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The flames had died down in mere minutes. Smoke rose from the ground in waves as Clarke opened the dropship door. She stepped out, squinting and coughing from the smoke. Her eyes scanned the burned bodies lying everywhere. The grass was scorched and the skeletons were black. It looked like deadman's land and it made Clarke swallow hard. Her wide eyes scanned the area, heart hammering in her chest.

She only prayed that Bellamy had gotten Aurora out safely. Clarke didn't want to lose another best friend.

She slowly stepped down the ramp, other kids emerging behind her. Everything was silent as the kids scanned the area. They were as shocked as Clarke had been with seeing this damage. Sure, they were aware this would happen, but... actually seeing it? Feeling it? Breathing it? It was way more real and way more scary.

The air was filled with deaf. The smell was bitter, unique. Clarke could only describe it as the smell of death. The smell of war.

Just as everyone got off the dropship something rolled in front of them. It was small and metal and as Clarke narrowed her eyes she realized what it was.

"What the hell...?" Jasper muttering staring at the bomb.

Anya appeared beside the dropship, eyes narrowed as she wobbled towards them. "Mountain Men." She wheezed, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she fell unconscious.

It burst in seconds, pink gas blowing out. Everyone panicked as they backed away but another bomb blocked their path to the dropship. The gas filled everyone's lungs, thick and heavy. Clarke coughed as the air entered her. It tasted sweet, something she hadn't expected.

The air was so thick with smoke that everyone was blind. Kids began falling to their knees.

Clarke's legs gave out, causing her to crash to her knees. She clutched at her throat, blinking away the blurriness in her vision. From the woods she saw people coming towards them. About a dozen of them, all of whom were in a white hazard suit. They marched towards the hundred as Clarke fell down completely. The girl's vision blurred one last time as she succumbed to the gas. The last thing she saw were the white boots of what she assumed were the mysterious Mountain Men.


It was miles later when Bellamy finally regained the ability to move. He had ripped away from Finn, so vicious as he gave the boy a glare. Finn looked pale, bags under his eyes. Bellamy could even see pain in his gaze, obviously from Aurora.

But Finn caused this. Finn didn't let Bellamy save her. Finn had dragged him away. Finn had let her die and once Bellamy realized that his shock turned to anger. "What the fuck?!" Bellamy's yell was so loud that Finn cringed. His scream echoed in the forest but Bellamy didn't care.

"Shut up!" Finn snapped, scanning the woods. "The Grounders will hear you."

Bellamy growled, voice even louder. "You let her die!"

Finn swallowed, voice weak and shaky. "She-she... She was already dead-"

"NO!" Bellamy snapped, shoving Finn back. The boy stumbled backwards eyes wide. "You didn't know that!"

"Bellamy..." Finn kept his voice composed, knowing that screaming back wouldn't help them at all.

"No." Bellamy ranted. "She was staring at me! She was awake the whole time! Begging me with her eyes to help her! Even Clarke expected me to!"

"Bellamy." Finn narrowed his eyes as his annoyance grew.

"You dragged me away! You stopped me from helping her! You killed Aurora, you son of a bitch!"

"SHE WAS STABBED THREW THE FUCKING HEART, BELLAMY!" Finn snapped, Bellamy's face falling. "Down here? She was dead either fucking way." Finn was breathing hard as the pair faced each other. It was silent.

Bellamy was numb. So numb that he didn't notice the Grounder trailing him and Finn. He didn't notice that Finn had started running. That Finn was telling him to run too. It sounded like Bellamy was underwater and everything else was miles away. He didn't even register the pain in the back of his head as he fell unconscious.

He didn't even care about getting killed anymore. He just wanted to go back in time and save Aurora. He wanted to hold her, kiss her... He wanted to tell her he loved her and see that beautiful smile, the way she blushed when she was embarrassed. He even missed her flirty attitude when they were alone. He wanted to smell her flower scented hair.

He only wanted her...

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