty sure I ate a pinecone... Because it told me too."

Aurora couldn't help the snort that left her lips as Monty gave her a blank look. She waved a hand at him, trying to tame her smile. "I'm not laughing, I swear."

"It looks like your laughing." Monty pointed out, frowning.

"But, you-" Aurora paused, a small chuckle escaping. "I'm sorry, it's just... You not only ate a pinecone. You ate it because the pinecone, an inanimate object, told you to do so. I just- I can't." Aurora only laughed harder as she pictured Monty holding a pinecone, giving it a weird look as it spoke. She could just see the cone say, eat me and then see Monty's confused face as he asked why. She then pictured him swallowing the pinecone in one gulp, imaging a little voice screaming yay as it traveled down his throat.

Miller came up then, panicked and that was all it took for Aurora to grow serious. She got to her feet as Miller frantically scanned the area. "The Grounder. He's gone!"

Jasper straightened up then, eyes wide as he looked around too. "What if he brings other Grounders back?!"

All the kids started to panic. They all yelled out there concerns with wide eyes and jittery bodies. Aurora spotted Bellamy and Clarke then, running over to the pair. She knew they had the guns in a bag on Bellamy's back and they were about to show the camp what they had found. Aurora cupped her hands over her mouth. "Everyone shut up!"

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