Chapter Four | Maybe What They're Trying to Catch is Us.

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Chapter Four | Maybe What They're Trying to Catch is Us.

Aurora woke later that day. She blinked, eyes adjusting to the luminescent lights. Her stomach was sore, and it only took a second for her memories to return. She remembered Murphy and Wells fighting, Murphy pulling a knife and her running to stop him, getting stabbed in the process. After that things were blurry but she distinctly remember a burning pain, screaming and one single word running through her mind.


She didn't know what it meant. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to know. She groaned as she moved, pain slicing her stomach. She clutched at the area with one hand for a moment before she decided to have a look. She shakily pulled up the black shirt she was wearing, staring down at the fabric wrapped over the wound. She dropped the shirt then, wondering where it had come from. It was not the shirt she had been wearing before, that she was sure of. She blinked as she looked around. She was in the dropship, the first floor to be exact. No one was here.

She was alone. Aurora pulled her legs over the side of the bed she was on, biting her lip at the pain. Once she was moving around more she knew she'd feel better so she stood on her feet, using the bed to hold her weight as she waited for her legs to stop shaking. It only took a second before Aurora began walking. Her legs felt stiff, but the more she moved the better it got and by the time she pushed past the curtain leading outside she was walking normal. She blinked at the bright sun, eyes scanning the camp.

Her eyes zeroed in on Clarke, Monty, and Wells all standing together. She made her way there, their conversation becoming easier to hear.

"It's not your ankle, Wells." Clarke was saying. Wells had a makeshift bag on. They all looked prepared to leave and Aurora had a feeling it wasn't good. "It's you."

Hurt flashed through Wells eyes and Aurora felt bad for him. Though she hated him when they landed, spending all this alone time with him while they had been getting food has made him grow on her some, to the point where she was risking herself to save him.

"You came back for reinforcements." Wells stated matter of factly. Reinforcements? Aurora's mind was spinning. Did they really need more people to help with food? "I'm gonna help."

"Clarke, he's right." Monty intervened. "We need him. So far, no one else has volunteered."

Clarke considered this for a moment before shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Monty, but you're not going either."

She watched as Monty's face twisted in disbelief. "Like hell I'm not. Jasper's my best friend."

Finally Aurora spoke. "Jasper? What happened to Jasper?" Suddenly Aurora realized she had spotted him at all and the boy was usually always glued to Monty's side.

All 6 eyes turned to her, Wells the first to rush over. He pulled Aurora into a hug, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thank god."

Aurora tensed at the contact, Wells pulling away slightly. "You scared the hell out of me."

Aurora smiled. "Can't get rid of me that easily."

Wells shook his head with a smile backing up. Aurora turned her eyes to Clarke and Monty. "Where's Jasper?"

Clarke hesitated, Monty frowning as he stepped forward. "He was taken."


Aurora knew the second he spoke. "Grounders?" Everyone's brows rose in confusion. Aurora elaborated. "I just remember hearing someone say it."

Clarke came closer. "You shouldn't be up. It's only been a few hours."

Aurora shook her off. "You guys are going to get him, aren't you?"

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