Chapter Seventeen | Who We Are and Who We Need to be to Survive...

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Chapter Seventeen | Who We Are and Who We Need to be to Survive...

Bellamy was in shock. He just stared open mouthed at Clarke as she sobbed. He couldn't process it, couldn't comprehend it. It just didn't sink in, leaving Bellamy staring in confusion. Why did you stop? He wanted to ask but his body had gone numb, lips refusing to move. Everyone inside watched in silent shock as Bellamy moved closer, pressing a hand to Aurora's cheek. Her skin was soft and warm as Bellamy ran his fingers over it. He was waiting for her to peel those beautiful green eyes open and smile at him. Waiting for her to pop up and kiss him. He was waiting for anything.

Clarke looked over at him, tears running down her face. Maybe it was the look of complete and utter heartbreak on her face, or if it was the way she was holding onto Aurora. Bellamy's eyes widened, his heart breaking. His breathing increased as he hopped onto his feet.

Octavia watched him closely, fear encasing her heart. Fear for the Grounder who had saved her life, fear for what Bellamy was going to do to him. Bellamy sucked in a sharp breath, running his hands through his hair. "How do we know it even works?!"

Clarke sucked in her next sob, rising ever so slowly to her feet. She turned her eyes to Bellamy, wringing her hands together. "We don't."

Clarke gave Aurora another pleading look, falling back to her knees beside the girls unmoving body. "Please," Clarke whispered, voice breaking. "I can't do this without you." She was once again on the verge of tears as she clutched Aurora's hand in her own. "I need you. Your my sister. I can't lose you too, Rory... I-I can't..." Her voice gave up on her as more tears fell.

She's dead.

Bellamy only saw red. All he really knew was that someone was suddenly screaming at him. That he was grabbing someone else, hurting someone else. He couldn't control himself, honestly he welcomed the anger. Anything to take over the pain in his chest.

There was a gasp from behind him, coughing and then more noise. His ears were ringing.

Then he heard her.


His heart stopped, his fists freezing mid hit as the red receded. He was breathing hard as the world came back into focus. That was when his numbness disappeared. Someone had a hand on his upper arm, their fingers were warm and soft.

The Grounder was in front of him, bloody and unconscious. He had a grip on the man's throat, but released it instantly, backing away. He slowly brought his eyes to the person holding him, tears threatening to fall.

The green eyes he could never stay mad at were staring at him, soft and filled with tears. Her hair was matted, but still as beautiful as ever. Her face had color again, cheeks red. Her eyes danced over his face for a moment as Bellamy's lips parted.

Was this real?

Bellamy blinked, a single tear falling.

Aurora didn't vanish, the girl still staring back at him. She slowly brought her hand to his cheek, wiping away the tear. "I'm okay."

Bellamy pulled her into his arms instantly, lips on hers before he could even think about the fact that there were other people in here. His fists were bruised and blood as he cupped her face, kissing her as if today was his last day on Earth. He realized the irony to that sentence. Seeing Aurora lifeless on the ground had made him realize just how short life was, just how quickly it could all end. Aurora melted into the kiss, her tears sticking to his face. He pulled away, smiling as he scanned her every feature. His heart was racing and before he knew what he was doing, words were pouring out. "I love you."

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