Chapter Twenty-Six | Not Hero's, Just Survivors

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Chapter Twenty-Six | Not Hero's, Just Survivors

It didn't take Bellamy long to find his sister.

He dragged her straight to the dropship and handed her off to Clarke, praying that Octavia wasn't sick. He didn't know if he could deal with both Aurora and Octavia being on the verge of death. It was already bad enough with just Aurora. Not only had she gotten sick in front of him but they had also been arguing over Murphy and Bellamy definitely didn't want that fight to be the last words they exchanged.

IF she died...

He wanted a proper goodbye but he was going to do everything in his power to keep that from happening. Aurora was a survivor, a fighter and this biological weapon could not be the way she went out.

It just couldn't.

"Okay, we're done." Clarke concluded, straightening her back to turn to a still nervous Bellamy. "No visible signs of swelling or bleeding."

Bellamy looked beyond relieved. "So your saying she doesn't have it?"

Clarke bit her lip. "I'm saying... she doesn't have any symptoms, but that could change." Bellamy's relieved look washed away as fast as it had come as Clarke continued. "We need to keep her in here. Just in case."

"No way." Bellamy snapped, scanning the sick people inside. In the amount of time it had taken him to find his sister the number of people sick had multiplied. "Look at this place. She'll get sick just being in here."

Octavia looked annoyed as she crossed her arms over her chest to glare at Bellamy. She always hated when he would talk about her as if she wasn't sitting right here.

"Do you want to stop the spread or not?" Clarke demanded, not backing down from Bellamy's harsh glare. "Look, I'll keep her on the third level with the people who aren't symptomatic yet." She paused for a moment to roll her eyes when Bellamy didn't budge. "Think of it as a way to stop her from sneaking out again."

"Screw you, Clarke." Octavia snapped, sending the blonde a heated glare from her seat on one of the makeshift cots.

Clarke's eyes snapped to the pouting teen for a moment before she returned her gaze t a still silent Bellamy. She softened her features and took a step closer. "I'll let you know if her condition changes."

Octavia scoffed as she stood, already heading towards the latter that went to the third floor. She paused on her way up to give the pair a dark look. "We both know he's acting like this because of Aurora."

Then she was gone.

Bellamy swallowed hard as he turned to stare at Aurora. The girl was still curled into herself on a cott and all Bellamy wanted to do was hug and kiss her. She looked so horrible. Her skin was even paler than before and all the blood made her look deathly. She was shivering, eyeballs moving back and forth. She looked like she was having a nightmare, and that alone only made Bellamy want to go to her more.

"Don't do it." Clarke spoke softly, reminding Bellamy of her presence. He turned his eyes to meet hers. It seemed the girl could read the look on his face perfectly. She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them seconds later. "I know you love her, okay? I love her too. But getting sick right now won't help her in any way. The camp needs you, I need you and most of all Aurora needs you out there finding a way to stop this."

Bellamy felt his eyes glaze over as Derek flashed before his eyes. This virus had killed him in hours, and that was how long Aurora had it. "What if I'm too late? What if there is no cure?"

"Don't think like that." Clarke took a step closer to him, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "Your Bellamy Blake. You shot the Chancellor just to get on that ship for your sister. Your the one teaching everyone to hunt. You got us food when there was none, Bellamy. Your protecting us from Grounders right now."

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