Chapter Twenty-Five | Biological Warfare

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Chapter Twenty-Five | Biological Warfare

"Are we really going to kill him if he doesn't leave?" Aurora frowned at her words, sitting on Bellamy ́s bed.

The boy in question was standing over a table in his room, sharpening the hunting equipment. Overtime Bellamy became the leader of the hunting routines. He cleaned their weapons and did most of the hunting. He chose who went and who didn't.

Bellamy paused in his sharpening, knuckles turning white where he held the blade. His back was tense at the mention of Murphy. "Why would I make an empty threat?"

"Bell." Aurora mumbled, throat tight as she stared at his back.

Bellamy tensed again, dropping the knife and spear loudly to turn to her. His eyes were narrowed in disbelief. "What ́s up with you? First your all pro kill Murphy and now I don't even know what you are. Pro let Murphy live here?"

Aurora couldn't ́t even seem to get angry as she pulled her gaze away, swallowing hard. She had been pissed at Murphy, she wanted him dead... But the second Clarke confirmed that he had been tortured Aurora felt her emotions shift. Yes, she hated Murphy still. Yes, she didn't want him here and yes... a small part of her still wanted him dead.


She felt bad for him.

She knew what it felt like to be tortured. For another human being to inflict a constant pain and hurt. She had dealt with it for most of her life. Murphy may have been bad, a monster even but he didn't deserve to suffer like he had. They had banished him days, maybe even weeks ago and if the Grounder ́s had grabbed him right after...

If that was the case he had been tortured for weeks, days.

Aurora was just conflicted.

Aurora sighed, remaining silent as she shrugged. She didn't dare meet Bellamy ́s gaze as she stood there. She didn't know how to explain what she felt, especially to someone like Bellamy. She related to Murphy and she just wished that saying that alone would be enough.

But Bellamy was blinded by his anger. Murphy had done many unspeakable things, things that had affected Aurora and she was the girl Bellamy was in love with. For all Aurora knew... this could be the first time Bellamy actually loved a girl. Aurora knew a lot about Bellamy since landing on earth but she had never once brought up the topic of his previous affairs. She didn't know if he had other girlfriends and from what she had seen when they first landed it was probably a solid no. Bellamy had been the type of boy to have flings. Lots and lots of meaningless sex.

"So you'd let him stay here?" Bellamy asked harshly. Aurora could feel his eyes burning her as he continued. "After he stabbed you? Treated everyone like shit? Killed Charlotte?"

Aurora turned to Bellamy fast, face twisted as she glared. "Don't talk about him treating everyone like shit. He stabbed me when he was under your rule. You let him treat everyone like shit and like Clarke said earlier... We're all to blame for Charlotte, and afterall... she was a killer."

Bellamy's jaw ticked. "So it's my fault he's a monster?"

"No." Aurora snapped back, lips drawn. "He was a monster before he met us, you just didn't do much to stop it."

Bellamy smiled, it was cold and empty as he laughed. "I don't get it. I really don't. You hated him, Aurora and now he's getting in between us."

Aurora felt her anger dissolve. She suddenly felt very tired for a moment. "You of all people should get it."

Bellamy furrowed his brows.

Aurora was annoyed. How could Bellamy have not pieced it together yet? She was dead set on Murphy's execution up until Clarke mentioned the torture. Did he not see the way her face morphed in that moment? After all he was the first person to uncover the abuse with her father.

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